
Trade Shows in France
October 2025


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211 Trade Shows in France in October 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
SALON DE LA PHOTOPhotography Fair. The Salon de la Photo brings together all the key players in the world of photography: not only manufacturers and importers but also schools and professional associations, all eager to show you their very latest products and ideas once a year Paris Grande Halle de la Villette 10/09/2025
4 days
SOLUTIONS CSE ANNECYFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees… once a year Annecy Espace Rencontre, Annecy-le-vieux 10/09/2025
1 day
SOLUTIONS CSE ROUENFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees… twice a year Rouen Parc des expositions de Rouen 10/09/2025
2 days
TENDANCES CRÉATIVES - TOULOUSEHandicrafts and and do-it-yourself Exhibition. Sewing, home-deco, fabrics, patterns, leather, DIY accessories, customization, kits, haberdashery, beads, knitting, crochet, wool, sewing machines, embroidery, thread art, beads, scrapbooking, patchwork... once a year Toulouse MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 10/09/2025
4 days
ART3F HAUTE SAVOIEInternational Contemporary Art Expo in Haute-Savoie. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers once a year La Roche-sur-Foron Rochexpo, Parc des expositions de la Foire de la Haute-Savoie Mont-Blanc 10/10/2025
3 days
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE MONTPELLIERThe Montpellier International Fair is a huge commercial showcase based around several worlds. The opportunity to find products that you sometimes can't find anywhere else once a year Montpellier Montpellier - Parc des Expositions 10/10/2025
11 days
SALON DE L’HABITAT & DÉCO D'ALBERTVILLEThis show highlights the various local players, specialists in construction, renovation, interior design and also decoration once a year Albertville Halle Olympique d'Albertville 10/10/2025
3 days
SALON DE L'HABITAT & JARDIN D'ALENÇONHome & Garden Show in Alençon. Construction, renovation, equipment, interior and exterior design once a year Alencon Anova Parc des Expositions 10/10/2025
3 days
SALON DE L'HABITAT DE SAINT-NAZAIREHome Show in Saint-Nazaire. Construction, renovation, interior and exterior design, decoration once a year Saint-Nazaire Parc des Expositions de Saint-Nazaire 10/10/2025
3 days
SALON DE L'HABITAT DE TARBESSalon of the House of Tarbes. More than 100 specialists in real estate, housing and renovation. Energy and insulation, Exterior design... once a year Tarbes Tarbes - Parc des Expositions 10/10/2025
3 days
SALON DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE - VERTOUThe fairs « Vins & Gastronomie » offer artisans the opportunity to showcase their know-how and share their passion for good products with the public. Hundreds of producers, winegrowers, distributors and artisans in the catering trade once a year Vertou Salle Sèvre et Maine 10/10/2025
4 days
LE RENDEZ-VOUS DES MARIÉS“Le Rendez-vous des Mariés” is the unmissable event for all future brides and grooms. Meet your future service providers for the big day, attend conferences and take part in workshops led by professionals in the sector once a year Tarbes Tarbes - Parc des Expositions 10/11/2025
2 days
MIP JUNIORFestival of audiovisual programs for young people. MIP JUNIOR is the place where the main international buyers, sellers and producers of children's programs gather for the presentation and acquisition of licenses and content once a year Cannes JW Marriott Cannes 10/11/2025
2 days
SALON DU MARIAGE - VANNESVannes Wedding Fair. New trends, the best providers in your region. Wedding dresses, costumes, jewelers, announcements, decoration, florists, wedding planner, hairstyles, accessories, caterers, photographers, videographers... once a year Vannes Le Chorus, Parc des expositions 10/11/2025
2 days
SALON DU MARIAGE DE NÎMESWedding Fair of Nîmes. A complete event around marriage bringing together a diversity of qualified service providers: wedding dresses, hairdressing and beauty, formal wear for men, invitations, photographers, reception venues and caterers, entertainment once a year Nîmes Parc des expositions de Nîmes 10/11/2025
2 days
