Trade Shows in Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot
2025 - 2026

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Contact info

Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot
2, place de la Porte Maillot
75583 Paris Cedex 17 France
+33 (0)1 40 68 22 22
+33 (0)1 40 68 27 40
E-mail Web Site


13 Trade Shows in Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot (Paris)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
QUANTUM NETWORKS SUMMITQUANTUM NETWORKS SUMMIT highlights and explains the softwerization, disaggregation and cloudification processes. A valuable event to get a comprehensive overview of where the networking industry is heading to and meet the best experts in the routing area once a year 03/25/2025
2 days
SASE FORUMThe SASE Forum will delve into the transformative journey from traditional networking to a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture. Experts will explore in particular how AI and machine learning are revolutionizing network automation once a year 03/26/2025
1 day
EUROPCRInternational Congress in Interventional Cardiology once a year 05/20/2025
4 days
LE PRINTEMPS DES ETUDESAnnual Gathering of Communications, Marketing, Market Research & Polls professionals once a year 09/25/2025
2 days
LES JOURNÉES ANNUELLES DES HYDROCARBURES (ANNUAL DAYS OF HYDROCARBON)Great gathering bringing together national & international petrol companies, producing countries representatives, research firms, service companies, suppliers of equipment, technical experts & representatives of the French & European Governments once a year Oct. 2025 (?)
JOURNEES FRANÇAISES DE RADIOLOGIEFrench-speaking days of diagnostic and interventional radiology. A multi-professional conference dedicated to all professionals involved in imaging once a year 10/03/2025
4 days
LE SALON DES MICRO-ENTREPRISESMeeting for independents, franchise candidates, creators and managers of VSEs once a year 10/13/2025
2 days
PARIS AUDIO VIDEO SHOWThe most important event dedicated to High Fidelity and Home Cinema in France. For professionals and enthusiasts of audiovisual technology once a year 10/25/2025
2 days
JOURNÉES DE L'INNOVATION EN BIOLOGIEAnnual meeting of Clinical Biology. The JIB combines an expanding exhibition with a top level scientific biomedical congress. For Liberal and hospital biologists, internship students, researchers, laboratories technicians and secretaries… once a year Nov. 2025 (?)
GREENTECH FORUMGreenTech Forum is the professional event dedicated to reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology. For a responsible digital strategy within your organization once a year 11/04/2025
2 days
JOURNÉES DE L'ORTHODONTIEParis Orthodontics Congress. This scientific congress allows all professions linked to orthodontics to come together for a moment of exchange and conviviality once a year 11/07/2025
3 days
ADF CONGRESInternational Dental Technology Show. Products and Equipment for the Dental Operator and Laboratory once a year 11/25/2025
5 days
LE SALON MASTERS ET MASTÈRES SPÉCIALISÉS, EN FRANCE ET À L'ÉTRANGER DE PARISYou’re thinking of pursuing your studies after a bac +3 and wondering what are the differences between a master, a mastère, an MSc or an MBA ? Find out more about the specific features of each of these degrees and their career opportunities once a year Jan. 2026 (?)
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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