
Trade Shows in Asia - Pacific
November 2025


Countries in Asia - Pacific - November 2025

Dec 159 Jan 112 2025 Feb 189 Mar 260 Apr 283 May 383 Jun 249 Jul 245 Aug 246 Sep 373 Oct 393 Nov 289 Dec 143 Jan 108 2026 Feb 177 Mar 262 Apr 275 May 367 Jun 248 Jul 236 Aug 240 Sep 355 Oct 377 Nov 281 Dec 132
289 Trade Shows in Asia - Pacific in November 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
KRISHITHONAgriculture Expo In India. Krishithon is a prominent player in the field of agricultural extension. It offers valuable insights into the food and agricultural market, fostering business interactions with overseas participants once a year Nashik (India) Thakkers Ground 11/13/2025
5 days
POWER BANGLADESHBangladesh's’ premier International Exhibition on Power Generation & Energy. Industrial Power Engineering. Power Transmission. Technologies Of Energy Efficiency And Energy Saving. Electro-Technical Equipment. Pumps And Compressors… once a year Dhaka (Bangladesh) International Convention City Bashundhara 11/13/2025
3 days
REAL ESTATE EXPO BANGLADESHInternational Exhibition on Real Estate Development & Housing Sector for the Industry of Bangladesh once a year Dhaka (Bangladesh) International Convention City Bashundhara 11/13/2025
3 days
SOLAR BANGLADESHBangladesh International Exhibition on Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation once a year Dhaka (Bangladesh) International Convention City Bashundhara 11/13/2025
3 days
THAILAND INTERNATIONAL WOODWORKING AND FURNITURE EXHIBITIONThailand International Woodworking and Furniture Exhibition. Machinery & Technology, Materials & Supplies, Fittings, Hardware & Components, Industry Services once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Impact Exhibition & Convention Center 11/13/2025
2 days
CHINA SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S BOOK FAIR (CCBF)China (Shanghai) International Children’s Book Fair. Over the past years, CCBF has adhered to the core concepts of internationalisation, specialisation and quality once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 11/14/2025
3 days
GENERAL PRACTICE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION - MELBOURNEThe General Practice Conference & Exhibition is Australia's 1st primary care event. The Melbourne GPCE offers learning experience that features Seminars & Workshops delivered by Expert Speakers & access to over 140 leading healthcare companies once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre 11/14/2025
3 days
TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL TEA & COFFEE EXPOTaiwan Tea and Coffee Expo. Whether you're a coffee industry professional or a passionate coffee enthusiast, this is the place to be! once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 11/14/2025
4 days
TAIPEI WINE & SPIRITS FESTIVALTaipei Wine & Spirits Festival. A large gathering of wine lovers, winemakers and wine producers from all over the world once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 11/14/2025
4 days
TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL BEST FOOD PRODUCTS & EQUIPMENT FAIRTaiwan International Best Food Products & Equipment Fair. Meat, Seafood, Fresh Food, Frozen Food, Baking Goods, Snacks, Health Food, Tableware, Cold Chain Logistics, Packaging, Vegetables, Fruit, Organic Food... once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 11/14/2025
4 days
TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL COFFEE SHOWTaiwan International Coffee Show. Under the auspices of "Taiwan Coffee Association" once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 11/14/2025
4 days
TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL FOOD INDUSTRY SHOWTaiwan International Food Industry Show once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 11/14/2025
4 days
TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL TEA EXPOTaiwan International Tea Expo. Immerse yourself in the exquisite world of tea at the Taiwan International Tea Expo once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 11/14/2025
4 days
CIAARChina International Auto Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Exhibition. CIAAR exhibits include Vehicle Air-conditioning & Auto parts, Engine Cooling Equipments, Transport Refrigeration Technology & Equipment once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 11/18/2025
3 days
ELECTRICAL SHANGHAIInternational Exhibition on Electrical Equipment once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 11/18/2025
3 days
EP SHANGHAIInternational Exhibition on Electric Power Equipment and Technology once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 11/18/2025
3 days
EPA (ELECTRIC AUTOMATION)International Exhibition on Electric Power Automation Equipment & Technology once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 11/18/2025
3 days
FOOTWEAR & LEATHER SHOW AUSTRALIAAustralia’s dedicated trade-only international sourcing show for footwear & accessory products once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre 11/18/2025
3 days
INTERNATIONAL SOURCING EXPO AUSTRALIAAustralia’s premier international sourcing show for apparel, accessories and textiles once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre 11/18/2025
3 days
INTERPACKEXPOInternational exhibition on Technologies and Equipment for the Packaging Industry and Warehousing once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 11/18/2025
3 days
SMART NATIONMalaysia’s Leading Expo on Smart Technology. Communication, Energy, Building, Infrastructure, Security, Manufacturing, Education, Agriculture, Mobility & Transport, Property, Banking, Healthcare, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Electric Vehicles... once a year Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC) 11/18/2025
3 days
TELECOMS WORLD ASIATelecoms World Asia is the premier conference focused entirely on digital solutions and services for Asian Telcos once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Centara Grand Hotel & Convention Center 11/18/2025
2 days
UZAGROEXPOInternational Agricultural Exhibition in Uzbekistan. Agricultural Machinery, Greenhouses, Plant Growing, Gardening, Cattle Breeding, Poultry, Veterinary Medicine, Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products... once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 11/18/2025
3 days
UZPRODEXPOInternational Exhibition of Food Industry and Foodstuff. Food industry, Retail and refrigeration equipment, Containers and packaging, Food and beverages... once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 11/18/2025
3 days
