Trade Shows in George R. Brown Convention Center
2025 - 2026

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Contact info

George R. Brown Convention Center
1001 Avenida de las Americas Houston, Texas 77010 USA
+1 (713) 853-8000
+1 (713) 853-8090
E-mail Web Site


8 Trade Shows in George R. Brown Convention Center (Houston, TX)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
RE+ TEXASRE+ Texas attracts energy professionals from across the solar and storage markets each year to facilitate business and connections once a year 05/13/2025
2 days
AUVSI'S XPONENTIALExhibition and conference on the latest developments in the unmanned systems technologies for air, land and sea once a year 05/19/2025
4 days
VALVE WORLD AMERICAS CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONExpo & Conference dedicated to the latest technologies, components and systems in the field of industrial flow control every 2 years 06/04/2025
2 days
THE FRANCHISE EXPO - HOUSTONNorth America's Franchise & Business Opportunities Event. THE FRANCHISE EXPO showcases the fastest growing franchises & business opportunities with thousands of potential franchisees & business partners eager ready to invest once a year 06/07/2025
2 days
BROADBAND COMMUNITIES SUMMITBroadband Communities Summit is the leading event for community leaders, property owners, network infrastructure builders and telco service providers to meet and discuss strategies for delivering connectivity for communities across the US once a year 06/23/2025
3 days
TEXAS RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION MARKETPLACEThe event brings together chefs, restaurateurs, managers, crockery educators, franchisees, caterers, consultants and other big names from restaurant industry also features kitchen appliances, new ideas and delicious flavors once a year 07/20/2025
2 days
BREAKBULK AMERICASInternational Trade Show for Maritime Transport of Non-Containerized Goods (Breakbulk) and "Project Cargo" (transportation of large, heavy-duty, high value, or complex pieces of equipment) every 2 years 09/30/2025
3 days
HOUSTEXHoustex draws together key decision makers, major tool and technology suppliers and thought leaders from across a broad spectrum of manufacturing disciplines for an unparalleled three-day experience every 2 years 11/04/2025
3 days
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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