
Fachmessen nach Veranstalter

0-9 I R A J S B K T C L U D M V E N W F O X G P Y H Q Z
Veranstalter Land Veranstaltungen
I Castelli Animati Italien 1
IAAPA (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions) USA 3
IAAPA Asia Pacific Office Hongkong 1
IAAPI (Indian Association of Amusement Parks and Industries) Indien 1
IAARC (International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction) Südkorea 1
IAB Italia - Interactive Advertising Bureau Italien 1
IACF (International Antiques & Collectors Fairs) Vereinigtes Königreich 5
IADE Oman Oman 1
IAEE Global Headquarters USA 1
IAHE (International Association for Hydrogen Energy) USA 2
IAPH (International Association of Ports and Harbors) Japan 1
IATED (International Academy of Technology, Education and Development) Spanien 2
IATI (Israel Advanced Technology Industries) Israel 1
IBC Vereinigtes Königreich 1
IBC International Branding and Communications Vietnam 1
Iberian Trade Fairs SL Spanien 1
Ibex Iran 1
IBMS (Institute of Biomedical Science) Vereinigtes Königreich 1
IBP (Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis) Brasilien 4
Ibram (Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração) Brasilien 1
IBTE Guangzhou Organizing Committee China 1
IC&E (International Conferences & Exhibitions LLC) VAE - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 2
ICA (International Cartographic Association) Vereinigtes Königreich 1
ICA (The Ice Cream Alliance Ltd.) Vereinigtes Königreich 1
ICA Events Vereinigtes Königreich 4
ICEC (International Conferences & Exhibitions Company) Ägypten 2
ICF Fuarcilik Türkei 13
ICLEI Europe Deutschland 1
ICM d.o.o. Slowenien 6
ICO (International Council of Ophtalmology) USA 1
i-Conférences Marokko 1
ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems) Südkorea 1
ICS (International Conference Services, Ltd) Kanada 6
ICWE GmbH Deutschland 3
ID d'ART Frankreich 3
ID Organisation Frankreich 7
IDA (Indian Dental Association) Indien 4
IDFA (International Dairy Foods Association) USA 1
IEC (International Exhibition Centre) Ukraine 22
IEC “Atakent-Expo” Kasachstan 6
IEC ExpoGroup Ltd. Kasachstan 1
IEC Group Pty Ltd Australien 8
IED Communications Ltd. Indien 2
IEEE Iran Section Iran 1
IEEE Peru Section Peru 1
IEEMA (Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers' Association) Indien 1
IEG Asia Pte. Ltd. Singapur 4
IEG Uzbekistan Usbekistan 11
IES - Indian Exhibition Services Indien 2
IES (Institution of Engineers, Singapore) Singapur 1
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) USA 1
IFA - Fira Alicant Spanien 12
IFAA (International Folk Art Alliance) USA 1
Ifema (Feria de Madrid) Spanien 83
IFES Belgien 1
IFEVI (Instituto Ferial de Vigo) Spanien 1
IFG (International Fairs Group) Ägypten 3
IFP Iraq Irak 1
IFP Qatar Katar 3
IFPA (International Fresh Produce Association) USA 2
IFT (Institute of Food Technologists) USA 1
IFWexpo Heidelberg GmbH Deutschland 13
IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) Indien 1
Igedo Company GmbH & Co. Deutschland 4
IGU (International Gas Union) Norwegen 2
IHA (International Housewares Association) USA 1
IHMA (International Hologram Manufacturers Association) Vereinigtes Königreich 3
IIEC (Iran International Exhibitions Company) Iran 3
IIR (International Institute of Refrigeration) Frankreich 1
IIW India (Indian Institute of Welding) Indien 1
IJV – IFAS asbl Belgien 1
IK COM Frankreich 1
Illumination Lyon Magie Frankreich 1
Imag Deutschland 9
Images Group Indien 3
Imago Techmedia Imago Techmedia Ltd. Vereinigtes Königreich 2
Imago Techmedia Ltd Vereinigtes Königreich 2
Imarest (Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology) Vereinigtes Königreich 1
IME (International Medical Events) Frankreich 1
Immediate Media Live Vereinigtes Königreich 19
Impact Exhibition Management Co., Ltd. Thailand 8
Impact Expo Frankreich 5
IMPC (International Mineral Processing Council) Südafrika 1
IMTMA (Indian Machine Tool Manufactuers Association) Indien 3
IMWF Türkei 1
in.Stuttgart Veranstaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Deutschland 1
Incheba Jsc Slowakei 20
Incheba Praha, s.r.o. Tschechien 8
Incheon Tourism Organization Südkorea 1
INDA (Association of the Nonwovens Fabrics Industry) USA 5
Indevco Consultancy Libanon 1
Index (Conferences and Exhibitions Organisation Est) VAE - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 6
Index Creative Village Pcl. Thailand 6
India Art Fair Indien 1
India ITME Society Indien 2
Indomach Business Solutions Indien 4
Indore Infoline Pvt. Ltd. Indien 8
Internationale Fachmessen