
Trade Shows in France
April 2026


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92 Trade Shows in France in April 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
LES JOURNÉES DE LA NATURALITÉProfessional event dedicated to the Naturalness sectors (Cosmetics, Agri-food, Nutraceuticals, Perfumes and flavors). Agriculture, Agri-food, Cosmetics, Perfumes and flavors, Nutraceuticals every 2 years Avignon Palais des Papes d'Avignon 04/01/2026
2 days
A FESTA DI L'OLIU NOVUAnnual Fair dedicated to Olive Oil. These days are an opportunity to maintain tradition and establish dialogue between producers and consumers by promoting quality olive products once a year Sainte Lucie de Tallano April 2026 (?)
ALL4CUSTOMER PARISAll4Customer Paris is the trade show for Customer Experience, Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Data and Artificial Intelligence. The largest showcase of Digital Marketing, E-Commerce Customer Experience and Data and AI in France once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles April 2026 (?)
ANTIBES ART FAIR (SALON D'ANTIBES)Modern Art & Antiques Fair. The Antibes Art Fair is the international spring gathering for all lovers, enthusiasts and collectors of antiques, design, modern art and contemporary art once a year Antibes Esplanade du Pré aux Pêcheurs April 2026 (?)
ART FAIR ANTIBESAntibes Art Fair. Modern art, contemporary art, jewelry, designer and vintage furniture, old furniture and paintings... once a year Antibes Esplanade du Pré aux Pêcheurs April 2026 (?)
ART PARIS ART FAIRParis International Contemporary Art Fair. The central spring meeting for modern and contemporary art once a year Paris Grand Palais Éphémère April 2026 (?)
ART3F REIMSInternational Contemporary Art Expo in Reims. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers once a year Reims Parc des expositions de Reims April 2026 (?)
ASD ALLIANCEASD Alliance is the one to one international event dedicated to Aeronautics, Space, Defence and Drones once a year Paris Les Salons Hoche April 2026 (?)
BARBECUE EXPOBarbecue and Outdoor Cooking Show. On the program: exhibition-sale, cooking shows, demonstrations, masterclasses and above all tastings! Accessories, fuels, food, books, wines and spirits once a year Paris Parc Floral de Paris April 2026 (?)
BD À BASTIAInitiated in 1993, the Rencontres de la Bande-Dessinée et de l’Illustration – BD in Bastia (Corsica) offer four days devoted to emerging paths, great classics, established authors and illustration for young people once a year Bastia Centre culturel Una Volta April 2026 (?)
BIJOUTIFULNîmes jewelry and fashion fair. A meeting place for lovers of jewelry, clothing and fashion accessories once a year Nîmes Parc des expositions de Nîmes April 2026 (?)
BIO & CO BESANÇONSustainable Construction and Bio Life Expo. Bio & Co Besançon offers: Eco-housing & renewable energies, healthy food & cooking, well-being & health, fair trade & gardening, ethical fashion, children, leisure... once a year Besancon Parc des expositions de Besançon - Micropolis April 2026 (?)
CONCOURS DES GRANDS VINS DE FRANCE À MÂCONCreated in 1954, the Concours des Grands Vins de France in Mâcon is one of the most recognized in France. Organized by the Mâcon Fairs and Competitions Committee, its key words are quality, authenticity, originality and conviviality once a year Mâcon Parc des expositions de Mâcon April 2026 (?)
CONCOURS LEPINEThe benchmark in the world of invention since 1901, the Lépine Competition is a springboard and a label of excellence for French industry. Thousands of inventions, from the most extraordinary to the most surprising, have seen the light of day there once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles April 2026 (?)
CONGRÈS & WORKSHOPS ESTHÉTIQUE & SPAIn parallel with Beauté Sélection, the Workshops area will introduce you to the worlds of Care, Eyes and Spa, but also Technology, Nails and Training. A 360° vision of all the latest developments in the sector once a year ? April 2026 (?)
