
Trade Shows in Asia - Pacific
2025 - 2026


Countries in Asia - Pacific

Main cities in Asia - Pacific

Bangkok (Thailand) (151) Beijing (China) (61) Dhaka (Bangladesh) (56) Guangzhou (China) (102) Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) (103) Hong Kong (Hong Kong) (88) Jakarta (Indonesia) (176) Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) (77) Manila (Philippines) (57) Melbourne (Australia) (63) Mumbai (India) (127) New Delhi (India) (92) Seoul (Korea South) (102) Shanghai (China) (254) Singapore (Singapore) (120) Sydney (Australia) (61) Taipei (Taiwan) (60) Tashkent (Uzbekistan) (61) Tehran (Iran) (75) Tokyo (Japan) (141)
Dec 159 Jan 113 2025 Feb 188 Mar 260 Apr 283 May 384 Jun 249 Jul 245 Aug 246 Sep 372 Oct 393 Nov 289 Dec 144 Jan 111 2026 Feb 174 Mar 262 Apr 275 May 368 Jun 248 Jul 236 Aug 240 Sep 354 Oct 377 Nov 281 Dec 133
3232 Trade Shows in Asia - Pacific
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ASEAN M&E SHOWASEAN Mechanical, Electrical and Engineering show. ASEAN M&E is the prefect venue to introduce new products, generate sales leads, build sales networks, enhance brand image and meet with key customers every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
ASEAN SOLAR EXPOASEAN Solar Expo brings together the largest group of green technology and renewable energy developers and supply chain partners seen anywhere in the Southeast Asia every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
DYE+CHEM ASIAInternational Exhibition devoted to focus on all kinds of Dyes and Fine & Specialty Chemicals once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Impact Exhibition & Convention Center 06/03/2026
3 days
HEAVY MACHHEAVY MACH is a leading exhibition in the heavy equipment industry sector, featuring machines such as the backhoe, crane, wheel loader, grader, forklift and bulldozer, along with the full spectrum of their services, spare parts and accessories every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
REVAC EXPO & FORUMInternational Refrigeration, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Event every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
TENAGA EXPO & FORUMSouth East Asia's Premier Power & Electrical Industry Show. Expo & Forum every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
INTEC COIMBATOREIndia's international Machine Tools and Industrial Trade Fair every 2 years Coimbatore (India) Codissia Trade Fair Complex 06/04/2026
5 days
WORLD CITIES SUMMITWorld Cities Summit (WCS) is an exclusive and premier platform for government leaders and industry experts to address liveable and sustainable city challenges, share integrated urban solutions, and forge new partnerships every 2 years Singapore (Singapore) Suntec Singapore 06/14/2026
3 days
KOREA OCEAN EXPOKorea International Shipbuilding Expo & Conference. Shipbuilding Equipment & Technologies, Ship Engines & Parts, Shipyard, Marine Equipment, Eco-Friendly Ship Equipement, Navigation, Communication Device, Safety, Rescue... every 2 years Incheon (Korea South) Songdo Convensia 06/17/2026
3 days
VALVE WORLD ASIA EXPO & CONFERENCEPiping and Valve Professionals Conference & Expo in China. Valve World Expo & Conference Asia is a valuable meeting point for valve professionals from all over the world with a special emphasis on recent developments in China every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 06/22/2026
2 days
AIR CARGO CHINAExhibition & conference for air cargo and logistics every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 06/24/2026
3 days
TRANSPORT LOGISTIC CHINAInternational Exhibition for Logistics, Telematics & Transportation. Transport Logistics China is where exhibitors present the trends & latest developments in Logistics & set the course for long after the exhibition in interesting conferences & meetings every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 06/24/2026
3 days
AEROMART HYDERABADInternational Business Convention for the aerospace industry. Supply chain, Procurement, Purchasing, Engineering, Fabrication, R&D... every 2 years Hyderabad (India) 06/29/2026
3 days
FASTENER FAIR INDIA - NEW-DEHLIIndia International Exhibition for Fastener and Fixing Technology every 2 years New Delhi (India) Pragati Maidan July 2026 (?)
