SPIE SMART STRUCTURES / NON-DESTRUCTIVE EVALUATIONSPIE Smart Structures/NDE is a leading conference on the applied technologies of advanced materials, smart sensor networks, and non-destructive evaluation tools |
once a year |
Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre
03/17/2025 4 days |
SPIE OPTICS + OPTOELECTRONICSExhibition, Conference & Workshops on Optics and Optoelectronics. SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics is a meeting that highlights the technologies that drive Europe’s largest optoelectronic infrastructure projects such as HiPER, HiLASE, ELI Beamlines |
every 2 years |
Prague (Czech Republic)
Clarion Congress Hotel
04/07/2025 5 days |
SPIE DEFENSE + COMMERCIAL SENSINGExhibition & conferences for defense, security, industry and environment. The Defense, Security and Sensing Exhibition is the industry's leading exhibition with 500 top defense, security, and sensing contractors, suppliers, and integrators |
once a year |
Orlando, FL (USA)
Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center
04/13/2025 5 days |
SPIE DEFENSE + COMMERCIAL SENSING EXPOSpecialized conferences & exhibition dedicated to sensors, optics, imaging, lasers, and related areas for defense, security, industry, and the environment |
once a year |
Orlando, FL (USA)
Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center
04/13/2025 5 days |
PHOTOMASK JAPANInternational symposium on photomasks and NGL masks in Japan. The aim of Photomask Japan is to bring together engineers and investigators from Japan, USA, and all over the world in the field of photomasks, NGL masks, and related technologies |
once a year |
Yokohama (Japan)
Pacifico Yokohama
04/16/2025 3 days |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBRE SENSORSThe International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS) is acknowledged as the world’s leading conference on all the aspects of optical fiber sensors and related photonic technologies |
every 2 years |
Porto (Portugal)
05/25/2025 6 days |
NANOSCIENCE + ENGINEERING (PART OF OPTICS+PHOTONICS)NANOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING Conference. NanoScience + Engineering host the largest nano-technology conferences on the latest research on metamaterials, plasmonics, carbon nanotubes, spintronics, nanoimaging, nano thin films, nanomaterials, nanobiosensing |
once a year |
San Diego, CA (USA)
San Diego Convention Center
08/03/2025 5 days |
OPTICAL ENGINEERING + APPLICATIONS (PART OF OPTICS+PHOTONICS)Optical Engineering & applications Conference. Optical Engineering + Applications covers classical optical R&D, design, & engineering, as well as technologies & systems for use in space, information processing, remote sensing, & illumination engineering |
once a year |
San Diego, CA (USA)
San Diego Convention Center
08/03/2025 5 days |
OPTICS + PHOTONICSOptics & Photonics Conference & Expo. Join leading researchers and scientists as they contribute to advancements in optical engineering, nanotechnology, quantum science, organic photonics, and astronomical applications |
once a year |
San Diego, CA (USA)
San Diego Convention Center
08/03/2025 5 days |
PHOTONIC DEVICES + APPLICATIONS (PART OF OPTICS+PHOTONICS)Photonic Devices & Applications Conference. SPIE Photonic Devices + Applications covers the latest developments in photonic; OLEDs, OTFTs, OPVs, organic semiconductors in sensors and bioelectronics, organic materials, liquid crystals… |
once a year |
San Diego, CA (USA)
San Diego Convention Center
08/03/2025 5 days |
SPIE REMOTE SENSINGInternational Exhibition dedicated to Remote sensing. SPIE Remote Sensing is a meeting that offers comprehensive coverage of remote sensing including next-generation satellites, SAR image analysis, LIDAR technologies and more |
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
09/08/2025 4 days |
SPIE SECURITY + DEFENCEInternational Conference & Exhibition for Security & Defense. SPIE Security + Defence is the event that bridges the divide between fundamental optical science and the application of the underpinning technologies in advanced security and defence systems |
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
09/08/2025 4 days |
SPIE PHOTOMASK TECHNOLOGY + EXTREME ULTRAVIOLET LITHOGRAPHYPhoto Mask Technology Exhibition. SPIE Photomask Technology + Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography is a highly regarded exhibition & conference for buyers and key suppliers of components, software, and manufacturing equipment for the mask industry |
once a year |
Monterey, CA (USA)
Monterey Conference Center
09/21/2025 5 days |
SPIE OPTIFABAmerica's Premier Event for Optical Fabrication. Optifab, a unique technical focus on classical & advanced optical manufacturing technologies, offers attendees a great opportunity to interact with worldwide experts in the field of optical fabrication |
every 2 years |
Rochester, NY (USA)
Rochester Riverside Convention Center
10/20/2025 4 days |
SPIE PHOTONICS WESTCommercial Exhibition on Optics, Lasers, Biomedical Optics, Optoelectronic Components, and Imaging Technologies |
once a year |
San Francisco, CA (USA)
Moscone Convention Center
01/17/2026 6 days |
SPIE MEDICAL IMAGINGSpecialized Conference on medical imaging. SPIE Medical Imaging conference offers the latest information on digital pathology; tomography; image processing, perception, registration, informatics, and segmentation; computer-aided diagnosis; & ultrasound |
once a year |
Vancouver, BC (Canada)
02/15/2026 5 days |
SPIE ADVANCED LITHOGRAPHYAdvanced Lithography Conference and Expo + Patterning. The event for emerging technology in the semiconductor industry |
once a year |
San Jose, CA (USA)
San Jose McEnery Convention Center
02/22/2026 5 days |
SPIE PHOTONICS EUROPEEuropean Photonics Trade Event & Conference. SPIE PHOTONICS EUROPE will focus on technology ranging from optical components to fibre optics, lasers, sensors, cameras, detectors, and other optics & photonics products |
every 2 years |
Strasbourg (France)
Palais de la Musique et des Congrès
04/12/2026 5 days |
SPIE ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTATIONLatest Tools, Instruments, Devices, and Components from: Large Telescopes, Ground-Based Telescopes, Ground Instruments, Astronomy Information Technologies, Space Telescopes and Instruments, Detectors, Specialized Optics, Materials and Systems |
every 2 years |
Copenhagen (Denmark)
07/05/2026 6 days |
SPIE ASIA-PACIFIC REMOTE SENSINGAsia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium. Agency, industry, and academic leaders from around the world present recent developments in remote sensing technologies, atmospheric monitoring applications & earth observing systems |
every 2 years |
? (World)
Dec. 2026 (?) |