CONGRÈS ÂGE 3 - AVIGNONProfessional congress of retirement homes and structures welcoming dependent elderly people once a year Avignon Parc des expositions - Avignon Sud April 2026 (?)
CONGRÈS DÉTERGENCEDetergent products Congress - Regulatory & Sustainability. The detergent, maintenance and industrial hygiene products sector faces multiple challenges once a year Paris Maison de la Mécanique April 2026 (?)
CONGRÈS HANDI 4 - AVIGNONExhibition exclusively reserved for professionals and institutions in the disability sector once a year Avignon Parc des expositions - Avignon Sud April 2026 (?)
CONGRÈS HRCongress of Human Resources departments. With two annual meetings, the HR Congress has established itself as the flagship event of the HR community in France twice a year Paris Le Pré Catelan April 2026 (?)
CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL D'ESTHÉTIQUE ET SPABeauty, Wellness & Spa Professionals International Meeting. For spa, wellness, aesthetics, cosmetics, makeup and nail professionals once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles April 2026 (?)
DESTINATION HABITAT - VALDAHONValdahon housing fair (France). Construction, Renovation, Interior design and decoration, Exterior design once a year Valdahon Gymnase Pierre Nicot April 2026 (?)
FESTA DI L'OLIU NOVUThe Corsican village of Sainte Lucie de Tallano hosts this craft fair dedicated to olives and olive growing. The opportunity to maintain tradition and establish dialogue between producers and consumers by promoting quality products once a year Sainte Lucie de Tallano April 2026 (?)
FESTIVAL DE LA BD DE PERROS-GUIRECPerros-Guirec Comics Festival. Signings, exhibitions, competitions, script writing courses, professional documentary comics days, school days... once a year Perros-Guirec April 2026 (?)
FESTIVAL DU LIVRE DE PARISParis International Book Fair. One of the most beautiful panoramas of global editorial creation once a year Paris Grand Palais Éphémère April 2026 (?)
FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DES JARDINS DE CHAUMONT-SUR-LOIREChaumont-sur-Loire International Festival of Gardens and Landscape Creation. Since 1992, this Festival has been a laboratory for contemporary creation in the field of gardens and landscape design throughout the world once a year Chaumont-sur-Loire Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire April 2026 (?)
FÊTE DE L'ASPERGEGastronomic festival which promotes local products from Haute Gironde and Aquitaine by putting asparagus in the spotlight once a year Braud-et-Saint-Louis April 2026 (?)
FÊTE DES PLANTES DE SAINT-JEAN DE BEAUREGARDThis meeting aims to support the work of the best nursery growers and artisans in the garden world and to promote it to the general public. A unique meeting place for all garden enthusiasts, experts and amateurs alike twice a year Saint-Jean de Beauregard Château de Saint-Jean de Beauregard April 2026 (?)
FÊTE DU LIVRE D'AUTUNThe Autun Book Festival is a meeting with authors, interviews and round tables, musical entertainment... Prize giving for the “Graines d'écrivains” writing competition once a year Autun L'Hexagone April 2026 (?)
FÊTE DU LIVRE DE BÉCHERELThe Bécherel Book Festival is emblematic of the medieval city of Brittany. It unfolds in different spaces: parks, squares, gardens, alleys... bookshops, artists' studios... and the Maison du livre. Meeting of authors, artists, animations... once a year Bécherel April 2026 (?)
FOIRE D'AVIGNONFair of Avignon. More than 350 exhibitors will be gathered around the themes of housing, furnishing, decoration, gastronomy, well-being, automobiles, motorhomes... once a year Avignon Parc des expositions - Avignon Sud April 2026 (?)
FOIRE DE LA LATIÈRECreated since time immemorial, the Latière fair brings together more than 10, 000 people in the middle of hectares of forest. The La Latière fair is an atypical fair where animals, local products, garden centers, vehicles, funfairs... twice a year Saint Aulaye-Puymangou April 2026 (?)
FOIRE DE PRINTEMPS DE MONTPELLIERMontpellier Spring Fair. Shopping, Concerts, Entertainment for young and old, Non-stop catering once a year Montpellier Montpellier - Parc des Expositions April 2026 (?)
