Trade Shows in Charlotte Convention Center
2025 - 2026

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Contact info

Charlotte Convention Center
501 South College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202 USA
+1 (704) 339 6000
+1 (704) 339 6111
E-mail Web Site


4 Trade Shows in Charlotte Convention Center (Charlotte, NC)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
BUILD EXPO USA - CHARLOTTEAmerica's Premier Regional Building & Construction Event, providing a platform for the latest developments and innovations in the construction sector once a year 10/15/2025
2 days
CHARLOTTE BUILD, REMODEL & LANDSCAPE EXPOCharlotte Build, Remodel & Landscape Expo is a comprehensive and expansive home show that brings together homeowners and the area's leading building and remodeling experts once a year Jan. 2026 (?)
MID-ATLANTIC BOAT SHOWThe Largest Boating Event in North & South Carolina. Browse through Cruisers, Deck boats, Fishing Boats, Family Sport Boats, Personal Watercraft, Pontoons Boats, Wakeboard & Ski Boats, and so much more once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
IM ENGINEERING SOUTHIM ENGINEERING SOUTH is connecting the MedTech, Packaging, Automation, Design, and Plastics Industries Through the Premier Advanced Manufacturing Event in the US every 2 years 05/20/2026
2 days
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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