
Trade Shows in Asia - Pacific
June 2026


Countries in Asia - Pacific - June 2026

Dec 159 Jan 113 2025 Feb 188 Mar 267 Apr 283 May 356 Jun 256 Jul 253 Aug 248 Sep 372 Oct 396 Nov 293 Dec 142 Jan 113 2026 Feb 166 Mar 272 Apr 279 May 345 Jun 251 Jul 244 Aug 243 Sep 355 Oct 381 Nov 283 Dec 131
251 Trade Shows in Asia - Pacific in June 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
TEXTILE ASIA - KARACHIPakistan International Textiles and Textile Machinery Exhibition once a year Karachi (Pakistan) Karachi Expo Centre June 2026
ASEAN LIFT EXPO & FORUMASEAN Lift Expo is dedicated platform to all the manufacturing companies of lift and escalator industry every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
ASEAN LIGHTSoutheast Asia's Sustainable Architectural & Commercial Lighting Show. ASEAN LIGHT will showcase the latest ‘green’ technology, products and solutions including LED lighting, lighting management & control, smart metering and smart grids every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
ASEAN M&E SHOWASEAN Mechanical, Electrical and Engineering show. ASEAN M&E is the prefect venue to introduce new products, generate sales leads, build sales networks, enhance brand image and meet with key customers every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
ASEAN SOLAR EXPOASEAN Solar Expo brings together the largest group of green technology and renewable energy developers and supply chain partners seen anywhere in the Southeast Asia every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
DYE+CHEM ASIAInternational Exhibition devoted to focus on all kinds of Dyes and Fine & Specialty Chemicals once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Impact Exhibition & Convention Center 06/03/2026
3 days
HEAVY MACHHEAVY MACH is a leading exhibition in the heavy equipment industry sector, featuring machines such as the backhoe, crane, wheel loader, grader, forklift and bulldozer, along with the full spectrum of their services, spare parts and accessories every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
REVAC EXPO & FORUMInternational Refrigeration, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Event every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
TENAGA EXPO & FORUMSouth East Asia's Premier Power & Electrical Industry Show. Expo & Forum every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 06/03/2026
3 days
INTEC COIMBATOREIndia's international Machine Tools and Industrial Trade Fair every 2 years Coimbatore (India) Codissia Trade Fair Complex 06/04/2026
5 days
KBC - KITCHEN + BATH CANADACanada's trade show dedicated to the Kitchen & Bath industry. KBC will gather the highest quality of products and services making it the best destination for exhibitors & attendees to learn about the current industry trends & discover showcased products once a year Sydney (Australia) ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney 06/11/2026
3 days
KITCHEN + BATH SHOWKitchen + Bath Show is Australia’s only design trade show dedicated to the kitchen, bathroom and laundry industry. It provides a platform for kitchen and bathroom professionals, interior designers, architects, property developers & building professionals once a year Sydney (Australia) ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney 06/11/2026
3 days
WORLD CITIES SUMMITWorld Cities Summit (WCS) is an exclusive and premier platform for government leaders and industry experts to address liveable and sustainable city challenges, share integrated urban solutions, and forge new partnerships every 2 years Singapore (Singapore) Suntec Singapore 06/14/2026
3 days
KOREA OCEAN EXPOKorea International Shipbuilding Expo & Conference. Shipbuilding Equipment & Technologies, Ship Engines & Parts, Shipyard, Marine Equipment, Eco-Friendly Ship Equipement, Navigation, Communication Device, Safety, Rescue... every 2 years Incheon (Korea South) Songdo Convensia 06/17/2026
3 days
VALVE WORLD ASIA EXPO & CONFERENCEPiping and Valve Professionals Conference & Expo in China. Valve World Expo & Conference Asia is a valuable meeting point for valve professionals from all over the world with a special emphasis on recent developments in China every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 06/22/2026
2 days
AIR CARGO CHINAExhibition & conference for air cargo and logistics every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 06/24/2026
3 days
TRANSPORT LOGISTIC CHINAInternational Exhibition for Logistics, Telematics & Transportation. Transport Logistics China is where exhibitors present the trends & latest developments in Logistics & set the course for long after the exhibition in interesting conferences & meetings every 2 years Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 06/24/2026
3 days
AEROMART HYDERABADInternational Business Convention for the aerospace industry. Supply chain, Procurement, Purchasing, Engineering, Fabrication, R&D... every 2 years Hyderabad (India) 06/29/2026
3 days
3D PRINT FIESTA - BINH DUONGThe Leading 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing Trade Fair in Vietnam once a year Binh Duong New City (Vietnam) Binh Duong Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC) June 2026 (?)
