
Trade Shows in Europe
April 2026


Countries in Europe - April 2026

Dec 171 Jan 377 2025 Feb 505 Mar 695 Apr 488 May 463 Jun 337 Jul 96 Aug 85 Sep 612 Oct 859 Nov 718 Dec 164 Jan 383 2026 Feb 499 Mar 693 Apr 487 May 438 Jun 334 Jul 96 Aug 89 Sep 618 Oct 826 Nov 712 Dec 158
487 Trade Shows in Europe in April 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
FIERA DELL’ELETTRONICA DI CONSUMO - MODENAExhibition / market dedicated to enthusiasts, amateurs, collectors and users of consumer electronics once a year Modena (Italy) Modena Fiere April 2026
LES JOURNÉES DE LA NATURALITÉProfessional event dedicated to the Naturalness sectors (Cosmetics, Agri-food, Nutraceuticals, Perfumes and flavors). Agriculture, Agri-food, Cosmetics, Perfumes and flavors, Nutraceuticals every 2 years Avignon (France) Palais des Papes d'Avignon 04/01/2026
2 days
VEGGIEWORLD RHEIN-MAINConsumer show dedicated to vegan lifestyle in Hofheim. You want to know what new vegan products are available? How does vegan nutrition become suitable for everyday use? Or try out how to become vegan and live vegan? unknown Hofheim (Germany) Messecenter Rhein-Main April 2026
ITM – INTOURMARKET MOSCOWInternational Trade Fair for Travel & Tourism, co-organized with the Russian Federal Agency for Sport & Tourism once a year Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) All Russia JSC - Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka 04/02/2026
3 days
MADEN TURKEYMining, Mining Machinery, Equipment and Construction Vehicles Fair every 2 years Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center 04/08/2026
4 days
MINING TURKEYMining, Mining Machinery, Equipment and Construction Vehicles Fair. Mining Turkey features Ores, Coal, Natural Stones, Aggregates, Sand, Cement, Lime, Plaster Technologies, Precious and Semi Precious Stones and Metals Fair every 2 years Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center 04/08/2026
4 days
AGRA LEIPZIGLargest trade fair for agriculture, forestry and food industry in central and eastern Germany / Saxony every 2 years Leipzig (Germany) Exhibition Centre Leipzig 04/09/2026
4 days
CF ISTANBULThe aim of CF ISTANBUL is to bring together product, technology and service manufacturers, architects and engineers, contractors, practitioners, suppliers and buyers in the construction industry every 2 years Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo 04/09/2026
3 days
AUTO & BIKE KLAGENFURTTrade fair for car and two-wheeler aficionados. New cars from renowned automobile brands, commercial vehicles of all kinds and luxury vehicles are on display once a year Klagenfurt (Austria) Klagenfurter Messe 04/10/2026
3 days
EXPOÓPTICAExpoÓptica presents a fair model fully adapted to the demands of the optical and audiology sector, opening a more digital, modern environment, with new national and international brands, focused on fashion and health every 2 years Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 04/10/2026
3 days
FREIZEIT MESSE + VERGNÜGUNGSPARKSpring Fair for Travel, Sports, Fashion and Garden. Find out about various holiday and excursion destinations, or get tips for leisure activities in your own garden once a year Klagenfurt (Austria) Klagenfurter Messe 04/10/2026
3 days
INTERVINO KLAGENFURTWine fair for southern Austria and the Alps-Adriatic region. Find around 600 wines and spirits from around 55 winemakers and traders from Austria, Slovenia and Italy once a year Klagenfurt (Austria) Klagenfurter Messe 04/10/2026
3 days
LOVInternational Hunting and Fishing Fair. International Outdoor Activities and Relax Fair every 2 years Gornja Radgona (Slovenia) Pomurski sejem 04/10/2026
3 days
OUTDOOR RIGAInternational Trade Show for Outdoor Adventure and Recreational Activities once a year Riga (Latvia) Riga International Exhibition Centre 04/10/2026
3 days
SILVA REGINAInternational Forestry and Hunting Fair. SILVA REGINA is one of the key Central European forestry and hunting fairs every 2 years Brno (Czech Republic) Brno Exhibition Centre 04/12/2026
5 days
