Trade Shows in Corferias - Centro de Convenciones
2025 - 2026

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Corferias - Centro de Convenciones
Carrera 37 No 24
67 Bogotá Colombia
+57 (1) 3810000/30
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43 Trade Shows in Corferias - Centro de Convenciones (Bogotá)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
FILBO - FERIA INTERNACIONAL DEL LIBRO DE BOGOTABogota International Book Fair. One of the most important cultural events in the Spanish-speaking world once a year 04/25/2025
16 days
EXPOCONSTRUCCION EXPODISEÑOInternational Fair with an Academic Program and specialized displaying in Construction and the Architectonic Design, Industrial and Visual every 2 years 05/20/2025
6 days
TECNOCARNICOS ANDINAAndean Exhibition of Technologies for Dairy and Meat Production. Meat producers, suppliers of production technologies, inputs and knowledge. Presence of the most prestigious and innovative brands. Also, Conferences, workshops and courses every 2 years 05/25/2025
2 days
EXPOPARTESOne of the most important auto part trade fairs in Latin America every 2 years 06/04/2025
3 days
CREATEXCreatex is Columbia's leading knowledge platform for the textile and apparel industries, providing solutions and services for the manufacturing of finished products once a year 06/11/2025
3 days
SALON CREATEXCreatex is Colombia’s most relevant goods procurement and information platform for the clothing industry. Small, medium and large textile businesses participate every year once a year 06/11/2025
3 days
ANDIGRAFICAGraphic industry fair for Latin America. Andigráfica presents the latest trends in machinery and equipment, consumables, flexography... every 2 years 06/17/2025
4 days
FIMA - FERIA INTERNACIONAL DEL MEDIO AMBIENTEInternational Environmental Trade Fair. FIMA features all goods and services related to environment care, as well as to enhance the culture of conservation & recovery of natural resources and environment every 2 years 06/19/2025
3 days
COMIC-CON COLOMBIA - BOGOTÁComic-Con is the most important annual convention of pop culture and the entertainment industry, an event that has been held in the main cities of the world once a year 06/27/2025
4 days
IFLS + EICI - INTERNATIONAL FOOTWEAR & LEATHER SHOWInternational Exhibition of Leather, Supplies, Machines and Technologies. The largest business platform in Colombia and the Andean region, where manufacturers, buyers, designers and suppliers come together to bring innovation & fashion trends twice a year 07/01/2025
4 days
AGROEXPO BOGOTAInternational Fair directed to the Cattle and Agricultural Industry Sector in Colombia every 2 years 07/09/2025
12 days
NEXTCARThe NextCar show promotes the sale of used vehicles, responding to the growing market demand, with the support and confidence of the most recognized dealers once a year 07/31/2025
4 days
SILVEREXPO - BOGOTÁSilverexpo is the only fair in Colombia aimed at seniors with their families and companions once a year Aug. 2025 (?)
BELLEZA Y SALUDInternational Showcase for Esthetics, Health, Hairdressers and Integral Cosmetics for the Man and the Woman once a year 08/14/2025
4 days
EXPOPET COLOMBIAColombian International Pet Show. Discover a wide range of products and services that will improve your pet's quality of life and enjoy activities designed especially for animal lovers once a year 08/14/2025
5 days
FERIA BELLEZA Y SALUDBeauty & Health Trade Show. FERIA BELLEZA Y SALUD gathers cosmetologists, beauticians, therapists and professional hairdressers from Andean Region once a year 08/14/2025
4 days
GRAN SALÓN INMOBILIARIOThe GRAN SALON INMOBILIARIO is the fair that presents the most complete offer of new and used projects, residential, offices, hotels, commercial premises, national industrial parks... once a year 08/21/2025
4 days
EDUTECHNIAEdutechnia is an exhibition platform specialized in solutions and technologies for education and knowledge transfer once a year 08/27/2025
3 days
ESS+The ESS+ international security fair is one of the most important in Latin America, due to its technological content and the large influx of professionals & end users, looking for cutting-edge and sustainable solutions once a year 08/27/2025
3 days
FANYFAndean Fair of Business and Franchise. FANYF in Bogotá allows you to choose the franchise that best suits your profile and your budget, train and learn from industry experts once a year 08/27/2025
2 days
EMERGENCYTECHInternational Fair of Technology in Medical Emergency Services. The fair brings together the suppliers and representatives of the most important institutions in the Emergency Medical Services sector in Latin America every 2 years Sept. 2025 (?)
