Trade Shows in Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center
2025 - 2026

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Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center
E-5 Karayolu
Gürpinar Kavsagi
34522 Istanbul Turkey
+90 (212) 886 68 43
+90 (212) 886 62 43
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50 Trade Shows in Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center (Istanbul)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
ISTANBUL YARN FAIRInternational Istanbul Yarn Fair. Textile, Yarn, Finishing, Knitting, Hosiery Machines, Side Industries And Chemicals Fair every 2 years 02/26/2025
3 days
RUBBER ISTANBULRubber Eurasia, Rubber Technologies, Rubber Products and Raw Materials Fair will exhibit their latest technology products and services at the fair, which will host professional exhibitors and visitors from all over the world once a year April 2025 (?)
HARDWARE EURASIAHardware Eurasia brings together all the components of the industry. Meet & network with the right and reliable suppliers who are the leading hardware manufacturers in the fields of fasteners, hand tools, power tools, furniture accessories & components... once a year 04/09/2025
4 days
ISTANBUL TUBE & PIPEPipe, Profile, Wire, Steel Manufacturing and Technology Specialized Fair every 2 years 04/09/2025
4 days
YAPI - TURKEYBUILD ISTANBULInternational Building Fair. Turkeybuild Istanbul is the longest-running event for the building industry in Turkey once a year 04/16/2025
4 days
EKSPOMEDInternational Istanbul Medical Analysis, Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation Product, Device, System, Technology, Equipment, and Hospitals Fair once a year 04/24/2025
3 days
EXPOMED EURASIAInternational Fair for Health Care, Hospital Supplies, Medical and Laboratory Equipment and Rehabilitation Aids once a year 04/24/2025
3 days
PETROLEUM ISTANBULIstanbul International Petroleum, LPG, Lubricants, Equipment, Station Market Products and Technology Fair every 2 years 04/24/2025
3 days
SEAFOOD EXPO EURASIASEAFOOD EXPO EURASIA is an international event for communication between companies involved in fishery business and spheres which are closely related to it. Fishery, aquaculture, processing, shipbuilding, logistic & packaging... once a year May 2025 (?)
BEAUTYISTANBULExhibition For Cosmetics, Beauty, Hair, Private Label, Packaging, Ingredients once a year 05/08/2025
3 days
REPLAST EURASIARePlast Eurasia, organized with PAGÇEV Green Recycling and Technology Association is dedicated to the Plastic Recycling Technology and Raw Materials once a year 05/08/2025
3 days
ASANSÖR ISTANBULASANSÖR ISTANBUL, where innovations related to vertical transportation technologies, escalators and moving walks will all be on display: residential, commercial & hospital elevators, home and personal lifts, auto lifts, freight and service elevators... every 2 years 05/15/2025
4 days
IFAT EURASIAEurasia's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Refuse and Recycling every 2 years 05/15/2025
3 days
AUTOMECHANIKA ISTANBULInternational Automotive Trade Fair. From Design to Maintenance and Recycling once a year 06/12/2025
4 days
IGM - CLOTHING MACHINERYInternational Clothing Machinery, Embroidery Machinery, Clothing Side Industry and Accessories Fair every 2 years Sept. 2025 (?)
WORLDFOOD ISTANBULInternational Food Products & Processing Technologies Exhibition once a year 09/02/2025
4 days
ZUCHEXInternational Housewares & Gift, Electrical Appliances Fair. Discover unique new products that you can find only in Turkey once a year 09/11/2025
4 days
INTERMOBFurniture Side Industry, Accessories, Forestry Products and Wood Technology Fair once a year 09/25/2025
4 days
PROMOGIFT ISTANBULPromotional Products and Advertising Fair. Promotional Printing Systems, Textile Products, Souvenir Products, Stationery & Office Accessories, Technology & Electronic Goods, Printing Products, Recyclable Products once a year 10/02/2025
4 days
SIGN ISTANBULInternational Advertising Industry and Digital Printing Technologies Fair. Digital Print, Textile Print, Sign Technology, Visual Communication, Led & Led Screen, Industrial Print, 3D Print, Promotional Materials... once a year 10/02/2025
4 days
WOODTECH ISTANBULInternational Wood Processing Machines, Hand Tools & Cutting Tools Fair once a year 10/11/2025
5 days
EURASIA PACKAGING ISTANBULInternational Packaging Industry Fair. Eurasia Packaging Istanbul Fair is the most comprehensive annual show in the packaging industry in Eurasia once a year 10/22/2025
4 days
FOOD-TECH EURASIAFood Technologies Group Fair - Beverage, Filling and Liquid Food Technology, Milk and Dairy Technology, Meat Technology, Bakery and Confectionery Technology, Mill Technologies Special Section Food Safety, Hygiene and Quality Control Technology once a year 10/22/2025
4 days
ISTANBUL BOOK FAIRIstanbul International Book Fair. Books, Periodicals, Newspaper and magazine publishing, Media companies, Nongovernmental organizations involved in publishing... once a year 11/01/2025
9 days
CAM - EURASIA GLASSGlass Products and Applications, Production - Processing Technologies and Machinery, Auxiliary Products and Chemicals Fair once a year 11/15/2025
4 days
EURASIA DOOR FAIRInternational Interior Door and Door Systems, Lock, Panel, Board, Partition Systems and Accessories Fair in Turkey once a year 11/15/2025
4 days
EURASIA GLASS FAIRTurkish international Fair dedicated to Glass Products and Applications, Production-Processing Technologies and Machineries, Auxiliary Products and Chemicals once a year 11/15/2025
4 days
EURASIA WINDOW FAIRInternational Window, Glass Technology, Accessories, Related Industry and Auxiliary Products Fair once a year 11/15/2025
4 days
KAPI - EURASIA DOORInternational Door, Shutter, Lock, Panel, Board, Partition Systems and Accessories Fair once a year 11/15/2025
4 days
KARAVANISTIstanbul international Caravan & Equipment, Tiny House, Outdoor and Camping Materials Fair once a year Dec. 2025 (?)
