FOOD TECHNOLOGY PROCESSING AND PACKAGING INDIAIndian International Food Processing and Packaging Expo |
once a year |
Bangalore (India)
Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC)
09/16/2025 3 days |
PACK PRINT INTERNATIONALInternational Packaging and Printing Exhibition for Asia |
every 2 years |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
09/17/2025 4 days |
PACKPRINTPLAS - MANILATrade show dedicated to the interrelated industries of printing, packaging, and plastics |
once a year |
Manila (Philippines)
SMX Exhibition and Convention Center
09/18/2025 3 days |
PHARMA PRO&PACK ASIAInternational Pharma & Pharma Packaging Industry Trade Show in India |
once a year |
Hyderabad (India)
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
09/18/2025 3 days |
DIGITAL SIGNAGE & PRINTING ASIADigital Signage & Printing Asia International Trade Exhibition aims to showcase innovative digital communications and interactive technology solutions |
once a year |
Karachi (Pakistan)
Karachi Expo Centre
09/23/2025 3 days |
PLASTEX UZBEKISTANInternational Plastics and Rubber Exhibition. PLASTEX UZBEKISTAN is an International Specialized Exhibition for Raw Materials, Equipment and Plastic Production Technologies |
once a year |
Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
09/23/2025 3 days |
BIOPHARMA EXPO - OSAKABioPharma Expo is Japan's largest exhibition for biopharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing technologies. The exhibition covers R&D, manufacturing, engineering technologies and contract manufacturing (CDMO/CMO) |
once a year |
Osaka (Japan)
Intex Osaka
09/30/2025 3 days |
FOODEX TABRIZInternational Foodstuff, Machineries and Related Industries Exhibition of Iran–Tabriz |
once a year |
Tabriz (Iran)
Permanent Ground For Tabriz International Exhibition Co.
Oct. 2025 (?) |
GWANGJU INTERNATIONAL FOOD FAIRSouth Korean International Food Fair. Gwangju Food Fair is the only and biggest food fair in Honam Region, regarding Local Food, Health Supplement, Dessert and Beverage, Food Machinery |
once a year |
Gwangju (Korea South)
Kimdaejung Convention Center
Oct. 2025 (?) |
IPIF - INTERNATIONAL PACKAGING INNOVATION FORUMIPIF - International Packaging Innovation Forum gathers the whole industrial chain to promote sustainable development of packaging. Meet experts from packaging industry associations, chambers of commerce, raw material suppliers, packaging manufacturers... |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai Hongqiao Xiangyuan Xi'an Hotel
Oct. 2025 (?) |
MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY WORLD - MANILAManufacturing Technology World (MTW) is all about the latest and most innovative machinery & technologies that improve the production line – from industrial machinery, automotive parts, plastics, printing, and packaging to enterprise & logistics solutions |
once a year |
Manila (Philippines)
SMX Exhibition and Convention Center
Oct. 2025 (?) |
SINOPHEX - NANJINGSINOPHEX is the unique pharmaceutical industry platform for machinery purchase, technology development and networking communication |
once a year |
Nanjing (China)
Nanjing International Expo Center
Oct. 2025 (?) |
ASIA CANTECHThe technical conference, exhibition and meeting point for can makers and fillers in the Asia Pacific region and their industry suppliers |
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
10/06/2025 3 days |
ALLPRINT INDONESIAInternational Exhibition On Printing (Pre-Press, Press, Post-Press), Machinery, Equipment, Supplies |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
10/08/2025 4 days |
INDO SIGN & ADVERTISING EXPOInternational Exhibition On Sign and Advertising. Held in conjunction with ALLPRINT EXPO |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
10/08/2025 4 days |
INTER CORRUGATED EXPOInternational Trade Corrugated Carton Exhibition |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
10/08/2025 4 days |
PRO LABEL ASIA EXPOInternational Exhibition On Total Solution for Printing Technology, Equipment, Supplies and Machinery Supplies |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
10/08/2025 4 days |
ALL BEVERAGE INDONESIA EXPOInternational exhibition on processing, packaging, automation, handling for food & beverage, pharmaceutical & cosmetic |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
10/21/2025 4 days |
ALL PROCESS INDONESIA EXPOInternational Exhibition on Food & Beverage, Dairy, Confectionery, Meat & Seafood Processing, Industries, Technology & Services |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
10/21/2025 4 days |
ALLPACK INDONESIAInternational Food & Pharmaceutical Processing & Packaging Exhibition |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
10/21/2025 4 days |
IPEX - INDO PHARMACEUTICAL EXPOInternational Exhibition on Pharmaceutical: Raw Materials, Active Ingredients, Processing Machinery, Packaging Machinery, Equipments |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
10/21/2025 4 days |
FOODTEC CAMBODIAInternational Food Processing Technology & Packaging Exhibition & Conference |
every 2 years |
Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
Diamond Island Convention & Exhibition Center
10/22/2025 3 days |
LANKAPACKPackaging and Plastic Machinery, Material and Products, Packaging Process and Environmental Technologies Fair |
every 2 years |
Colombo (Sri Lanka)
BMICH (Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall)
10/23/2025 3 days |
AGROPROM SOUTH KAZAKHSTANInternational Exhibition of Equipment and Technology in the food industry |
once a year |
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Atakent International Exhibition Centre
10/29/2025 3 days |
ANTEX ASIA THAILAND - ASIA NONWOVENS TECHNOLOGY EXPOANTEX Asia is a hub for industry leaders and a showcase for the latest nonwovens applications and technology trends |
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
10/29/2025 3 days |
WORLD FOODTECH EXPO KOREAKorea Food Industry Technology Trade Show |
once a year |
Seoul (Korea South)
COEX Exhibition Center
10/29/2025 4 days |
