Trade Shows in Horncastle Arena
2024 - 2025

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Contact info

Horncastle Arena
55 Jack Hinton Drive
Christchurch 8024 New Zealand
+64 (03) 339 3599
E-mail Web Site


2 Trade Shows in Horncastle Arena (Christchurch)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
CHRISTCHURCH HOME SHOWRenovating and Building expo. Christchurch Home Show showcases the latest building, renovation, kitchen and bathroom, furnishing, outdoor and sustainable living products once a year March 2025 (?)
SOUTHMACH CHRISTCHURCHThe South Island's largest Manufacturing Technology Industry Exhibition every 2 years 05/28/2025
2 days
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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