ITM – INTOURMARKET MOSCOWInternational Trade Fair for Travel & Tourism, co-organized with the Russian Federal Agency for Sport & Tourism |
once a year |
Nizhny Novgorod
All Russia JSC - Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka
04/02/2026 3 days |
ANALITIKA EXPOInternational exhibition for laboratory technology, equipment and reagents for chemical analysis and diagnostics |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
AQUA SALON: WELLNESS & SPAInternational Pool, Sauna, Wellness & SPA Exhibition |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
A-TESTEX / ANALITIKAInternational Specialized Exhibition of Equipment for Chemical Analysis, Laboratory Furniture and Chemicals |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
BEVITECThe leading exhibition in Russia & the CIS region for beverage manufacturing. The entire process chain: Raw materials, processing, filling & packaging, logistics, ingredients... for the production and sale of all types of beverages |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
BUILD URALUral Exhibition of construction, finishing materials and engineering equipment |
once a year |
IEC 'Ekaterinburg-Expo'
April 2026 (?) |
DENTAL SALON MOSCOWRussian Dental Exhibition & Conference. The DENTAL SALON exhibition provides a unique platform to all leading manufacturers and newcomers worldwide for launching their latest innovations and technologies |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
DENTAL-EXPO ST.-PETERSBURGInternational exhibition of equipment, instruments, materials and services for dentistry |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
April 2026 (?) |
DESIGN&DECOR ST. PETERSBURGDesign&Decor is an effective platform for interaction of suppliers of interior and decor items with representatives of the design community, search for ideas, professional development, networking, communication with like-minded people |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
April 2026 (?) |
ELECTRON TECHEXPOInternational exhibition of power electronics components and systems |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
ELEKTROInternational Exhibition for Electrical Equipment for Power and Electrical Engineering, Automation, Lighting Engineering |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
EXPOELECTRONICAInternational exhibition of Electronic Components, Modules and Systems, Embedded Systems and Turnkey Solutions |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
FIREPLACES SALON - KAMINOVInternational Fair for Fireplaces, Hearths and Stoves in Russia, NIS and Baltic States |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
HORECA SIBERIAExhibition of Drinks, Equipment, Goods and Services for Catering, Hospitality and Trade Industry |
once a year |
Novosibirsk Expocentre
April 2026 (?) |
HOUSE AND GARDENExhibition for all engaged in both professional and amateur garden activities such as landscape design, beautification, gardening, etc... |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
INGREDIENTS RUSSIAFood Ingredients Additives and Flavors |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
INNOVATIONS IN CONSTRUCTIONInternational contest of new materials and technologies |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
April 2026 (?) |
INTEGRATIONInternational Specialized Fair and Congress for Rehabilitation, Care, Physiotherapy, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Mobility, Inclusion World and Living |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
INTERCHARM PROFESSIONALInternational exhibition and forum for professional cosmetics, equipment, nutraceuticals, technologies and methods for complex skin, hair, nails and mental health |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
INTERFOOD KRASNODARExhibition for Food and Drink Products. InterFood Krasnodar is a key business platform and a venue for leading Russian and international producers to showcase their food products |
once a year |
Expograd Yug
April 2026 (?) |
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION & FORUM HI-TECH BUILDINGThe only event in Russia and CIS featuring building automation and management systems, Intelligent Building systems |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
INTERSTROYEXPOInternational Exhibition of Construction: Equipment, Materials, New Technologies... |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
April 2026 (?) |
IPHEBInternational exhibition on pharmaceutical ingredients, production and distribution of finished dosage |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
April 2026 (?) |
LESHOW MOSCOWInternational Leather and Fur Fair. Leather and Fur Garments, Finished Leather and Fur, Components and Accessories |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
MASHEXPO SIBERIAInternational Exhibition for Metalworking and Welding |
once a year |
Novosibirsk Expocentre
April 2026 (?) |
MININGWORLD RUSSIAInternational exhibition of technologies and equipment for mining and processing of minerals |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
MOSBUILDMoscow International Building and Construction, Decoration, Interior Design & Architecture Fair |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY SHOWInternational Real Estate Exhibition. The main concept of the exhibition is to present opportunities for buying real estate and investments abroad |
twice a year |
T-Modul Exhibition Hall (Tishinka exhibition centre)
April 2026 (?) |
NATMALLEXPOInternational Expo for Commercial Real Estate. Here Russian and CIS developers of commercial real estate meet retail companies, who search for new retail space and plan to expand sales geography |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
NAVITECH-EXPOExhibition of Navigation Systems, Technologies and services |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
NDT DEFECTOSCOPYInternational specialised exhibition of devices and equipment for industrial non-destructive testing |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
Petrocongress Centre
April 2026 (?) |
NDT ST. PERTERSBURG - DEFECTOSCOPYInternational Specialized Exhibition of Instruments and Equipment for Industrial Non-Destructive Testing |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
Petrocongress Centre
April 2026 (?) |
PHOTONICS. WORLD OF LASERS AND OPTICSRussian International Specialized Exhibition for Optical, Laser and Optoelectronic Technologies |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
PROINTEGRATION TECHAudiovisual and Information & Communication Technologies Trade Show. Systems Integration. Digital Signage |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
RUSSIAN COFFEE AND TEA INDUSTRY EVENTIndustrial Expo and Conference for coffee and tea industries |
once a year |
Main Stage, Moscow
April 2026 (?) |
SECURIKA / MIPSMoscow International Protection, Security and Fire Regulation Exhibition |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
SOBMAEXPOInternational Exhibition for Contract Manufacturing and Private Label Market. the key meeting point for retailers, brand owners and contract manufacturers from all over Russia, CIS and other countries |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
STOMATOLOGY ST. PETERSBURGDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in St. Petersburg |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
April 2026 (?) |
SVIAZ/EXPO COMM MOSCOWInternational Telecommunications, Wireless and Broadband Technology Exhibition and Conference |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
SVIAZ-EXPOCOMMInternational Exhibition for Telecommunications, Control Systems, IT and Communication Services |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
TIRES & RUBBERInternational Specialized Exhibition and Conference for Tires, Rubber and Rubber Goods |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
April 2026 (?) |
TRANSPORT AND ROADS OF SIBERIA - SPECIAL EQUIPMENTTransport, Roads & Special Equipment Expo in Siberia. There will be presented an exposition of new commercial vehicles and road-building machinery, materials and equipment, spare parts, lubricants, expeditionary services, and vehicle monitoring systems |
every 2 years |
April 2026 (?) |
UMIDSInternational Trade Fair for Wood Processing, Furniture and Forestry Industries in South Russia |
once a year |
Expograd Yug
April 2026 (?) |
VACUUMTECHEXPOInternational exhibition of vacuum and cryogenic technology & equipment |
once a year |
VDNH Exhibition Center
April 2026 (?) |
VINORUS.VINOTECHSpecialized exhibition of wine-making and wine-growing, beverages, technologies, raw materials and enological equipment |
once a year |
Expograd Yug
April 2026 (?) |
WOODEN HOUSEInternational specialized exhibition of Wooden Houses. One of the most successful projects in the field of wooden construction, this event will bring together leading Russian & foreign companies, manufacturers, suppliers, architects, builders & designers |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |
WOODEN HOUSESInternational specialized exhibition of Wooden Houses. One of the most successful exhibitions in the field of wooden house construction, bringing together leading Russian and world manufacturers, suppliers, builders, architects and designers |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
April 2026 (?) |