ADELAIDE FOOD & COOKINGFood Expo. ADELAIDE FOOD & COOKING presents food tasting, cooking workshops, authentic Australian food, local specialties, restaurants, cooking demos, cooking appliances, once a year Adelaide (Australia) Adelaide Showground June 2026 (?)
AGROCHEMEX THAILANDGlobal Crop Protection Industry Trade Show. Research and development, Processing, laboratory / testing, labelling and packing, spraying once a year Bangkok (Thailand) The Grand Richmond Hotel, Bangkok June 2026 (?)
AGROCHEMEX VIETNAMGlobal Crop Protection Industry Trade Show. Research and development, Processing, laboratory / testing, labelling and packing, spraying once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Windsor Plaza Hotel June 2026 (?)
AI & BIG DATA SHOWExperience the new future connected by technology at the AI & Big Data Show, where innovation spans the entire industry - from manufacturing and production to distribution, delivery, and consumption once a year Seoul (Korea South) COEX Exhibition Center June 2026 (?)
AIE (AIRCRAFT INTERIORS EXHIBITION) CHINAShanghai International Aircraft Interiors Exhibition. AIE CHINA is a three-day trade fair showcasing aircraft seating, gallery & inserts, waste & waste disposal, IFE & communications, emergency equipments, aircraft interior design, refurbishment and so o once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC June 2026 (?)
AMM - ASTANA MINING AND METALLURGY CONGRESSAMM Exhibition & Congress presents advanced technologies and innovative developments for the mining and metallurgical industry, where participants represent their equipment & technology for prospecting, production, and processing of mineral resources once a year Astana (Kazakhstan) Hilton Astana June 2026 (?)
ANIMAL EXPO ADELAIDEAdelaide Pet Fair. 100% of animals including Reptiles, Snakes, Rabbits, Poultry, Birds, Ferrets, Mini Horses & Ponies, Dogs, Cats plus many more once a year Adelaide (Australia) Adelaide Showground June 2026 (?)
APAC - ASIA PACIFIC ENERGY ASSEMBLYThe Asia Pacific Energy Assembly in Singapore is recognised as one of Asia-Pacific’s largest and most influential energy investment events once a year Singapore (Singapore) June 2026 (?)
AQUACULTURE PHILIPPINESExpo dedicated to Aquaculture in the Philippines. Aquaculture Nutrition, Health and Production once a year Manila (Philippines) World Trade Centre Metro Manila (WTCMM) June 2026 (?)
AQUACULTURE TAIWAN EXPO & FORUMInternational Aquaculture Trade Show in Taiwan. The Expo features smart aquaculture, energy saving, sustainability, and eco-friendly technologies once a year ? (Taiwan) June 2026 (?)
ARCHIBUILD EXPOArchiBuild Expo is an international event for cutting-edge building products, technology and design solutions in Australia. Commercial, workplace, retail, hospitality, residential architecture, building projects... once a year ? (Australia) June 2026 (?)
ASEAN PAPER BANGKOKASEAN premier exhibition and conference for the pulp, paper, packaging and tissue industries once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) June 2026 (?)
ASEAN SUPER 8Asean's Leading Event for the Built Environment. Incorporating. - Asean M&E Show
- Aszan Lif Expo & Forum
- Asean Light
- Asean Solar Expo
- Future Build
- Heavy Mach
- IFSEC Southast Asia
- Revac Expo Forum
- Tenagra Expo
every 2 years Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) June 2026 (?)
