Trade Shows in Centro Internacional de Conferencias Joaquim Chissano
2025 - 2026

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Contact info

Centro Internacional de Conferencias Joaquim Chissano
Avenida da Marginal nr. 4441
Maputo Mozambique
+258 21 48 54 38
E-mail Web Site


3 Trade Shows in Centro Internacional de Conferencias Joaquim Chissano (Maputo)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
MMEC - MOZAMBIQUE MINING, OIL & GAS AND ENERGY CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITIONMozambique Mining, Oil & Gas and Energy Conference and Exhibition once a year 05/07/2025
2 days
MOZAMBIQUE GAS SUMMITThe Mozambique Gas & Energy Summit & Exhibition gathers key Mozambican and international government, ministerial and industry stakeholders, investors, developers and private sector value chain participants once a year 09/22/2025
3 days
MOZAMBIQUE GAS & ENERGY SUMMIT & EXHIBITIONThe leading international meeting place for Mazambique's gas, LNG & Energy Industry once a year Feb. 2026 (?)
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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