Trade Shows in Antalya Expo Centre
2025 - 2026

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Antalya Expo Centre
Pinarli Beldesi
07110 Aksu - Antalya Turkey
+90 242 462 20 00
+90 242 462 19 90
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13 Trade Shows in Antalya Expo Centre (Antalya)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
IMWF - INTERNATIONAL MICE & WEDDING FORUMInternational MICE & Wedding Forum. IMWF will bring together the CEOs and senior managers of the largest MICE and wedding agencies of different countries once a year 04/03/2025
4 days
GREEN EXPO ANTALYAVegetables, Fruits, Packaging, Storage, Fresh Products, Equipment and Technologies International Exhibition in Antalya once a year 04/17/2025
2 days
JOJO EXPO - ANTALYASalon international à Antalya (Turquie) dédié à la caravane, à l'équipement de caravane et au tourisme once a year 04/30/2025
5 days
ANTALYA EXCLUSIVE JEWELLERY SHOWAntalya International Jewelry Expo, welcoming the leading names of Jewelry Industry from Turkey and everywhere once a year 05/16/2025
3 days
CNR EV TEKSTILI - CNR HOME TEXTILES EXHIBITIONCNR EV TEKSTILI is one of the world's two biggest fairs in the home textile industry once a year Sept. 2025 (?)
BEAUTY LIFE EXPO - ANTALYABEAUTY LIFE EXPO - ANTALYA is one of the major beauty exhibitions in Turkey, bringing together the sectors of aesthetics, beauty, hairdressing, cosmetics, makeup, personal care, barber equipment... once a year 09/26/2025
3 days
GROWMACHGrowmach is an International Exhibition of Tractors, Agricultural Machinery, Equipment & Technology. The Fair hosts international representatives of public and private sector at conferences and events related to agricultural machinery sector once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
GROWMACH TÜRKIYEGrowmach is a Tractor, Agricultural Machinery, Equipment & Technology Fair that gather the international agricultural machinery sector every 2 years Oct. 2025 (?)
GROWTECH TÜRKIYEGrowtech is the world's biggest exhibition in the greenhouse industry will bring together the global agriculture sector in Antalya once a year 11/19/2025
4 days
HOTELTECH ANTALYAAntalya International Hotel Equipment and Technical Materials Exhibition. All the technical needs of your new or existing hotel, for holiday villages, social housing, hospitals, schools... once a year Dec. 2025 (?)
ANFAS FOOD PRODUCT EXHIBITIONInternational Food & Beverage Exhibition. Anfas FoodProduct plans to bring together more than 300 exhibitors with more than 50, 000 professional visitors from 70 cities in Turkey and over 50 countries abroad once a year Jan. 2026 (?)
ANFAS HOTEL EQUIPMENTMediterranean Product, Textile, Decoration & Equipments Exhibition for Hotels, Motels, Restaurants once a year Jan. 2026 (?)
ANFAS OUTDOOR EXPOCamping, Nature and Water Sports International Exhibition in Antalya. For water sports, air sports, skiing, fishing, camping, Nature... enthusiasts once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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