BYGGMÄSSANSwedish trade fair for the building and construction industry. Lots of business opportunities and networking opportunities. The emphasis is on sustainable development and innovative materials |
once a year |
03/05/2025 2 days |
FASTIGHETSMÄSSAN STOCKHOLMTrade Show for the Scandinavian Real Estate Industry. Fastighetsmässan is an opportunity to quickly establish valuable contacts with property owners for apartments buildings, office buildings, commercial buildings, shopping malls, industrial properties |
once a year |
03/12/2025 2 days |
ADVANCED ENGINEERING - STOCKHOLMAdvanced Engineering Stockholm covers every phase of the product development process, for every sector of the Benelux manufacturing industry. 250+ exhibitors will bring you their expertise from the design, engineering and prototyping of your product |
once a year |
04/02/2025 2 days |
ELEKTRONIKMÄSSANAn exhibition that brings together industry professionals, innovators, and electronics enthusiasts. On-site, everything within electronics is showcased, from the latest technology to thousands of electronics products |
once a year |
04/02/2025 2 days |
ELEKTRONIKMÄSSAN STOCKHOLMSwedish Electronics trade show. Meet the leading players in the electronics industry and gain an overview of what’s happening in the electronics market. In parallel stands "Embedded Conference Scandinavia" |
once a year |
04/02/2025 2 days |
SETT STOCKHOLMEducation fair in the age of new digital technologies, dedicated to directors, teachers and techno-pedagogical advisors |
once a year |
04/08/2025 3 days |
E-COMMERCE EXPO - STOCKHOLME-commerce chain exhibition, from choosing strategic channels to efficient logistics |
once a year |
05/14/2025 2 days |
RETAIL TECHNOLOGYSwedish Retail Fair. Here, commerce stakeholders come together to explore cutting-edge technologies and innovative tools that improve the customer experience |
once a year |
05/14/2025 2 days |
STOCKHOLM TECH SHOWThe Nordic region's leading forum and networking venue for digital transformation technologies. The technologies of the future brought together under one roof. Meet visionaries, innovators, the most exciting companies and start-ups in the sector |
every 2 years |
05/14/2025 2 days |
INFRASTRUKTURInfrastruktur addresses every aspect of public infrastructure: Civil engineering, road, tunnel and bridge construction, landscaping, utilities, water & sewage, supply & maintenance, public space design & mobility, digitalisation, energy & environment |
once a year |
05/21/2025 2 days |
NORDIC MOBILITYThe Nordic region's largest meeting place for future urban mobility models and smart transport. 250+ exhibitors show the way to tomorrow's transport for people and goods |
once a year |
05/21/2025 2 days |
STOCKHOLM SMART CITYStockholm Smart City presents the latest visions & solutions for the smart cities and communities of the future. Solutions for a sustainable, safe and connected city. Here, decision-makers, experts, innovators share their experiences and collaborate... |
once a year |
05/21/2025 2 days |
EKONOMI & FÖRETAGThe Ekonomi & Företag seminar examines the economy from its big perspectives (the global situation and its impact on Swedish companies) to its smaller ones, such as new developments in laws, taxation, VAT, accounting, in emphasizing efficiency |
once a year |
09/24/2025 2 days |
EMPACK STOCKHOLMInternational Packaging Fair in Sweden. Empack is a specialised trade show designed for and marketed to budget-holding decision makers who are in charge of packaging at their enterprises |
every 2 years |
10/01/2025 2 days |
LOGISTIK SWEDENInternational Trade Fair for Shipping, Transport & Logistics. LOGISTIK Stockholm features a comprehensive selection of national and international suppliers complemented by an extensive programme of lectures and networking activities |
once a year |
Oct. 2025 (?) |
ELMÄSSAN STOCKHOLMElectricity and lighting industry swedish expo. A meeting place that unites thousands of electricians, installers, consultants, project managers & other decision-makers with suppliers in installation, lighting, renewable energy, and fiber |
once a year |
10/15/2025 2 days |
ECO LIVING SCANDINAVIAEco Life Scandinavia is the largest sustainable B2B trade event in the Nordic countries for trade buyers in the healthy living, nutrition, natural beauty and self-care sectors |
once a year |
11/12/2025 2 days |
NORDIC ORGANIC FOOD FAIRScandinavia’s biggest natural & organic trade event. The Nordic Organic Food Fair is the largest certified organic food and drink trade event in the Nordic region |
once a year |
11/12/2025 2 days |
E-HÄLSA + MVTEE-Health+MVTe – Sweden's largest meeting place for everyone who leads, develops and streamlines e-health and wellness technologies |
once a year |
01/21/2026 2 days |
FRAMTIDENS HÄLSA - OCH SJUKVARDFRAMTIDENS LIVSMEDEL is the largest trade fair in Sweden for the entire food industry. Focusing on Innovation, Sustainability and Health, it is held in parallel with FOOD PRODUCTION & FOODTECH |
once a year |
01/21/2026 2 days |
LÖSNINGAR FÖR OFFENTLIG SEKTORThe nordic region leading exhibition, conference and meeting place for public sector innovations |
once a year |
01/21/2026 2 days |
UPHANDLINGSDAGARNAUphandlingsdagarna is the meeting, conference and exhibition venue for Swedish public sector buyers. Networking, inspiring conferences, exchange of experiences... create a dynamic environment where ideas and knowledge circulate |
once a year |
01/21/2026 2 days |
FASTFOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO - STOCKHOLM“FASTFOOD & CAFÉ & RESTAURANT EXPO STOCKHOLM” is the leader in the catering industry in Sweden. It brings together professionals from the sector for two days to discover, get inspired and network |
once a year |
01/28/2026 2 days |
SALES & MARKETING EXPOMarketing Solutions Show. Whether you offer CRM systems, analytics tools or marketing services and more, the Sales & Marketing Expo is the perfect place to connect with your next customers |
once a year |
Feb. 2026 (?) |
PERSONAL & CHEF STOCKHOLMPersonnel & Chef is the meeting place for HR, managers and executives who want to increase their skills and deepen their knowledge on how to retain, engage and attract talent |
once a year |
02/04/2026 2 days |
MÖTEN & EVENTSwedish trade fair for organizing events. Möten & Event is the perfect place to help 3400+ visitors who are looking for new suppliers to take their events to the next level |
once a year |
02/18/2026 2 days |
STOCKHOLM BUSINESS EXPOHere, as a supplier, you meet +3400 entrepreneurs, small businesses and scaleups who are looking for new suppliers to grow and propel their business to success |
once a year |
02/18/2026 2 days |