Exhibition Name | Cycle | Date |
MALAYSIA AUTOSHOWMalaysia's biggest Automotive Exhibition, showcasing the latest vehicles on the market, for both Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and Electric Vehicles (EV) alike | once a year | 05/09/2025 7 days |
MALAYSIA BIKE SHOWMalaysia's biggest Motorbike Exhibition. More than 150 two-wheel models will be on display. The latest motorbikes, from scooters to superbikes! | once a year | 05/09/2025 7 days |
MALAYSIA EV SHOWMalaysia's Biggest Electric Car Exhibition, showcasing the latest EV models available in the Malaysian market, allowing participants to experience the EV lifestyle first hand | once a year | 05/09/2025 7 days |
PAKAR PERTANIAN EXPOMalaysia's International Agriculture & Livestock Exhibition. Pertanian Expo - PPE is the platform of choice for all agriculture, aquaculture & livestock industry professionals from around the region | once a year | 04/17/2026 3 days |