VIVING - QUIMPERQuimper Home Fair. Construction, renovation, promotion, financing, opening & closing, insulation, energy production, heating & air conditioning, decoration & furnishing, kitchen & bath, household art, exteriors, DIY once a year Quimper Parc des expositions Quimper Cornouaille 10/11/2025
3 days
VIVING QUIMPERQuimper Home Fair. Construction, renovation, promotion, financing, opening & closing, insulation, energy production, heating & air conditioning, decoration & furnishing, kitchen & bath, household art, exteriors, DIY once a year Quimper Parc des expositions Quimper Cornouaille 10/11/2025
3 days
LE SALON DES MICRO-ENTREPRISESMeeting for independents, franchise candidates, creators and managers of VSEs once a year Paris Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot 10/13/2025
2 days
MIPCOM CANNESMIPCOM CANNES, the international market for co-production and entertainment content, is the world's largest gathering of television and media professionals, the most anticipated week in the international audiovisual industry once a year Cannes Palais des Festivals de Cannes 10/13/2025
4 days
CONGRÈS HANDI 4 - BEAUNEExhibition exclusively reserved for professionals and institutions in the disability sector once a year Beaune Palais des Congrès - Beaune 10/14/2025
1 day
EQUIP AUTOEQUIP AUTO is, within the EMEA zone, the reference event for innovation for automotive after-sales and services related to connected mobility, bringing together the various players in the value chain extended to new entrants every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 10/14/2025
5 days
NETWORK XNetwork X is the new home of the long-running 5G World and Broadband World Forum, which will be joined by the newly launched Telco Cloud, designed to cover the full spectrum of the telecoms ecosystem once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 10/14/2025
3 days
RENCONTRES BUSINESS HYDROBusiness Hydro is an annual event with the following aiming to contribute to the national and international influence of the hydroelectric sector once a year Grenoble Alpexpo 10/14/2025
2 days
SIANEFair of the partners of the industry of the Great South. SIANE offers companies the economic upswing of the Midi-Pyrénées region. In addition to the main aviation sector, these are automotive, medical and electronics players once a year Toulouse MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 10/14/2025
3 days
SOLUTIONS CSE DIJONFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees… twice a year Dijon Zénith de Dijon 10/14/2025
1 day
SUPPLY CHAIN EVENTTransport and logistics exhibition. At the same time trade fair, business meeting and congress, Supply Chain Event is the reference media for detecting the latest trends and meeting new partners dedicated to the supply chain once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 10/14/2025
2 days
VITEFFVITeff is the only international exhibition for Sparkling Wine Technologies organized in the heart of Champagne in Épernay. It connects companies in the bustling sector with French and foreign buyers every 2 years Épernay Parc des Expositions Le Millesium 10/14/2025
3 days
COSMETIC 360The world's largest exhibition dedicated to innovation for the entire perfumery-cosmetics sector once a year Paris Carrousel du Louvre 10/15/2025
2 days
ITECHMER LORIENTExhibition for Equipment, Processing and Services for the Agro-Fishery Industry and the Shipbuilding Naval Maintenance every 2 years Lorient Parc des expositions de Lorient 10/15/2025
3 days
JTIC INTERNATIONALInternational Milling & Cereal Industries Meeting. 800+ cereal industry professionals come to meet 60+ exhibitors. A series of scientific and technical conferences on production, milling, baking, nutrition once a year Auxerre Auxerrexpo 10/15/2025
2 days
TOP TRANSPORT EUROPEEuropean business convention for professionals in the transport & logistics sectors once a year Marseille Palais du Pharo 10/15/2025
2 days
CONGRÈS ÂGE 3 - BEAUNEProfessional congress of retirement homes and structures welcoming dependent elderly people once a year Beaune Palais des Congrès - Beaune 10/16/2025
1 day
LE FORUM FRANCHISETHE 'FORUM FRANCHISE' is primarily aimed at franchises, organized retail brands and experts in the field of franchising. All sectors are represented once a year Lyon Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) 10/16/2025
