
Trade Shows in Germany
September 2026


Countries in Europe - September 2026

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73 Trade Shows in Germany in September 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
AUTOMECHANIKA FRANKFURT DIGITAL PLUSWorld's leading trade fair for the automotive service industry every 2 years Frankfurt Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 09/08/2026
5 days
REIFENInternational Trade Fair for Retreading, New Tires, Tyro Trade, Tire and Chassis Technology, Vulcanization every 2 years Frankfurt Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 09/08/2026
5 days
POTATO EUROPE GERMANYInternational Outdoor Exhibition for Potato Cultivation and Machinery every 4 years Hannover Rittergut Bockerode 09/09/2026
2 days
INTERNATIONALE RASSEHUNDE-AUSSTELLUNG - LEIPZIGInternational German show and pedigree dog competition once a year Leipzig Exhibition Centre Leipzig 09/12/2026
2 days
ICAAInternational Conference on Aluminum Alloys every 2 years Berlin 09/13/2026
5 days
AMBGerman International Exhibition for Metal Working. AMB focuses on products, technologies, innovations, services and concepts for people who are passionate about metalworking. This makes it a marketplace, training and networking platform all in one every 2 years Stuttgart New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 09/15/2026
5 days
GALABAUInternational Trade Fair for Urban Green and Open Spaces. GaLaBau is the European trade fair for landscaping and maintenance and construction of sports grounds, golf courses and playgrounds every 2 years Nuremberg Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 09/15/2026
4 days
IAA TRANSPORTATIONInternational Transportation Trade Show & Congress. Autonomous driving, hydrogen strategies and much more... every 2 years Hannover Deutsche Messe Hannover 09/15/2026
6 days
INNOTRANSInternational Exhibition for Transportation Engineering. Innovative Systems - Vehicles - Components every 2 years Berlin Messegelände Berlin 09/22/2026
4 days
SECURITYInternational Security Exhibition with Congress every 2 years Essen Messe Essen 09/22/2026
4 days
SECURITY ESSENThe World Forum for Security and Fire Prevention every 2 years Essen Messe Essen 09/22/2026
4 days
WINDENERGY HAMBURGThe Who's Who of the international wind industry gathers in Hamburg to exchange insights at WindEnergy, the global flagship fair, and showcase the latest technologies for onshore and offshore wind energy every 2 years Hamburg Hamburg Messe und Congress 09/22/2026
4 days
COMPOUNDING WORLD EXPO EUROPEInternational Exhibition for Plastics Additives and Compounding every 2 years Frankfurt 09/23/2026
2 days
COUPOUNDING WORLD EXPO EUROPEInternational exhibition for plastics additives and compounding every 2 years Frankfurt 09/23/2026
2 days
PLASTICS EXTRUSION WORLD EXPO EUROPEInternational exhibition for the film, sheet, pipe and profile extrusion industry every 2 years Frankfurt 09/23/2026
2 days
PLASTICS RECYCLING WORLD EXHIBITION EUROPEPlastics Recycling World Exhibition. The exhibition will feature an international array of manufacturers of plastics recycling machinery and equipment, as well as suppliers of materials, additives and related services for plastics recyclers every 2 years Frankfurt 09/23/2026
2 days
PLASTICS RECYCLING WORLD EXPO EUROPEPlastics Recycling World Exhibition. The exhibition will feature an international array of manufacturers of plastics recycling machinery and equipment, as well as suppliers of materials, additives and related services for plastics recyclers every 2 years Frankfurt 09/23/2026
2 days
LWH - LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHES HAUPTFEST BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERGAgricultural Trade Show - International trade Exhibition for Farming and Agriculture every 4 years Stuttgart Cannstatter Wasen 09/26/2026
9 days
W3 + FAIR JENAOptics, electronics and mechanics exhibition. W3+ FAIR attracts product developers from precision, systems engineering, measurement technologies, mechatronics, microsystems and nanotechnologies once a year Jena Sparkassen Arena Jena Sept. 2026 (?)
WM WERKSTATTMESSE - DORTMUNDTrade fair for car and commercial vehicle parts, workshop equipment, tools, paint, paint accessories and tires once a year Dortmund Exhibition Centre Dortmund Sept. 2026 (?)
WOHNIDEEN & LIFESTYLEExhibition of fine furniture and interior design. Discover the latest trends in furniture and lifestyle once a year Rostock HanseMesse Rostock Sept. 2026 (?)
WOMEN IN MOBILITY LUNCHEON« Women in Mobility Luncheon » gathers every year, decision- makers and female top talents from the mobility industry meet for lunch in an informal setting to exchange views on progress in diversity and to further expand the network once a year Berlin Messegelände Berlin Sept. 2026 (?)
ZUKUNFT PERSONAL EUROPEHR decision-makers and key players meet in Cologne for three days to get a profound market overview and to exchange ideas about the HR trends of today and tomorrow once a year Cologne Exhibition Centre Cologne Sept. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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