Trade Shows in La Cité Nantes Events Center
2025 - 2026

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Contact info

La Cité Nantes Events Center
5, rue de Valmy
44000 Nantes France
+33 (0)2 51 88 20 00
+33 (0)2 51 88 20 20
E-mail Web Site


7 Trade Shows in La Cité Nantes Events Center (Nantes)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
SALON DE L'APPRENTISSAGE, DE L'ALTERNANCE ET DES MÉTIERS DE NANTESExhibition of apprenticeship, work-study and trades once a year 03/01/2025
1 day
LE SALON ARTS, COMMUNICATION ET NUMÉRIQUE DE NANTESSalon dédié aux formations artistiques, de communication et numériques. Les écoles présentes seront à votre écoute pour vous parler des cursus possibles afin de peaufiner votre projet d’études et trouver l’établissement qui vous correspond once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
LE SALON DES GRANDES ÉCOLES DE NANTESGrandes Ecoles Fair, engineering and business schools. The different schools will be happy to present you their courses in order to help you choose your path and find the right school once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
LE SALON SANTÉ, SOCIAL, PARAMÉDICAL ET SPORT DE NANTESResponsibles and students from faculties of medicine and pharmacy, health schools, pre-medical courses, paramedical, social and nursing schools... will be presents to tell you about possible courses and admission requirements once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
FORUM ATLANTIQUECorporate/Student Meeting & Forum for the western part of France once a year Nov. 2025 (?)
COMPOSITE MEETINGSThis business convention on Composites brings together international users and suppliers of composite materials in the form of qualified and pre-scheduled meetings. Prospect new customers, suppliers, partners, markets... every 2 years 11/05/2025
2 days
LA FOLLE JOURNÉE DE NANTESLa Folle Journee aims to desecrate classical music too often considered elitist in order to allow access to a wider audience, while maintaining artistic excellence once a year Jan. 2026 (?)
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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