Trade Shows in Paris Nord Villepinte
2025 - 2026

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Paris Nord Villepinte
95970 Roissy Cedex France
+33 (0)1 40 68 22 22
+33 (0)1 40 68 20 06
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16 Trade Shows in Paris Nord Villepinte (Paris)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
JEC WORLDJEC World is a leading International Composites Show, activating a global community from the business, manufacturing, research and academic worlds and enabling networking for new ideas and creates growth opportunities once a year 03/04/2025
3 days
PARIS MANGA & SCI-FI SHOWParis Manga & Sci-Fi Show attracts enthusiasts of imaginary worlds, lovers of superpowers, comics, science fiction, cinema and TV series... twice a year 03/15/2025
2 days
JAPAN EXPO PARISJapanese Leisure Festival. Japan Expo is the meeting place for lovers of Japan and its culture, from manga to martial arts, from video games to Japanese folklore, from J-music to traditional music once a year 07/03/2025
4 days
MAISON & OBJETA crossroads in the deco-design sector, the Maison&Objet Paris trade show brings together all the players in the art of living – brands, designers, craftsmen, home experts. Decorative objects, designer furniture, accessories, textiles, scents, tableware twice a year 09/04/2025
5 days
PREMIÈRE VISION PARISInternational exhibition of textiles for clothing. Discover thousands of products, designs, fabrics, leathers, and accessories to develop your next collections twice a year 09/16/2025
3 days
SILMOInternational Optics and Eyewear Exhibition. The SILMO show is organized by optical manufacturers united within the SILMO Association. It implements exceptional know-how at the service of optical professionals once a year 09/26/2025
4 days
WNE - WORLD NUCLEAR EXHIBITIONThe world's leading civil nuclear exhibition. With around 780 actors from all over the world, WNE is covering the whole nuclear supply chain every 2 years 11/04/2025
3 days
MILIPOL PARISWorldwide Exhibition of Internal State Security. MILIPOL presents the latest technological innovations in the safety and internal security sector of States and allows debate on the present and future of the industry every 2 years 11/18/2025
4 days
GLOBAL INDUSTRIE PARISThe Professional Manufacturing Technologies Exhibition. Top European exhibition which will group together all solutions in terms of equipment, components, products and services for stages of industrial manufacturing, from design through to production every 2 years March 2026 (?)
EUROSATORYDefense & Security International Exhibition. EUROSATORY is the only International Exhibition Exclusively dedicated to Land Defense Activities and Airland Solutions (Land and Air-land Equipment or Associated Services) every 2 years 06/15/2026
5 days
IN-FOODAn Event 100% dedicated to Semi-Processed Food Products every 2 years 10/17/2026
5 days
SIALInternational Exhibition of Food Industry. A global marketplace for all those involved in the food industry (retail, trade, manufacturing, catering professions, services). SIAL is where business and innovation meet every 2 years 10/17/2026
5 days
EURONAVALInternational Naval Defence & Maritime Exhibition & Conference. EURONAVAL is the international trade show applying high technology to naval defence and maritime security and safety every 2 years Nov. 2026 (?)
SIMA - SIMAGENAInternational Agribusiness Show. Agricultural Machinery, Agri-supplies, Animal husbandry, Services - Genetics, Health, Foodstuffs and Equipment for cattle. Equipment and Techniques for Intensive Livestock Breeding every 2 years Nov. 2026 (?)
ALL4PACK PARISInternational Trade Fair devoted to Packaging, Printing, Processing & Handling solutions for every sector every 2 years 11/23/2026
4 days
INTERMATInternational Exhibition of Equipment and Techniques for the Civil Engineering and Construction every 3 years 04/24/2027
4 days
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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