1 day
SOLUTIONS CSE BORDEAUXFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees… twice a year Bordeaux Le Hangar 14 10/16/2025
2 days
SOLUTIONS CSE STRASBOURGFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees… twice a year Strasbourg Parc des expositions de Strasbourg 10/16/2025
2 days
SALON DE L'HABITAT D'AIX-EN-PROVENCEHome Show in Aix-en-Provence. Facilities, equipment, decoration, construction and renovation once a year Aix-en-Provence Arena du Pays d'Aix 10/17/2025
3 days
SALON DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE - CHARTRESThe fairs « Vins & Gastronomie » offer artisans the opportunity to showcase their know-how and share their passion for good products with the public. Hundreds of producers, winegrowers, distributors and artisans in the catering trade once a year Chartres Parc des Expositions Chartrexpo 10/17/2025
3 days
SALON DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE - COLMARThe fairs « Vins & Gastronomie » offer artisans the opportunity to showcase their know-how and share their passion for good products with the public. Hundreds of producers, winegrowers, distributors and artisans in the catering trade once a year Colmar Parc des Expositions de Colmar 10/17/2025
3 days
SALON MAISON DE COGNACHome Show in Cognac. Salon Maison de Cognac brings together specialists in construction, renovation, home equipment and interior and exterior decoration once a year Cognac Espace 3000 10/17/2025
3 days
GRAND SALON DU MARIAGE - ANNECYWedding Fair of Annecy. Fashion shows of bridal dresses and costumes, aesthetic advice, festive meals, entertainment, prestigious vehicles, honeymoons, organization of ceremonies, photographers, jewelry... once a year Annecy Arcadium d'Annecy 10/18/2025
2 days
HASHTAG FESTIVALMeeting point for geeks and fans of pop culture. Cosplay area, anime & manga village, gaming area, catering area, hall reserved for shops, numerous stands for associations, artisans, guests, web village & series... once a year Bourg-en-Bresse Ainterexpo 10/18/2025
2 days
LE SALON LE PRINTEMPS DU BIEN-ÊTREWellness fair. Head massage to pamper yourself, reflexology, well-being through stones and minerals with lithotherapy, discovery of runes, cartomancy readings and many other holistic and well-being practices will be offered once a year Albi Salle événementielle de Pratgraussals 10/18/2025
2 days
MINÉRALEXPO - CHAMBÉRYMinerals, Fossils, Crystals & Well-Being, Designer Jewelry and Gems Fair + Dinosaurs Exhibition once a year Chambery Savoiexpo - Parc des expositions de Chambery 10/18/2025
2 days
SALON DU BONParisian gastronomy fair, under the aegis of the great chef Thierry Marx. Tableware, Good products, Know-how, Culinary experiments, World of drinks, Kitchen equipment... once a year Paris Grande Halle de la Villette 10/18/2025
3 days
SALON MINÉRAUX, FOSSILES ET MÉTÉORITESPernes-les-Fontaines Minerals, Fossils and Meteorites Exhibition once a year Pernes-les-Fontaines Centre Culturel des Augustins 10/18/2025
2 days
SERBOTELCatering Show. At Serbotel all the Catering Professions are present: Hotel Business, Food Processing Industry, Mass Catering, Bakery, the Pastry Making, Meat and Pork Butchers… every 2 years Nantes Exponantes - La Beaujoire 10/19/2025
4 days
IGTM - INTERNATIONAL GOLF TRAVEL MARKETInternational Golf Travel Market. IGTM is a community for golf travel professionals who are looking for a highly focused and cost-effective way to grow their business once a year Cannes 10/20/2025
4 days
AGRIMAX METZGrand-Est Agriculture and Livestock Show. The AGRIMAX Show presents a summary of agricultural activity in the Grand-East of France and the cross-border area, from production to distribution once a year Metz Metz - Centre International des Congrès et Foires Expositions 10/22/2025
3 days
ARTIBATARTIbat is the main Building Exhibition for the West of France every 2 years Rennes Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport 10/22/2025
3 days
SALON DU PATRIMOINE CULTURELExhibition For People acting in the Conservation, the Restoration and the Development of the Movable and Real Cultural Patrimony once a year Paris Carrousel du Louvre 10/23/2025
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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