Trade Shows in Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre
2025 - 2026

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Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre
40224 Gothenburg Sweden
+46 31 708 80 00
+46 31 16 03 30
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19 Trade Shows in Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre (Gothenburg)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
SENIOR GÖTEBORGThe biggest fair in Sweden for an active older audience. The Senior fair presents a number of various themed sections reflecting the good life; Travels & Tourism, Home & Household, Health & Hobby as well as Law & Services once a year 03/27/2025
2 days
ELFACKScandinavia’s leading Meeting Place for the Electrical and Power Industries every 2 years 05/06/2025
4 days
LEVA & FUNGERAThe largest exhibition in Scandinavia concerning assistive technology products every 2 years 05/19/2025
4 days
VITALISExhibition and conference on IT solutions for the health, care and welfare sectors once a year 05/19/2025
4 days
BOKMÄSSAN - GÖTEBORG BOOK FAIRScandinavia's international book fair. One of the largest cultural events in the Nordics once a year 09/25/2025
4 days
HEM, VILLA & BOSTADSRÄTT GÖTEBORGThe Nordics’ coziest trade fair for meeting consumers from Sweden’s strongest purchasing region. Furniture & home furnishings. Kitchen/bathroom, floor, windows/doors, paint/wallpaper, ceiling, sauna, greenhouse, pool, smarts energy... unknown 10/10/2025
3 days
LOGISTIK & TRANSPORTLogistics and Transport Exhibition and Conference in Sweden once a year 11/04/2025
2 days
STUDENT & KNOWLEDGE FAIRStudent & Knowledge Fair. Get valuable advice for the future and inspiration for exciting new study and career choices once a year 11/20/2025
3 days
MY DOGThe largest dog event in the Nordics. Dogs will compete in two dog shows, and all the breed groups in the world will be represented in prestigious competitions with some of the dog world’s most sought-after judges once a year 01/03/2026
4 days
AUTO MÄSSANThe meeting point for the automotive service and after market industry in the Nordics. At the Automässan, everything for the motor industry service and aftermarket is gathered under one roof every 3 years 01/14/2026
4 days
BATMÄSSAN - GÖTEBORG BOAT SHOWInternational Boat Show. At Gothenburg Boat Show, there’s something for everybody who enjoys the life at sea; boat owners, boat enthusiasts, families, fishing enthusiast, water lovers and curious beginners once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
EUROHORSEEuroHorse is Northern Europe's largest meeting place for all horse lovers. Demonstrations in the paddock, shop for everything in horse and equestrian sports equipment once a year 02/19/2026
4 days
SUSTAINABLE MAINTENANCESustainable Maintenance - Scandinavia's leading maintenance fair. The arena for the future of sustainable maintenance every 2 years 03/10/2026
4 days
WOOD PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGYThis Wood Products & Technology trade fair and meeting place includes virtually every aspect of wood and its uses – from forestry, sawmilling, production, furniture making and exporting to building in wood, research, and creating new materials every 2 years 08/25/2026
4 days
VA-MÄSSANInternational Water fair. Municipal water & wastewater actors, producers of equipment and services in areas including water treatment, distribution, IT, measurement, control & regulation technology, operation, maintenance... every 2 years Sept. 2026 (?)
FASTFOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO - GÖTEBORG“FASTFOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO GÖTEBORG” is the leader in the catering industry in Sweden. It brings together professionals from the sector for two days to discover, get inspired and network every 2 years 09/16/2026
2 days
PROCESS TECHNOLOGYProcess Technology has become Scandinavia’s leading, most comprehensive venue for showing and accessing the latest know-how and technology in the process industry every 2 years 10/20/2026
3 days
SCANAUTOMATICAutomation exhibition. Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Transmissions, Measuring/Control/Regulating Technology, Electronics, Industrial Computer Technology, Robotics, Materials Handling every 2 years 10/20/2026
3 days
SCANPACKScanpack, The scandinavia’s leading packaging fair, brimming with opportunities, innovative ideas, new business connections, and cutting-edge solutions every 2 years 10/26/2027
4 days
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes ā changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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