Firenze Fiera Spa

Firenze Fiera Spa
Trade shows

Contact info

Piazza Adua, 1
50123 Firenze Italy
+39 055 49.721
+39 055 49 73 237
E-mail Web Site
4 Trade Shows from Firenze Fiera Spa
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
FIERA DIDACTA ITALIAFiera Didacta focuses on education, vocational training and relation among school and work once a year Florence (Italy) Fortezza da Basso 03/12/2025
3 days
MIDA - MOSTRA INTERNAZIONALE DELL'ARTIGIANATOInternational Handicraft Fair. An event which hosted the most important master craftsmen of history inside a privileged space, where tradition and innovation merge to create extremely valuable handmade products once a year Florence (Italy) Fortezza da Basso 04/25/2025
7 days
FIRENZE HOME TEXSTYLEFirenze International Fair for Home and decorative Textiles. Firenze Home Texstyle welcomes buyers, interior designers, concept stores, textile stores, journalists, influencers, and manufacturing companies once a year Florence (Italy) Fortezza da Basso Feb. 2026 (?)
TOURISMAInternational Archaeological Exhibition. tourismA is an opportunity for exposure, disclosure and comparison of all initiatives related to communication of ancient world and valorization of archaeological witnesses once a year Florence (Italy) Firenze Fiera Congress Center Feb. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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