IITEX - INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY EXPOIndustrial Innovation & Technology Expo. The Expo is aimed at showcasing Technology & innovations that educate & create a learnin. experience for upcoming Entrepreneurs every 2 years Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) July 2026 (?)
IPHEXIndia's International Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Exhibition, that brings together the drugs, pharmaceutical and healthcare industry – all under one roof every 2 years Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) July 2026 (?)
QME - QUEENSLAND MINING & ENGINEERING EXHIBITIONQueensland Mining & Engineering Exhibition every 2 years Mackay (Australia) Mackay Showgrounds July 2026 (?)
AMTEX - ASIAN MACHINE TOOL EXHIBITIONAsian Machine Tool Exhibition. AMTEX is dedicated to exploring the technological innovations and opportunities of the global machine tool sector, on a single platform every 2 years Noida (India) India Expo Centre & Mart 07/24/2026
4 days
COMEXPO - MANUFACTURING EXHIBITION - SRI LANKAComplete Manufacturing Exhibition. It will bring together manufacturers, traders, distributors, consultants, installation experts and virtually everyone directly or indirectly associated with the engineering & machine Tools Industry every 2 years Colombo (Sri Lanka) BMICH (Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall) Aug. 2026 (?)
ELEKTROTECFair combining Electrical, Electronics and Green energy every 2 years Coimbatore (India) Codissia Trade Fair Complex Aug. 2026 (?)
IPMEX MALAYSIAInternational Printing, Paper, Packaging Machinery Exhibition in Malaysia every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC) Aug. 2026 (?)
METALEXSalon international d'Ispahan de la métallurgie, de l'acier, de la fonderie, des machines et des industries connexes every 2 years Isfahan (Iran) Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground Aug. 2026 (?)
MINING ZANJANIranian international exhibition of Mine, Mining, Mining Industries, Mining Processing, Mining Machineries, Road Construction, Services & Related Equipment every 2 years Zanjan (Iran) Zanjan International Exhibition Center Aug. 2026 (?)
SINGAPORE GARDEN FESTIVALConference and International Trade Exhibition on Emerging Trends, Markets and Opportunities in Landscape and Horticulture every 2 years Singapore (Singapore) Suntec Singapore Aug. 2026 (?)
SPLASH!Trade show for manufacturers, retailers, pool builders, contractors, architects, landscapers, engineers and service technicians to stay ahead of market directions as the pool, spa & aquatics industry every 2 years Gold Coast (Australia) Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre Aug. 2026 (?)
TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL SMART MACHINERY & MECHANICAL COMPONENTS EXPOTaipei International Smart Machinery & Mechanical Components Expo every 2 years Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Aug. 2026 (?)
ZAK WORLD OF FAÇADES - INDIA - NEW DELHIZak World of Façades is an International conference series on façade design & engineering every 2 years New Delhi (India) Hyatt Regency, New Delhi Aug. 2026 (?)
HIPLEXHiplex will showcase latest Technology & Machinery used of Manufacturing of Raw Materials and various Products made of Plastics and Petrochemicals with Participation from all over the World every 3 years Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) 08/07/2026
4 days
HIMTEXHIMTEX aims to promote the Indian Machine Tools Industry and offers a platform for untapped opportunities in the field of machine tools, engineering, automation and to experience technologically sound innovations every 2 years Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) 08/20/2026
5 days
INTERNATIONAL HORTICULTURAL CONGRESSInternational Horticultural Congress and Exhibition every 4 years Kyoto (Japan) 08/23/2026
6 days
ADASAsian Defence, Security & Crisis Management Exhibition & Conference every 2 years Manila (Philippines) World Trade Centre Metro Manila (WTCMM) Sept. 2026 (?)
AUTO, TRANSPORT & LOGISTIC ASIA - LAHOREPakistan's largest Auto, Transport & Logistics Trade Show every 2 years Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore Sept. 2026 (?)
BANGKOK RHVACBangkok Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Trade Show - air-conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration, Ventilation, Parts, Materials and Services, Tools & Equipment every 2 years Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Sept. 2026 (?)
