Trade Shows in Brno Exhibition Centre
2025 - 2026

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Brno Exhibition Centre
Vystaviste 1
64700 Brno Czech Republic
+420 541 15 25 87
+420 541 15 30 79
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50 Trade Shows in Brno Exhibition Centre (Brno)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
EMBAX - PRINTInternational Trade Fair of Packaging, Printing and Reprography every 2 years 02/25/2025
3 days
SALIMATECHSALIMATECH exhibitions provide an overview of Czech and foreign food suppliers, cutting-edge technologies and equipment for production and processing, needs in milling, bakery and confectionery, as well as distribution every 2 years 02/25/2025
3 days
OPTAInternational Eye Optics, Optometry and Ophthalmology Fair. OPTA is the most important specialised presentation of eye optics and ophthalmology in the Central and Eastern European region once a year 03/07/2025
3 days
AMPERInternational Trade Fair of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Communication, Lighting, and Security Technologies once a year 03/18/2025
3 days
BUILDING FAIRS BRNOBuilding Fair. All aspects of housing and house constructions, building management services, technical solutions and equipment once a year 03/26/2025
4 days
DSBTimber Construction Fair in Brno. Wooden buildings and structures, materials for wooden buildings and structures, foundations and cladding for wooden buildings and other fields that are closely associated with wooden buildings once a year 03/26/2025
4 days
IBFThe Building Fair Brno presents a cross-section view of the entire construction industry. It covers construction of buildings, building crafts and technologies, construction materials and products, building structures and technical equipment of buildings once a year 03/26/2025
4 days
MOBITEXInternational Fair of Furniture, Home Textile and Interior Accessories. MOBITEX presents the latest trends in interior furnishings and home accessories once a year 03/26/2025
4 days
PRODITEInternational Fair of Children's Products. PRODÍTĚ Fair is the most important contracting and sales presentation of Child Products in the Czech Republic once a year 03/27/2025
3 days
STAINLESSInternational Stainless Steel Fair and Congress every 2 years 04/02/2025
2 days
BRNO PATCHWORK MEETINGThe international textile exhibition Brno Patchwork Meeting is the largest show of combined textile techniques not only in our country, but also in Central and Eastern Europe once a year 04/25/2025
3 days
ANIMAL TECHInternational Fair for Animal Production. The key themes of the exhibition are breeding, genetics, veterinary medicine, technology and agricultural technology for livestock every 2 years 04/27/2025
4 days
ANIMAL VETEXInternational Veterinary and Livestock Fair. The key themes of the exhibition are breeding, genetics, veterinary medicine, technology and agricultural technology for livestock every 2 years 04/27/2025
4 days
NATIONAL GAMEKEEPING SHOWThe National Gamekeeping Show presents both to professionals and the general public a broad range of gamekeeping and hunting supplies, including an exhibition of hunting trophies, hunters’ uniforms, hunting guns, ammunition & optical systems... once a year 04/27/2025
4 days
NATIONAL SHOW OF LIVESTOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENTNational Show of Livestock and Agricultural Equipment every 2 years 04/27/2025
4 days
MINERALS BRNOInternational Sales Exhibition of Minerals, Fossils, Jewels and Natural Products. The MINERALS BRNO sales exhibition is one of the largest mineralogical events in the Czech Republic twice a year 05/17/2025
2 days
ANIMEFESTThe largest Czech festival of Japanese comic (manga), animated movies (anime) and Japanese popculture once a year 05/23/2025
3 days
IDETInternational Fair of Defense and Security Technology and of Special Information Systems every 2 years 05/28/2025
3 days
ISETInternational Exhibition of Security Technology and Services every 2 years 05/28/2025
3 days
PYROS + PYROMEETINGInternational Fair of Fire Fighting Equipment - European Meeting of Firemen every 2 years 05/28/2025
3 days
FUTURE MOBILITYFUTURE MOBILITY is a presentation of solutions for the mobility of the future and a platform that aims to exchange information, education, exchange knowledge, experience and create conditions for faster introduction of modern technologies in transport once a year 06/10/2025
3 days
URBIS SMART CITY FAIRInternational Fair for Technology, Equipment and Services for Development of Communities and Towns once a year 06/10/2025
3 days
BRNO REVIVALA racing event that has no parallel in Central Europe. 100 years of car racing in one weekend at the Masaryk circuit. Europe's most prestigious vintage car racing series once a year July 2025 (?)
KABOCentral European Fair of Footwear and Leatherware. KABO – Footwear and Leatherware Fair is the most prestigious professional show of the products of Czech and foreign footwear manufacturers within the Czech and Slovak Republics twice a year Aug. 2025 (?)
