Trade Shows in Palexpo
2025 - 2026

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CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex
Genève Switzerland
+41 22 761 11 11
+41 22 798 01 00
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17 Trade Shows in Palexpo (Geneve)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
SALON DU LIVRE DE GENÈVEThe Geneva Book Fair strongly carries the literary news of its country thanks to numerous Swiss authors and publishers in the multiplicity of literary genres. And promotes the French language in all its diversity once a year 03/19/2025
5 days
TIME TO WATCHESTime to Watches is dedicated to all watchmaking trends. A differentiating event open to professionals and enthusiasts alike, a resolutely relaxed concept designed to facilitate exchanges, stimulate synergies and promote sales once a year 04/01/2025
6 days
WATCHES & WONDERSInternational Exhibition of Luxury Watches. Exclusively for professionals in Fine Watchmaking who are invited by the exhibiting brands once a year 04/01/2025
7 days
INVENTIONS DE GENEVEInternational exhibition of inventions and new techniques in Geneva. Explore the latest developments in the fields of invention and innovation, participate in workshops, conferences, demonstrations dedicated to future inventors once a year 04/09/2025
5 days
EBACE - ANNUAL EUROPEAN BUSINESS AVIATION CONVENTION & EXHIBITIONEBACE is the flagship event for the business aviation community in Europe. Convention & Exhibition once a year 05/20/2025
3 days
EPHJ-EPMT-SMTThe most important Annual Trade Show in Switzerland. Incorporating. - EPHJ, Watch and Jewelry Professional Environment Exhibition
EPMT, Microtechnologies international Exhibition
- SMT, International Medical technologies Expo
once a year 06/03/2025
4 days
CIREDCIRED is one of Europe’s most important conference series for electricity distribution engineers. Join the electricity distribution community for one of CIRED’s focused Workshops once a year 06/16/2025
4 days
SWISS IT FORUM(S)The Swiss IT Forum(s) (ex LEC Geneva) is the mix between a trade show and a forum entirely dedicated to software and IT solutions for the company once a year 10/01/2025
2 days
AIDEXHumanitarian aid event that gathers world representatives of the humanitarian aid and development community once a year 10/22/2025
2 days
SALON BÉBÉ ET MOIExpo dedicated to the future and young parents. BÉBÉ ET MOI is intended for parents and expectant parents as well as their families, it offer a wide range of products, advices and services related to motherhood and childhood once a year Nov. 2025 (?)
LES AUTOMNALESInternational Fair of Geneva. House, wellness, leisure, flavors. Exhibitors, workshops and animations await you once a year 11/07/2025
10 days
ROAD TRIP EXPOExhibition exclusively dedicated to fans of van travel, leisure vehicles and slow tourism once a year 11/07/2025
3 days
SWISS BOAT SHOWBoat Show in Geneva. SWISS BOAT SHOW welcomes more than 120 representative of the entire nautical sector: sailing, power boating, watersliding sports, rowing activities, diving... once a year 11/07/2025
3 days
SWISS'EXPOAgriculture & Livestock Fair. The sectors represented at SWISS EXPO: animal genetics, cowsheds, stables & milking, feeding & fodder, transport & handling, farm equipment, seeds & harvesting technology, machines & implements, services once a year Jan. 2026 (?)
ART GENEVEArtgenève is a contemporary and modern art fair with an international audience. It hosts international galleries, institutional and private collections as well as independent spaces once a year 01/29/2026
4 days
SALON INTERNATIONAL DE L'AUTOMOBILE DE GENEVEInternational Motor Show. Motor cars, electric cars and alternative powered cars, design, engineering, tuning, accessories and parts for motor cars, original equipment manufacturers, workshop equipment for the repair & maintenance of motor cars... once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
INDEXInternational Exhibition for Nonwowens & high-tech Fabrics. INDEX features Nonwoven roll goods, Nonwoven applications and materials, Raw materials for nonwovens and ancillaries, Machinery for nonwovens and related services every 3 years 05/19/2026
4 days
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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