ASIA AGRI-TECH EXPO & FORUMInternational Agri-Technology Expo. Asia Agri-Tech has been recognized as one of the must attend exhibition in Asia, and is agreed by overseas leading brands as an ideal channel to expand the market in Taiwan and even in Asia once a year ? (Taiwan) June 2026 (?)
ASIA CLIMATE FORUMForum dedicated to climate change & environmental services for Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands once a year Singapore (Singapore) Marina Bay Sands June 2026 (?)
ASIA JEWELS FAIR - COIMBATORESouth India's most Famous Jewellery Exhibition in Coimbatore. This Expo is a niche event exhibiting only exclusive and high-end branded gold and diamond jewelry products twice a year Coimbatore (India) Vivanta by Taj - Surya June 2026 (?)
ASSEMBLY & AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY EXPOASEAN’s Most Comprehensive Exhibition on Industrial Automation Systems & Solutions and Assembly Technology once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) June 2026 (?)
ASSEMBLY AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGYThailand’s Only International Automated Manufacturing and Assembly Technology Exhibition once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) June 2026 (?)
AUTO CHONGQINGChina International Auto Industry Fair. Auto Chognqing is one of the top five annual auto shows in China and one of the most important auto shows in southwest of China once a year Chongqing (China) Chongqing International Convention & Exhibition Center June 2026 (?)
AUTOMECHANIKA HO CHI MINH CITYInternational Automotive Trade Fair. From Design to Maintenance and Recycling once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC June 2026 (?)
AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURINGASEAN’s Most Comprehensive Exhibition on Automotive Parts Manufacturing once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) June 2026 (?)
BAKERY BUSINESS - SOUTHInternational Trade Fair for the Indian Bakery, Pastry and Chocolate Industry once a year Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) June 2026 (?)
BEAUTY EXPO UZBEKISTANInternational Trade Show Specialized Exhibition of Beauty Products and Salon Equipment once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) International Hotel Tashkent June 2026 (?)
BIOFACH CHINAWorld Organic Products Expo. Trade Show & Congress once a year ? (China) June 2026 (?)
BIOPH CHINAExhibition of Bio-solutions for pharma. BioPh offers an ideal platform for biopharma companies, drug discovery organizations, pharma manufacturers and scientific research institutions to create new partnerships and discuss the latest trends once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC June 2026 (?)
BOFOOD (BUSAN INTERNATIONAL FOOD EXPO)International Food Expo. BOFAS is an international Exhibition dedicated to General & Processed Food, Foodservice & Facilities, Cafe & Bakery, Food Machinery & Packing and Regional Brand Food once a year Busan (Korea South) Bexco (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center) June 2026 (?)
BRISBANE CAREERS & EMPLOYMENT EXPOBrisbane's largest Careers & Employment Event. The Expo will host over 130 organisations and employers with career opportunities for all ages once a year Brisbane (Australia) Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre June 2026 (?)
BUILDEXPO UZBEKISTANInternational Specialized Exhibition of Building Industry once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre June 2026 (?)
CAPHC - CENTRAL ASIA PHARMA HEALTHCARE EXPO – UZBEKISTANCAPHC Expo is the international Pharmaceutical Medical & Healthcare Industry trade fair in Uzbekistan once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Palace of Youth Creativity - Yoshlar Ijod Saroyi June 2026 (?)
CAT - COLD CHAIN & AGRI-FOOD TECH EXPOCAT - Cold Chain & Agri-food Tech Expo is an annual event that showcases the latest advancements and solutions in cold chain and agricultural products processing from all around the world once a year ? (Taiwan) June 2026 (?)
CENTRAL ASIA OFFICEInternational Exhibition for Office Equipments, Design, Stationery and Promotional Gift once a year Almaty (Kazakhstan) Atakent International Exhibition Centre June 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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