BATTERY JAPAN - OSAKAInternational Rechargeable Battery Expo. BATTERY JAPAN gathers a broad range of technologies, components, materials, and devices for rechargeable batteries development & production once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka 11/19/2025
3 days
BIOMASS EXPO JAPAN - OSAKABiomass power is expected to play a proeminent role in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. BIOMASS EXPO works as a valuable business platform and attracts professionals from all over the world, gathering a wide range of biomass technologies once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka 11/19/2025
3 days
CAFE SHOW SEOULCafe Show Seoul, which has grown together along with the beginning of the Korean coffee industry, presents a creative experience by blending industry, knowledge and culture and provides special values to each participant at Cafe Show once a year Seoul (Korea South) COEX Exhibition Center 11/19/2025
4 days
INTERNATIONAL SMART GRID EXPO - OSAKAInternational exhibition and conference specialized in all kinds of technologies and services related to Smart Grid once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka 11/19/2025
3 days
JAPAN HOME & BUILDING SHOWJapan Home & Building Show. This is a comprehensive exhibition bringing together under a single roof construction materials, components and services for housing, commercial facilities, offices, multicomplexes and more once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 11/19/2025
3 days
METALEX THAILANDAsean’s Largest International Machine Tool and Metalworking Technology Trade Exhibition and Conference once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) 11/19/2025
4 days
MOULD & DIE INDONESIAInternational Exhibition on Die & Mould Technology and Equipment once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 11/19/2025
4 days
OFFICE SERVICE EXPO - OSAKAJapanese office services fair. All products and services for back office will be exhibited at OFFICE SERVICE EXPO - OSAKA once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka 11/19/2025
3 days
PLASPAK INDONESIAInternational Plastic, Printing & Packaging Trade Exhibition once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 11/19/2025
4 days
PLASTICS & RUBBER INDONESIAInternational Plastics and Rubber Machinery, Processing and Materials Exhibition once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) 11/19/2025
4 days
PV EXPO - OSAKAJapanese International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo. PV EXPO gathers a full range of products and technologies from next-generation solar cells to solar power plant construction, maintenance and operation once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka 11/19/2025
3 days
ROBOT X @METALEXThe Most Comprehensive Event on Manufacturing Robots, Software, Solutions, and SI in ASEAN once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) 11/19/2025
4 days
SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CAFE SHOWInternational Cafe Show. Coffee, Tea, Bakery, Dessert, Ice-cream, Chocolate, Beverage, Raw Material, Machine & Equipment, Interior, Franchise & Start-up, Kitchen Appliances, Food Service Industry once a year Seoul (Korea South) COEX Exhibition Center 11/19/2025
4 days
SHEET METALEX THAILANDSheet Metal Fabrication Technology and Machinery Exhibition in Thailand once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) 11/19/2025
4 days
SMART GRID EXPO - OSAKAJapan's largest show for Electricity Retail Business & Smart Grid Expo once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka 11/19/2025
3 days
SUGAREX INDONESIASugar and Bioethanol Technology Expo in Indonesia. Sugarex Indonesia will showcase the latest developments in the world sugar and bioethanol industry every 2 years Surabaya (Indonesia) Dyandra Convention Center, Surabaya 11/19/2025
2 days
SYNGAS NITROGEN UZBEKISTAN AND THE CISForum for the leading companies of the methane gas chemical industry in Uzbekistan and CIS with the participation of the largest syngas processors. Improve the efficiency of companies-producers of nitrogen, methanol, ammonia, mineral fertilisers... once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Hotel Hilton, Tashkent 11/19/2025
2 days
TECHTEXTIL INDIAThe most premium expo on technical textiles, nonwovens and composites. Techtextil India is the most efficient platform for raw material manufacturers, resellers and end users every 2 years Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) 11/19/2025
3 days
UFI GLOBAL CONGRESSGlobal Congress, known as the exhibition industry’s largest global meeting, combining international networking with unique content. An ideal opportunity to gain insight into topics of strategic interest, on the current industry trends and challenges once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo 11/19/2025
4 days
UZBEKISTAN BCH EXPOUzbekistan International Bread, Pastry, HoReCa, Confectionery Products, Technologies and Machinery Fair once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 11/19/2025
3 days
VIC MAJOR PROJECTS CONFERENCEVictoria's largest major projects & infrastructure conference attracting over 200 delegates each year. Topics covered - Transport, housing, health, education, energy & water once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre 11/19/2025
2 days
VIETNAM WOODVietnamwood is the foremost platform within the Vietnamese woodworking industry. A diverse array of cutting-edge digital machinery, transformation solutions & innovative raw materials. Facilitate knowledge exchange among wood industry stakeholders every 2 years Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC 11/19/2025
4 days
VIMOX - VIETNAM MARINE & OFFSHORE EXPOInternational Exhibition of Maritime Technologies, Shipbuilding Equipment & Supporting Industries once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC 11/19/2025
3 days
WIRE & CABLE SHOW VIETNAMVietnam Electric Power, Wire & Cable, Relevant Equipment and Materials Exhibition once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC 11/19/2025
3 days
WIRE & CABLE VIETNAMInternational specialized exhibition of cables, wires, fastening hardware, and installation technology once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC 11/19/2025
3 days
WORLD SMART ENERGY WEEK - OSAKAThe world’s largest-scale international B-to-B exhibition & conference covering a wide range of cutting-edge products & technologies from diverse energy industries once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka 11/19/2025
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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