Trade Shows in Ayana Midplaza Jakarta
2025 - 2026

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Contact info

Ayana Midplaza Jakarta
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 10-11
Jakarta Pusat
Jakarta 10220 Indonesia
+62 (021) 251 0888
E-mail Web Site


2 Trade Shows in Ayana Midplaza Jakarta (Jakarta)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
ACCESS MBA - JAKARTAACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world twice a year 04/07/2025
1 day
INDONESIA RETAIL & ECOMMERCE INNOVATION SUMMITThe summit aims at retailers both in-store and online, to help businesses thrive in the highly disruptive retail sector. Business Agility, Future Retail Stores, Experiential Initiatives, Supply Chain & Home Delivery... once a year Jan. 2026 (?)
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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