Trade Shows in Fiera Milano City
2025 - 2026

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Fiera Milano City
Padiglioni 14, 15, 16
20145, Milano Italy
+39 (02) 4997 1
+39 (02) 4997 7379
E-mail Web Site


18 Trade Shows in Fiera Milano City (Milan)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
MIARTMilan’s international modern and contemporary art fair. MIART presents the largest chronological offer of artworks in Italy, proposing masterpieces from the early twentieth century together with new productions by the most influential contemporary artist once a year 04/04/2025
3 days
SI SPOSAITALIA COLLEZIONIItalian wedding and formal wear show. Glamor and elegance come together in Milan at Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni. Creativity and business, customs and trends in a show which is proving to be a growing center of international bridal fashion once a year 04/04/2025
3 days
ISSA PULIRE – THE SMART SHOWShow of the Professional Cleaning and Environmental Hygiene in Spain every 2 years 05/27/2025
3 days
PHARMINTECHInnovation Exhibition for the Pharmaceutical and Para Pharmaceutical Industries every 3 years 05/27/2025
4 days
MILANO MODA UOMOFashion Show for Men. This is an international event featuring novelties and pret-à-porter collections for men created by italian fashion's most prestigious designers twice a year June 2025 (?)
CLIMATETECHThe climate technologies zone of Gastech Exhibition & Conference showcases a wide range of innovations and technologies and engineering applications once a year 09/09/2025
4 days
GASTECHInternational Conference & Exhibition for the LNG, LPG and Natural Gas Industries once a year 09/09/2025
4 days
GASTECH EXHIBITION & CONFERENCEA landmark event in the energy industry’s calendar, and the world’s largest meeting place for the global natural gas, LNG, hydrogen, low-carbon solutions, and climate technologies industries once a year 09/09/2025
4 days
GASTECH HYDROGENThe climate technologies zone of Gastech Exhibition & Conference showcases a wide range of innovations and technologies and engineering applications once a year 09/09/2025
4 days
MILANO MODA DONNAWomen's Wear Exhibition. MILANO MODA DONNA is an international event featuring novelties and pret-à-porter collections created by italian fashion's most prestigious designers twice a year 09/23/2025
7 days
VISCOM ITALIAInternational Trade Fair for Visual Communication once a year 10/01/2025
3 days
SMAU MILANOInternational Exhibition of Information & Communications Technology once a year 11/05/2025
2 days
BIT - INTERNATIONAL TOURISM EXCHANGEBIT is the international tourism fair in Italy. A marketplace to support the tourism industry in Italy and around the world once a year 02/08/2026
3 days
BUYITALYBIT is an international marketplace which supports the tourism industry in Italy and around the world. It connecs the world of industry professionals in a totally b2b context and offers the opportunity for professionals to meet travellers directly once a year 02/08/2026
3 days
XYLEXPOInternational Biennial Wood Processing Machinery and Accessories Exhibition every 2 years May 2026 (?)
TRANSPOTECExhibitions of Technologies for Transport, Intermodal Services and Logistics every 2 years 05/13/2026
4 days
SIMEIInternational Enological and Bottling Equipment Exhibition every 2 years 11/17/2026
4 days
EMO MILANOWorld of Machine Tools. Metal forming and metal cutting machine tools, machines for welding, for thermal and surface treatments, robots, automation hardware and software, assembling, tools, parts, components, accessories, metrology, quality control every 6 years 10/04/2027
6 days
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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