Campus Editori S.r.l.

Campus Editori S.r.l.
Trade shows

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Via Burigozzo 5
20122 Milano Italy
+39 02. 58219.736
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16 Trade Shows from Campus Editori S.r.l.
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - SALERNOStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Salerno (Italy) Stazione Marittima, Salerno 03/05/2025
3 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - MATERAStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Matera (Italy) Case delle Tecnologie Emergenti, Matera 03/12/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - CAGLIARIStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Cagliari (Italy) Fiera Internazionale della Sardegna 03/26/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - ANCONAStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Ancona (Italy) Palaprometeo 04/02/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - CARRARACarrara Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Carrara (Italy) CarraraFiere 10/02/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - CATANIACatania Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Catania (Italy) Le Ciminiere 10/08/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - MILANOMilano Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Milan (Italy) Parco Esposizione Novegro 10/16/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - TORINOTorino Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Torino (Italy) Lingotto Fiere 10/22/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - REGGIO CALABRIAStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Reggio Calabria (Italy) Piazza Italia 10/29/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - FIRENZEStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Florence (Italy) Stazione Leopolda 11/05/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - ROMARoma Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Rome (Italy) Fiera di Roma 11/18/2025
3 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - NAPOLINapoli Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Napoli (Italy) Mostra d'Oltremare 11/26/2025
2 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - PESCARAPescara Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Pescara (Italy) Porto Turistico Marina di Pescara Dec. 2025 (?)
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - BARIBari Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Bari (Italy) Fiera del Levante 12/03/2025
3 days
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - AREZZOStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Arezzo (Italy) Arezzo Fiere e Congressi Feb. 2026 (?)
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - PARMAStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Parma (Italy) Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds Feb. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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