SPIE PHOTONICS EUROPEEuropean Photonics Trade Event & Conference. SPIE PHOTONICS EUROPE will focus on technology ranging from optical components to fibre optics, lasers, sensors, cameras, detectors, and other optics & photonics products every 2 years Strasbourg (France) Palais de la Musique et des Congrès 04/12/2026
5 days
TECHAGROInternational Fair of Agricultural Technology. Each year of the TECHAGRO trade fair is a presentation of trends in agriculture – digital technologies, precision agriculture, smart agriculture or the use of navigation systems every 2 years Brno (Czech Republic) Brno Exhibition Centre 04/12/2026
5 days
TUBEInternational Tube and Pipe Trade Fair. Tube shows the entire range - from raw materials to tube production, processing technology, accessories & trading, forming technology as well as machines and systems every 2 years Dusseldorf (Germany) Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre 04/13/2026
5 days
WIREInternational Wire and Cable Trade Fair. Meet world market leaders and initiators from the entire process chain - from raw materials to the latest machines for wire production and processing, fastening technology and spring production technology every 2 years Dusseldorf (Germany) Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre 04/13/2026
5 days
AIRCRAFT INTERIORS EXPOInternational Showcase for Aircraft Interior Design & Equipment once a year Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg Messe und Congress 04/14/2026
3 days
BIAM & WELDINGZagreb International Machine Tools and Tool Fair, Welding & Anticorrosion Fairs. The fairs are accompanied by a rich professional programme every 2 years Zagreb (Croatia) Zagreb Fair 04/14/2026
4 days
IFH / INTHERMTrade Fair for Domestic Engineering, Sanitary, Heating, Climate. IFH / INTHERM is the most important trade fair for the HVAC sector in Germany every 2 years Nuremberg (Germany) Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 04/14/2026
4 days
IFH/INTHERMSanitation, Heating, Air Conditioning, Renewable Energies Expo every 2 years Nuremberg (Germany) Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 04/14/2026
4 days
ISSA INTERCLEAN EUROPEInternational Trade Fair for Industrial Cleaning, Maintenance and Building Services every 2 years Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre 04/14/2026
4 days
PAINTEXPOInternational Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technology. PaintExpo takes place every other year in Karlsruhe as a showcase for innovations, applications, future technologies and trends covering all aspects of industrial coating every 2 years Karlsruhe (Germany) Messe Karlsruhe 04/14/2026
4 days
POZNAN MEDIA EXPOPoznań Media EXPO deals with telecommunications installations in buildings, smart home and related technologies every 2 years Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 04/14/2026
3 days
SAWOInternational Fair of Work Protection, Rescue and Fire Fighting Equipment every 2 years Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 04/14/2026
3 days
SECUREX INTERNATIONAL SECURITY EXHIBITIONPolish International Security Exhibition. Securex is the biggest business event for the security industry in Central and Eastern Europe every 2 years Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 04/14/2026
3 days
CHEMBIO FINLANDLaboratory Products, Biotechnology, Chemical Industry every 2 years Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 04/15/2026
2 days
OFFASt. Gallen Spring Fair. Many attractions, special shows and highlights plus a wide range of products including local gourmet foods once a year St. Gallen (Switzerland) Olma Messen St. Gallen 04/15/2026
5 days
PULPAPERInternational Exhibition for Suppliers to the Pulp and Paper Industry every 2 years Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 04/15/2026
2 days
SMOPYCInternational Show of Public Works, Construction And Mining Machinery every 3 years Zaragoza (Spain) Feria de Zaragoza 04/15/2026
4 days
SACHSENBACKLeading trade fair for bakery and confectionery trades in central and eastern Germany every 2 years Dresden (Germany) Messe Dresden 04/18/2026
3 days
INTERTOOL AUSTRIAAustrian International Fair for Machine Tools, Tooling and Manufacturing Technologies every 2 years Wels (Austria) Messe Wels 04/21/2026
