HCC CHINAChina( Shanghai) Household Cleaning, Washing and Personal Care Exhibition. Laundry cleaning and washing, Household environment cleaning and washing, Cleaning equipment, Hair care, Oral care, Body care, Personal care |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
03/07/2025 3 days |
WATER & CLEANTECH INDIA EXPOWater & CleanTech India Expo provides technological and infrastructural solutions that combat urban waste, provide clean drinking water, and pave the way for a cleaner and greener future |
once a year |
New Delhi (India)
Pragati Maidan
03/19/2025 3 days |
CHINA CLEAN EXPO - CCE SHANGHAICleaning Expo. International Indoor Environment Technology & Product Exhibitio. CHINA CLEAN EXPO showcases a wide range of products from commercial cleaning, industry cleaning, public cleaning, municipal cleaning and personal and home care |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
03/31/2025 4 days |
IRAN BEAUTY & CLEANInternational Exhibition of Detergent, Cleaners, Hygienic, Cellulose products and Related Machineries |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
04/17/2025 4 days |
AFS - ASIA PACIFIC FLOOR MATERIAL EXHIBITIONAsia Pacific Floor Material Exhibition. Resilient Floor-Technology, Industrial Floor Material, Sport Flooring, Planks and Tiles. Floor Materials, Floor System, Floor Machinery, Cleaning Equipment... |
every 2 years |
Guangzhou (China)
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
05/08/2025 3 days |
GARTEX TEXPROCESS INDIA - MUMBAIGartex Texprocess India is a comprehensive tradeshow on garment & textile machinery |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Jio World Centre
05/22/2025 3 days |
INDIA LAUNDRY SHOW - MUMBAITrade show showcasing Solutions for Laundry, Dry Cleaning & Textile Care Industry |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Jio World Centre
05/22/2025 3 days |
HPCI INDIAHPCI India is the leading show for the Home and Personal Care Ingredients segment in India. Products and services from personal care, cosmetics, detergents, home care ingredients raw materials, chemicals suppliers... |
twice a year |
Mumbai (India)
Jio World Centre
June 2025 (?) |
FACILITIES INTEGRATEThe trade exhibition for the New Zealand facilities management and system integration industries - the people who make buildings smarter, safer and more efficient |
once a year |
Auckland (New Zealand)
ASB Showgrounds
07/15/2025 2 days |
CWFM EXPO PAKISTAN -LAHORECleaning, Waste and Facilities Management (CWFM) exhibition. The event will delivers a powerful combination of senior decision makers and purchase influencers from across the Pakistan’s industrial, commercial and public sectors |
every 2 years |
Lahore (Pakistan)
Expo Centre Lahore
08/01/2025 3 days |
APCTEE - ASIA-PACIFIC CLEANROOM TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT EXHIBITIONInternational Cleanroom Technology & Equipment Exhibition in Chian (Guangzhou). APCTEE showcases the advanced technology and latest products innovation for the cleanroom industry |
once a year |
Guangzhou (China)
China Import and Export Fair Complex Area B
08/08/2025 3 days |
CHINA LAUNDRY EXPOChina International Laundry Industry Exhibition. LAUNDRY EXPO showcases the latest technologies, machines and chemicals for laundry, cleaning, stain removal, ironing, dyeing and disinfection |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
08/14/2025 3 days |
TEXCARE ASIAInternational Trade Fair for Textile Laundry, Leather Care, Cleaning Technology and Equipment |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
08/14/2025 3 days |
TEXCARE ASIA & CHINA LAUNDRY EXPOInternational Trade Fair for Textile Laundry, Leather Care, Cleaning Technology and Equipment. The event will serve as a platform for industry stakeholders from the entire textile care supply chain |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
08/14/2025 3 days |
GARTEX TEXPROCESS INDIA - DELHIGartex Texprocess India is a comprehensive tradeshow on garment & textile machinery |
once a year |
New Delhi (India)
Pragati Maidan
08/21/2025 3 days |
INDIA LAUNDRY SHOW - DELHITrade show showcasing Solutions for Laundry, Dry Cleaning & Textile Care Industry |
once a year |
New Delhi (India)
Pragati Maidan
08/21/2025 3 days |
ISSA CLEANING & HYGIENE EXPOAustralian Industrial Cleaning & Hygiene Trade Show |
once a year |
Sydney (Australia)
ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney
10/29/2025 2 days |
CLEANEXPO KAZAKHSTANSpecialized Central Asian Exhibition of Cleaners and Detergents, Dry Cleaning, Laundry Equipment and Cleaning Equipment in Kazakhstan |
once a year |
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Atakent International Exhibition Centre
11/12/2025 3 days |
AUTO CARE EXPOThe Expo brings together Car Care and Car Wash equipment suppliers, chemicals & tools providers, Car detailing and service providers |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
11/26/2025 3 days |
CLEAN INDIA SHOWAsia's leading exhibition on Cleaning Technologies & Hygiene Solutions for Commercial Cleaning, Municipal Cleaning, Industrial Cleaning, Residential Cleaning |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
11/26/2025 3 days |
CTW - CLEAN INDIA TECHNOLOGY WEEKTrade show showcasing solutions for clean surfaces, clean environment, clean linen, clean air and clean water |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
11/26/2025 3 days |
LAUNDREX INDIA EXPOInternational Exhibition on Laundry & Dry-cleaning in the Indian Subcontinent |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
11/26/2025 3 days |
INBRUSHInBrush Expo is the India's exclusive B2B event dedicated to brush manufacturing machinery and finished brushes. It brings together industry players: brush products manufacturers, machinery suppliers, raw material providers, component suppliers... |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
Feb. 2026 (?) |
CWFM EXPO PAKISTAN - KARACHICleaning, Waste and Facilities Management (CWFM) exhibition. The event will delivers a powerful combination of senior decision makers and purchase influencers from across the Pakistan’s industrial, commercial and public sectors |
every 2 years |
? (Pakistan)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
CLEAN NZNew Zealand's only dedicated Cleaning & Hygiene Trade Show |
every 2 years |
? (New Zealand)
Nov. 2026 (?) |