FOIRE EXPO DU PAYS DE MONTBÉLIARDExhibition of various activities represented by local companies from the region of Maontbéliard. Habitat, furnishing and decoration, gastronomy and restoration, well-being and leisure once a year Montbéliard Axone Montbeliard April 2026 (?)
FOIRE EXPOSITION D'ANGERSAngers General Fair. Home, gardening, food, tourism & leasure, wellness once a year Angers Angers Parc Expo April 2026 (?)
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE LYONInternational Fair of Lyon. The International Fair of Lyon, a leading trade event for many companies, a recreational place & a world of exhibitors here to help you equip yourselves, feast, with your well bieng & Lifestyle, your Travels, relooking & more once a year Lyon Eurexpo April 2026 (?)
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE NANTESInternational Fair of Nantes. The Nantes International Fair is organized around four themes and presents the latest trends in home furnishings, landscaping, French and Foreign Crafts, Gastronomy once a year Nantes Exponantes - La Beaujoire April 2026 (?)
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE PARISInternational Fair of Paris. Home & Habitat, Craft and Culture of the World and Well-being, Fashion and Accessories, Leisure & Practical Life, Wines & Gastronomy once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles April 2026 (?)
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE TOULOUSEToulouse International Fair. Interior and Exterior Decoration and Fittings. Shopping, Fashion, DIY. Gastronomy once a year Toulouse MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions April 2026 (?)
GO ENTREPRENEURS - PARISBusiness creation, transmission, takeover, financing and development fair once a year Paris Paris La Défense Arena April 2026 (?)
HABITAT & JARDIN TENDANCE BOISHome Decoration, Gardening, Heating & HVAC Show once a year Chambery Savoiexpo - Parc des expositions de Chambery April 2026 (?)
HAUTS-DE-SEINE DIGITAL GAMESThis event promotes the educational uses of video games, digital technology and graphic arts, and encourages young people to discover the different schools, companies and professions in sectors such as virtual reality, AI, robotics, etc. once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles April 2026 (?)
- Furniture
- Gastronomy
once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles April 2026 (?)
LE PRINTEMPS DE BOURGES"Le Printemps de Bourges" is a French music festival founded in 1977; one of the most prestigious in France in the fields of rock, pop, electro, hip-hop... once a year Bourges April 2026 (?)
LE PRINTEMPS DES DOCKSLifestyle & Home Deco Exhibition in France (Lyon) once a year Lyon La Sucrière April 2026 (?)
LE SALON BABY LYONFair for future parents, babies and young children. The Salon Baby exhibits furniture & decoration, birth lists & gifts, infant & family nutrition, health, care, hygiene, beauty and well-being, early learning games & toys and many others once a year Lyon Eurexpo April 2026 (?)
MADE IN FRANCE - PREMIÈRE VISIONFrench High-End Fashion Industry Trade Show. Leading names in luxury, designers, young designers, costume designers and couture houses, as well as fashion, accessory, lingerie, sportswear, furnishings and cosmetics brands once a year Paris Carreau du Temple April 2026 (?)
MEDFELEuro-Mediterranean Fruit & Vegetable International Business Trade Fair once a year Perpignan Parc des congrès et des expositions de Perpignan April 2026 (?)
MINÉRALEXPO - AUBAGNEMinerals, Fossils, Crystals & Well-Being, Designer Jewelry and Gems Fair + Dinosaurs Exhibition once a year Aubagne Agora d'Aubagne April 2026 (?)
MINÉRALEXPO - MÂCONMinerals, Fossils, Crystals & Well-Being, Designer Jewelry and Gems Fair once a year Mâcon Espace La Verchère April 2026 (?)
NATURA BIOWellness, Natural Food & Healthy Home Expo. Organic food and wine, Association, green tourism and gardening, Fashion and crafts, Beauty, health and well-being, Ecological house and healthy living, Well-being... once a year Lille Lille Grand Palais April 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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