4 days
MOUNTAIN PLANETMondial of Mountain Equipment. Mountain Planet has become the most influential biennial event for mountain professionals in France every 2 years Grenoble (France) Alpexpo 04/21/2026
3 days
NORDBYGGThe great Nordic construction fair. In Nordbygg, the principles of the future of the construction and real estate sector are discussed between architects, builders, property managers, installers, craftsmen, project managers... every 2 years Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 04/21/2026
4 days
POLSECUREThe International POLSECURE Expo is the most significant event for the public security sector in Poland every 2 years Kielce (Poland) Kielce Fairground 04/21/2026
3 days
SCHWEISSENSCHWEISSEN is Austria's innovation show and business platform for the industry and is aimed at industry, trade and SMEs alike. Joining, cutting & coating technology, testing technology, occupational safety... every 2 years Wels (Austria) Messe Wels 04/21/2026
4 days
SIAMSSIAMS brings together every two years industrial players offering microtechnical products and solutions. This show was born to respond to the concrete needs expressed by entrepreneurs in the world of precision every 2 years Moutier (Switzerland) Forum de l'Arc 04/21/2026
4 days
TECHTEXTIL FRANKFURTInternational Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwowens. Texprocess, the leading trade fair for the apparel and textile processing industry, took place parallel to Techtextil every 2 years Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 04/21/2026
4 days
TEXPROCESS - FRANKFURTLeading international trade fair for processing textile and flexible material. At Texprocess, international exhibitors will present the latest machines, plants, processes and services for the manufacture of garments and textile and flexible materials every 2 years Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 04/21/2026
4 days
ARCHITECT @ WORK - LUXEMBOURGExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils every 2 years Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Parc des Expositions Luxexpo Kirchberg 04/22/2026
2 days
EXPOSANITAInternational Exhibition of Health Services. An event featuring the latest generation of services, products and solutions that companies and industry professionals study, design and innovate, to make health care management more efficient every 2 years Bologna (Italy) Bologna Exhibition Centre 04/22/2026
3 days
AUTO RIGAThe biggest trade fair for the automotive industry in the Baltic States. Exhibition of new cars and commercial vehicles, auto repair tools, service station equipment, spare parts, maintenance products, accessories... once a year Riga (Latvia) Riga International Exhibition Centre 04/24/2026
3 days
SCOT PLANTThe leading and largest building & construction show for Scotland every 2 years Edinburgh (UK - United Kingdom) Royal Highland Centre 04/24/2026
2 days
INTERNATIONALE RASSEHUNDE-AUSSTELLUNG - LINGENInternational German show and pedigree dog competition once a year Lingen (Germany) Emslandhallen Lingen 04/25/2026
2 days
GLASSPRINTExhibition & conference dedicated to Glass Decoration every 3 years Dusseldorf (Germany) The Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Dusseldorf 04/28/2026
2 days
MEDITERRANEAN PORTS & LOGISTICSThe biggest annual ports and logistics exhibition and conference event in the Mediterranean region once a year Porto (Portugal) 04/28/2026
3 days
A FESTA DI L'OLIU NOVUAnnual Fair dedicated to Olive Oil. These days are an opportunity to maintain tradition and establish dialogue between producers and consumers by promoting quality olive products once a year Sainte Lucie de Tallano (France) April 2026 (?)
A2 INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FAIRS - BAKUInternational Education Fair. The best platform to connect you to +100, 000 students, parents, educational counsellors, local universities & high schools twice a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Hilton Baku April 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
Trade shows worldwide