STYLInternational Fashion Fair. STYL Fashion Fair is a trade summit for the fashion industry. Exhibitors from all over Europe offer and present to professionals new brands, new products and fashion trends in clothing twice a year Aug. 2025 (?)
GOInternational Travel Trade Fair. The GO Fair focuses on outbound tourism. In addition to domestic travel agencies, providers of tourism services in popular foreign destinations and foreign tourist once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
INTERPROTECInternational Fair of Personal Protective Equipment and Health & Safety at Work every 2 years Oct. 2025 (?)
MEFAInternational Fair of Medical Technology and Pharmacy & International Congress every 2 years Oct. 2025 (?)
REGIONTOURInternational Exhibition of Regional Tourism. REGIONTOUR is a key project to support domestic and incoming tourism in the Czech Republic once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
REHAPROTEXInternational Exhibition for Rehabilitation, Compensation, Prosthetic and Orthopedic Fair every 2 years Oct. 2025 (?)
ENVITECHENVITECH is one of the few fairs in Central Europe focusing on technology, products and services contributing towards protecting and restoring the environment every 2 years 10/07/2025
4 days
FOND-EXInternational Foundry Fair. The FOND-EX International Foundry Fair is an evergreen in the Brno's expo calendar. It has been held here since 1972 every 2 years 10/07/2025
4 days
IMTInternational Machine Tools Exhibition. As the largest event of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe, IMT is organized with the support of CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industry every 2 years 10/07/2025
4 days
MSVInternational Engineering Fair. International Engineering Fair.
The MSV International Engineering Fair is the most important industrial fair in Central Europe
once a year 10/07/2025
4 days
PLASTEX BRNOInternational Plastics, Rubber and Composites Fair. PLASTEX BRNO takes place concurrently with the MSV International Engineering Fair every 2 years 10/07/2025
4 days
PROFINTECHInternational Trade Fair for Surface Technology. The PROFINTECH International Trade Fair for Surface Technology has achieved the position of number one on the Czech expo market in the field of surface treatment every 2 years 10/07/2025
4 days
TRANSPORT A LOGISTICAInternational Fair for Transport and Logistics, one of the major logistics trade fairs in Central Europe every 2 years 10/07/2025
4 days
WELDING BRNOInternational Welding Engineering Fair. WELDING is in the position of the most important specialized welding technology expo in Central Europe every 2 years 10/07/2025
4 days
VETERÁNTECHNA BRNOThe largest historical vehicle market in the Czech Republic. Exchange of Oldtimers, Spare Parts and Documentation, Vintage Cars Exhibition once a year 10/18/2025
1 day
GAUDEAMUS BRNOExhibition dedicated to European Higher Education and Lifelong Learning. The biggest education exhibition in the Czech Republic once a year 10/21/2025
4 days
CARAVANING BRNOInternational Caravanning Show. Caravaning Brno, the International Caravanning Show, is one of the most significant events of this type in the Czech Republic as well as in Central and Eastern Europe once a year 11/06/2025
4 days
LIFECzech sports, dance and entertainment festival. A pavilion is dedicated to skiing once a year 11/28/2025
3 days
LIFE!Festival of Sports, Dance and Entertainment once a year 11/28/2025
3 days
CHRISTMAS MARKETConsumer Good, Gifts & Toys Fair. Christmas atmosphere, inspiration for buying gifts, and entertainment accompanying program once a year 12/11/2025
4 days
NATIONAL DOG SHOWDog Show in Brno. Sale of breeding needs and feed during the expo, located in the immediate vicinity of the competition circles once a year Jan. 2026 (?)
DUO CACIBBrno International Dog Show. Feed and mineral supplements for dogs, Veterinary preparations for dogs, Cynologic sports and training tools, Breeders' associations, Literature, magazines and media on dogs... once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
MOTOSALONInternational fair for motorcycles, ATVs, accessories and clothing. MOTOSALON is the largest motorcycle industry fair in Central Europe once a year 03/05/2026
4 days
BIOMASATrade Fair of Renewable Sources of Energy in Agriculture and Forestry. BIOMASA will present technologies for energy use of forest and agricultural biomass every 2 years April 2026 (?)
SILVA REGINAInternational Forestry and Hunting Fair. SILVA REGINA is one of the key Central European forestry and hunting fairs every 2 years 04/12/2026
5 days
TECHAGROInternational Fair of Agricultural Technology. Each year of the TECHAGRO trade fair is a presentation of trends in agriculture – digital technologies, precision agriculture, smart agriculture or the use of navigation systems every 2 years 04/12/2026
5 days
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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