ASIA GREEN PACKAGING INNOVATION SUMMITThis summit will gather packaging industry experts to discuss general background & trends of packaging in Asia and learn how to promote sustainable and circular packaging to help organizations achieve net-zero goals through circular economy in the region |
once a year |
? (Asia - Pacific)
Nov. 2025 (?) |
IPAP & PACPROCESS - TEHRANIrannian International Printing, Packaging & Processsing Trade Show |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Shahr-e- Aftab International Exhibition Center
Nov. 2025 (?) |
COSMEX - THAILANDASEAN's Only Exhibition on Manufacturing Technologies, Machinery, Packaging & ODM/OEM Services for Cosmetics, Personal Care & Dietary Supplement Products |
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
11/04/2025 3 days |
DMP - CHINA (DONGGUAN) INTERNATIONAL PLASTICS, PACKAGING & RUBBER EXHIBITIONChinese International Plastics, Packaging & Rubber Exhibition. International Mould & Metalworking Exhibition + Plastics Exhibition |
once a year |
Shenzhen (China)
Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center
11/05/2025 4 days |
VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - HANOIFood & Drink Expo in Vietnam. The event brings thousands of high-quality food products, new flavors of beverage products, equipment, modern processing technology & abundant food additives |
once a year |
Hanoi (Vietnam)
I.C.E. Hanoi (Cung Van Hoa)
11/05/2025 4 days |
GUANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL SCREEN PRINTING & INDUSTRIAL INK-JET PRINTING & DIGITAL INTELLIGENT PRINTINGGuangzhou International Screen Printing & Industrial Ink-jet Printing & Digital Intelligent Printing Expo |
once a year |
Guangzhou (China)
11/10/2025 3 days |
COSMOPROF ASIAInternational Perfumery and Cosmetics Exhibition. The show serves as an ideal platform for the entire beauty industry to unveil the latest trends, enable partnerships and business opportunities |
once a year |
Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
AsiaWorld - Expo
11/11/2025 3 days |
PAPER & TISSUE ASIA - KARACHIPaper & Tissue Industry International Trade Show |
every 2 years |
Karachi (Pakistan)
Karachi Expo Centre
11/11/2025 3 days |
COSMOPROF ASIA - HONG-KONGCosmoprof Asia, the leading b2b international beauty trade show in Asia, is where global beauty trendsetters gather to introduce their cutting-edge technologies, product innovations and new solutions |
once a year |
Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
11/12/2025 3 days |
KAZUPACK / KAZPRINTMEDIAInternational Kazakhstan Exhibition: "Packaging for all Industries / Printing, Advertising & Publishing" |
once a year |
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Atakent International Exhibition Centre
11/12/2025 3 days |
SIAL INTERFOOD INDONESIAInternational Exhibition on Food & Beverage Product, Technology, Ingredient, Additive, Raw Materials, Services, Equipment, Supplies |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
11/12/2025 4 days |
WORLDFOOD KAZAKHSTAN / WORLDFOODTECH KAZAKHSTANCentral Asian International Food Industry Exhibition. Food, drinks, technologies... |
once a year |
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Atakent International Exhibition Centre
11/12/2025 3 days |
INTERPACKEXPOInternational exhibition on Technologies and Equipment for the Packaging Industry and Warehousing |
once a year |
Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
11/18/2025 3 days |
UZPRODEXPOInternational Exhibition of Food Industry and Foodstuff. Food industry, Retail and refrigeration equipment, Containers and packaging, Food and beverages... |
once a year |
Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
11/18/2025 3 days |
PLASPAK INDONESIAInternational Plastic, Printing & Packaging Trade Exhibition |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
11/19/2025 4 days |
INDIA WAREHOUSING & LOGISTICS SHOWIndian Warehousing and Logistics Exhibition. Find innovative warehousing, material handling, automation, storage, logistics and supply chain solutions |
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
11/20/2025 3 days |
PAPERWORLD CHINAInternational Trade Fair for Office Products, Stationery, School Supplies, and Graphic Arts Materials |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
National Exhibition and Convention Center
11/21/2025 3 days |
SWOPInternational Food Processing and Packaging Exhibition. Lightweight, personalization, new materials, new technologies, sustainability, new design trends and other popular topics, aiming cutting-edge concepts and technologies |
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
11/25/2025 3 days |
ODISHA PROPACK INTERNATIONAL EXPOLargest Packaging/Printing Trade Show in India, offering you the perfect opportunity to stay at the forefront of market trends and explore lucrative investment possibilities |
once a year |
Bhubaneswar (India)
Janata Maidan
11/26/2025 4 days |
BREWS & SPIRITS EXPOBrews & Spirits Expo aims to offer a platform to foster partnerships by showcasing new & exciting developments in the alcohol and brew industry through its expo and conference |
once a year |
Bangalore (India)
KTPO Trade Centre
11/27/2025 3 days |
GPPE SURABAYAIndonesia International Printing & Packaging Expo. Global Printing & Packaging Expo (GPPE) is the new exhibition focusing on Indonesia’s promising landscape in the printing and packaging industries |
once a year |
Surabaya (Indonesia)
Grand City Convention & Exhibition Centre
Dec. 2025 |
IFOOD EXPO - ISFAHANInternational exhibition of food & beverages industry. Dairy Products, food & beverages machinery and packing |
once a year |
Isfahan (Iran)
Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground
Dec. 2025 (?) |
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF ADVERTISINGIran International Exhibition of Advertising, Branding, Marketing, Export Chain and Related Industries |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
Dec. 2025 (?) |
IPACKPRINT - ISFAHANIranian international printing, packaging, and carton industry exhibition |
once a year |
Isfahan (Iran)
Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground
Dec. 2025 (?) |