PLAST EURASIAInternational Istanbul Plastic Industries Fair. Machinery Equipment and Sub-Industry, Mold, Recycling, Heat and Control Devices, Raw Materials and Chemicals, Semi-finished Plastic Products, Related Associations, Sectoral Publications... once a year 12/03/2025
4 days
HOST ISTANBULInternational Housewares Sourcing Fair. Glass, Porcelain, Ceramics, Metal Kitchenware, Plastic Homewares, Garden Accessories, Decorative Home and Kitchenware, Electrical Home Appliances once a year Jan. 2026 (?)
IIFF - ISTANBUL INTERNATIONAL FURNITURE FAIRIIFF - International Istanbul Furniture Fairis hosted with the support of the Furniture Associations Federation (MOSFED). It welcomes 1000+ exhibitors and 3000+ participants from 5 continents, 156 countries once a year 01/27/2026
5 days
EMITT ISTANBULEastern Mediterranean International Travel & Tourism Exhibition once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
FRANCHISE ISTANBUL EXPOThe Istanbul International Franchise Exhibition aims of bringing together national and international investors and entrepreneurs under the roof once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL ISTANBUL YARN FAIRYarn Trade Event. Cotton Yarns, Elastic Yarns, Wool Yarns, Polyester Yarns, Metallic Yarns once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
ISTANBUL STATIONERY OFFICEIstanbul International School, Stationery, Paper, Office Supplies and Toy Fair once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
ISTANBUL TOY FAIRThe International Istanbul Toy Fair, which brings together all components of the toy industry under one roof, is considered one of the most effective fairs in the Eurasian region for discovering and ordering new products once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
THE FLOWER AND PLANT SHOWTrade Show dedicated to Ornamental Horticulture and Landscaping sector once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
MADEN TURKEYMining, Mining Machinery, Equipment and Construction Vehicles Fair every 2 years 04/08/2026
4 days
MINING TURKEYMining, Mining Machinery, Equipment and Construction Vehicles Fair. Mining Turkey features Ores, Coal, Natural Stones, Aggregates, Sand, Cement, Lime, Plaster Technologies, Precious and Semi Precious Stones and Metals Fair every 2 years 04/08/2026
4 days
HIGHTEXTechnical Textiles & Nonwovens and Weaving Technologies Trade Fair every 2 years 06/09/2026
5 days
ITMInternational Exhibition of Textile Machinery every 2 years 06/09/2026
5 days
MAKTEK EURASIAMachine Tools, Metal Processing Machines, Welding, Cutting, Drilling Technologies, Quality Control and Test Equipment Fair every 2 years 09/28/2026
6 days
MUFOPACKFood & Packaging trade Show. Foodstuff & Beverage, Pack-print Technology, Packaging Materials, Packaging Systems, Packaging Machinery every 2 years Nov. 2026 (?)
MUSCONConstruction Suppliers Trade Show. Furniture & Interior Decoration, Construction, Building Materials, Heating System, Marbles & Granites, Glass Products, House Appliances, Plastics… every 2 years Nov. 2026 (?)
MÜSIAD EXPOIstanbul Industrial Fair. MÜSİ AD EXPO attracts a wide diversity of industries each year, embracing innovation and highlighting global trends. Many sectors represented, networking, round tables, individual B2B meetings... every 2 years Nov. 2026 (?)
MUSIAD INTERNATIONAL FAIRIndependent Industrialists & Businessmen’s Association International Fair every 2 years Nov. 2026 (?)
MUTEXClothing Suppliers Trade Show. Textiles & Apparels, Garments, Underwear, Textiles & Garment Machinery, Footwear, Carpet, Leather Apparels & Goods every 2 years Nov. 2026 (?)
NUMACTool Manufacturing Trade Show. Machinery, Machine Tools & Spare Parts, Electronics, Electrical Machinery, Computer, Automotive, Automotive Spare & Supply Products every 2 years Nov. 2026 (?)
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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