BEE - BANGKOK ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONICSHome Appliances, Audio & Visual Appliances, IT and OA, Lighting, Industrial parts and accessories every 2 years Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Sept. 2026 (?)
BENGALURU SPACE EXPOThe main focus of the Bengaluru Space Expo is to showcase the latest technological advancements, related products and technical services every 2 years Bangalore (India) Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) Sept. 2026 (?)
BUILD PAKISTAN - KARACHIInternational Building & Construction Technology, Materials, Property, Stone, Interiors & Architecture Exhibition & Conference every 2 years ? (Pakistan) Sept. 2026 (?)
CHINA POTATO EXPOThe great Outdoor exhibition for potato cultivation and machinery in Asia every 2 years Tengzhou (China) Sept. 2026 (?)
CWFM EXPO PAKISTAN - KARACHICleaning, Waste and Facilities Management (CWFM) exhibition. The event will delivers a powerful combination of senior decision makers and purchase influencers from across the Pakistan’s industrial, commercial and public sectors every 2 years ? (Pakistan) Sept. 2026 (?)
ENGINEERING ASIA - LAHOREEngineering Asia International Exhibition aims at developing and promoting every sphere of engineering sector in Pakistan through inter & intra industrial cooperation and joint ventures among local and foreign partners every 2 years Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore Sept. 2026 (?)
FLOORING PAKISTAN - KARACHIInternational Exhibition & Conference for Flooring, Carpeting & Tile Industry every 2 years ? (Pakistan) Sept. 2026 (?)
FLUID PUMP ASIA - LAHOREInternational Exhibition & Conference dedicated to Fluids, Pumps, Fitting Components and Parts Actuators, Positioners Pumps, Compressors, Engineering services, Software Measuring, Control Technology... every 2 years Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore Sept. 2026 (?)
IEE EXPO (INTERNATIONAL ELEVATOR & ESCALATOR EXPO) MUMBAIInternational Elevator & Escalator Expo in India every 2 years Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) Sept. 2026 (?)
IMT – INTERNATIONAL METAL TECHNOLOGYInternational Metal Tecnology Trade Show. Metallurgy technology, Foundry machinery, equipment and supplies, Semi-finished & finished products, Thermo process technology, Accessories & components, Tubes, Metal cutting machine Tools... every 2 years Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Sept. 2026 (?)
INACHEMIndonesia International Exhibition for all sector of Chemical, Machinery, Processing & Technology every 2 years Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition Sept. 2026 (?)
INDIA PLASTICS SHOWINDIA PLASTICS SHOW is a global congregation of plastics & polymers Industry. The Exhibition, conceived and promoted by the government of Gujarat, provided the definitive platform for an industry confluence to everyone who matters in the plastic industry every 2 years Gandhinagar (India) Helipad Grounds, Gandhinagar Sept. 2026 (?)
INDOPACKIndonesian International Plastics Exhibition. INDOPACK will showcase Packaging Machines and Appliances, Packaging Materials, Means and Aids, Packaging Production Technology as well as Services for the packaging industry every 2 years Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition Sept. 2026 (?)
INDOPLASIndonesia International Plastics Exhibition. INDOPLAS showcases Machinery & Equipment and Services for the plastics & rubber industries, Raw Materials Auxiliaries, Semi-Finished & Finished Products, Technical Parts & Reinforced Plastics every 2 years Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition Sept. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING & MACHINERY ASIA - LAHOREPakistan's Leading Business Exhibition on Engineering, Machinery Tools & Allied Products. Exhibition & Conferences every 2 years Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore Sept. 2026 (?)
IRRIGATION AUSTRALIA EXHIBITIONIrrigation Australia is the peak national organisation representing the Australian irrigation industry in all sectors every 2 years ? (Australia) Sept. 2026 (?)
LANKABUILDInternational Building & Construction Exhibition in Sri Lanka every 2 years Colombo (Sri Lanka) Sri Lanka Exhibition & Convention Centre (SLECC) Sept. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
Trade shows worldwide