COGES (Commissariat Général des Expositions et Salons du Gicat)
France |
2 |
Collège Français de Métrologie
France |
1 |
College of Materials Science and Engineering
Chine |
1 |
France |
1 |
Colmar Expo
France |
5 |
Comasia Limited
Hong Kong |
13 |
Comet (Comité d'organisation des manifestations économiques et touristiques)
France |
1 |
France |
104 |
Comexposium Japan
Japon |
1 |
Comexposium Shanghai
Chine |
3 |
Comexposium Singapore Pte Ltd
Singapour |
2 |
Comic-Con International : San Diego
4 |
Comité de la Foire aux Vins de Lesparre-Médoc
France |
1 |
Comité de la Foire de Béré
France |
1 |
Comité des fêtes de Bergheim
France |
1 |
Comité des Fêtes de Veigné
France |
1 |
Comité des Fêtes, Foires et Salons de La Rochelle
France |
2 |
Comité des Floralies
France |
1 |
Comité des Salons et Concours de Mâcon
France |
1 |
Comité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs
France |
1 |
Commerce Interact Ltd.
Royaume-Uni |
15 |
Commercial Interiors UK
Royaume-Uni |
1 |
Commission du Film d'Île-de-France
France |
1 |
Communauté de Communes de l’Estuaire
France |
1 |
Commune de Creil
France |
1 |
Communica Organisation
France |
5 |
Compass Exhibition Co.,Ltd.
Thaïlande |
5 |
Compass Fairs AS
Norvège |
1 |
Competitor Group
11 |
Comptoir Delémontain SA
Suisse |
1 |
Comune di Santarcangelo di Romagna
Italie |
2 |
Concours Lépine
France |
1 |
Conference Service S.r.l.
Italie |
1 |
Canada |
1 |
Canada |
1 |
Congrès et Expositions de Bordeaux
France |
4 |
Congress & Event Organization
Kosovo |
4 |
Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH
Autriche |
1 |
CongressCheck GmbH
Allemagne |
1 |
CongrExpo d.o.o.
Serbie |
2 |
Oman |
6 |
Connect Exposition Asia
Thaïlande |
6 |
Connect Solution (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Thaïlande |
1 |
Connection Events
France |
1 |
Conrad & Dowdell Productions Inc.
2 |
Conseil des métiers d'art de Québec
Canada |
1 |
Consortium of Indian Textile Export Promotion Councils
Inde |
1 |
Consorzio Tecno
Italie |
1 |
Constellar Exhibition Pte Ltd
Singapour |
12 |
Constellar Exhibitions Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Malaisie |
1 |
Consumer Technology Association
1 |
Contemporary Istanbul
Turquie |
1 |
Content & Business
France |
1 |
Continuum Forums
Inde |
2 |
Continuum Productions
Canada |
2 |
Conventures, Inc.
1 |
Conxemar Association
Espagne |
1 |
COOA (China Optometric & Optical Association)
Chine |
1 |
Colombie |
49 |
Corma Chile A.G.
Chili |
2 |
Corp Agency - Paris
France |
1 |
CorpoEventos Eventos Corporativos
Guatemala |
3 |
Cosmetic Valley
France |
1 |
Maroc |
1 |
Cosmet'in Lyon
France |
1 |
Cosmo Beauty Professional
Pérou |
1 |
France |
6 |
Couromoda Feiras Comerciais
Brésil |
1 |
CP Exhibition (China Promotion Ltd.)
Hong Kong |
5 |
CPCT Arts & Events
France |
1 |
CPH Vision
Danemark |
1 |
Crafts America LLC
1 |
Roumanie |
1 |
Creative Communication
Roumanie |
1 |
Creative Connect Exhibitions & Conferences
Arabie Saoudite |
3 |
Creative Events Brazil
Brésil |
1 |
Creativity Informa Marketsis
Chine |
2 |
CremonaFiere S.p.A.
Italie |
17 |
Royaume-Uni |
3 |
Creonomyca HiTech & Engineering Cluster
Russie |
1 |
CRITT Agro-Alimentaire
France |
1 |
Crocodile Productions Inc.
10 |
Crocus Expo IEC
Russie |
13 |
Crossroads of the West Gun Shows
10 |
CSA (Chinese Stomatological Association)
Chine |
1 |
CSAA (Central Station Alarm Association International)
1 |
CSAVA (Czech Small Animal Veterinary Association)
Rép. Tchèque |
1 |
CSPIA (China Security and Protection Industry Association)
Chine |
1 |
CT Marine Trades Assoc.
1 |
Tunisie |
4 |
CTG MICE Service Company Limited
Chine |
1 |
CTI (Converting Technical Institute)
Japon |
1 |
CTIA - The Wireless Association
1 |
CTJPA (China Toy & Juvenile Product Association)
Chine |
4 |
CTMA (China Textile Machinery Equipment Industry Association)
Chine |
2 |
CURC (China United Rubber Corporation)
Chine |
1 |
Custom Events LLC
Émirats Arabes Unis |
1 |
CWC Event Solutions
Royaume-Uni |
1 |
France |
3 |
CZECH-IN s.r.o
Rép. Tchèque |
1 |