FERIA DEL HOGARHome Fair. Furniture, kitchenware, clothing, lingerie, leather and footwear, household appliances, technology and safety, hardware, design, decoration... once a year 09/04/2025
18 days
AMERICAS SECURITY CONNECTIONConference & Exhibition for the Latin American Leaders in Electronic Security. Americas Security Connection offering the best options to interact with buyers and sellers of security solutions once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
BICIGOBicigo is the great space for fans, lovers of bicycles and the general public once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
EXPO AGROFUTUROBusiness and Knowledge Platform for the Agro industry in Latin America once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
PROFLORATrade fair for the Colombian horticultural industry. Discover for yourself the exceptional quality and diversity of Colombia's floral industry while networking with leaders every 2 years 10/01/2025
3 days
SOFA - SALÓN DE OCIO Y LA FANTASÍAThe Show of Leisure and Fantasy (SOFA) is one of Colombia's most important alternative cultural management platforms, trends, creativity, entertainment and entrepreneurship once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
EXPODEFENSAInternational Exhibition of Defence and Security. EXPODEFENSA presents innovations in the domains of public safety and security, personal equipment, weapons, simulators, intervention craft, information systems and communication, ammunition and explosives every 2 years 10/20/2025
3 days
CAFÉS DE COLOMBIA EXPOExhibition dedicated to the promotion of different coffees from Colombia and South America. CAFÉS DE COLOMBIA EXPO is the framework for exhibiting and promoting new trends and innovations in the coffee market at national and international level once a year 10/23/2025
4 days
EXPO ETUDIENTE NACIONALExpo Estudiante Nacional brings together more than 100 universities and higher education institutions for 4 days to advise and guide 10th and 11th grade graduates, parents and the general public interested in Higher Education once a year 10/28/2025
4 days
EXPOESTUDIANTE NACIONALNational Student Expo brings together 100+ universities and higher education establishments in Bogota to advise and guide high school students, parents and the general public interested in higher education once a year 10/28/2025
4 days
CHOCOSHOWChocoshow, the fair that highlights the work of the cocoa sector of Colombia and that invites the families of the country to learn more about the origin and the process of making delicious chocolate once a year Nov. 2025 (?)
ANDINA-PACKTransformation, processing and packaging exhibition for the food and beverage industry, the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry in South America every 2 years 11/04/2025
4 days
EL GRAN SALÓN FERRETEROGRAN SALON FERRETERO is the great Colombian hardware fair, which aims to create an ideal networking and sales environment for distributors, hardware stores, suppliers, entrepreneurs, brands... once a year 11/06/2025
3 days
EXPOARTESANIASExpoartesanías is the main craft fair in Latin America. Its goal is to promote high quality traditional crafts once a year 12/05/2025
14 days
VITRINA TURISTICA ANATOTourism Fair in Colombia, organized by ANATO (Asociación Colombiana de Agencias de Viajes y Turismo) once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
INTERZUM BOGOTÁTechnological & Industrial Trade Show of Wood and Furniture. The widest range of samples of machinery, supplies and services to the industry of wood transformation and furniture manufacturing every 2 years 05/12/2026
4 days
MUESTRA INDUSTRIAL DEL MUEBLE Y LA MADERAWood Industry and Furniture Manufacturers Exhibition. Machinery, Equipment, Raw Materials and Service every 2 years 05/12/2026
4 days
ALIMENTECTrade Show for the Colombian and Latin American Food Products industry, in terms of Processed Foods, Horticulture and Fruit Farming, Beverages, Machinery, Equipment, Packaging, Technology and Services every 2 years 06/09/2026
4 days
MEDITECH BOGOTABogota Medical Services and Equipment Exhibition every 2 years 07/28/2026
4 days
COLOMBIAPLAST - EXPOEMPAQUEPlastic, Rubber & Petrochemical International Trade Fair + Packaging International Trade Fair every 2 years Sept. 2026 (?)
FERIA INTERNACIONAL DE BOGOTABogota International Industrial Fair. Event specialized in new technologies applied to all productive industries on the South American continent every 2 years 09/21/2026
5 days
SALON INTERNACIONAL DEL AUTOMOVILThe leading automobile show in Colombia. The latest models of personal vehicles, SUVs, utility vehicles and motorcycles, but also accessories and services every 2 years Nov. 2026 (?)
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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