
Trade Shows in Italy
September 2026


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55 Trade Shows in Italy in September 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ABILMENTE ROMADo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Roma - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Rome Fiera di Roma Sept. 2026 (?)
ABILMENTE TORINODo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Torino - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Torino Lingotto Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
ACCORDION SHOWThe International Exhibition dedicated to the Accordion World is in Cremona! once a year Cremona Cremona Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
ACOUSTIC GUITAR VILLAGETrade show dedicated to acoustic guitar, classical and modern, and to other plectrum and plucked instruments once a year Cremona Cremona Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
AFRICA INTERNATIONAL EXPOAfrica International Expo is the leading Italian event for developing relationships and commercial contacts with Africa. Discover services and opportunities to develop your business in the African market once a year Milan MiCo - Milano Congressi Sept. 2026 (?)
ARCHITECT @ WORK - ITALY - MILANExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils once a year Milan MiCo - Milano Congressi Sept. 2026 (?)
CASA MODERNAThe leading home and decoration show, both indoor and outdoor, for the North East of Italy. For a safer, more welcoming and more practical home once a year Udine Udine e Gorizia Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
CERSAIEInternational Exhibition of Ceramics for the Building Industry and bathroom Furnishings once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre Sept. 2026 (?)
CISAPInternational Conference on Safety and Environment in Process Industry every 2 years ? Sept. 2026 (?)
COILTECH ITALIAInternational trade show for the Coil & Winding industry. Materials and machineries for the production of electric motors, generators, transformers and winding systems once a year Pordenone Pordenone Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
CREMONA MONDOMUSICAThe worldwide leading marketplace for violin and plucked instrument making once a year Cremona Cremona Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
CREMONA WINDSCremona International Wind Instrument Fair once a year Cremona Cremona Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - AREZZOItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... twice a year Arezzo Arezzo Fiere e Congressi Sept. 2026 (?)
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - ERBAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Erba Lario Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - MANTOVAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... twice a year Mantua MAMU Multicentre Mantova Sept. 2026 (?)
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - MASSA CARRARAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Carrara CarraraFiere Sept. 2026 (?)
EXPOCASA TORINOExpocasa is the major exhibition in North-West Italy dedicated to home furnishing and renovation. Artisans will lead creative classes once a year Torino Oval Lingotto Sept. 2026 (?)
FIERA DI SAN MATTEOThe traditional Fiera di San Matteo is dear to the inhabitants of the Metauro Valley and the opportunity for tourists to discover the wealth of places of art, culture and the charm of the surroundings of Fossombrone. Trade fair, entertainment... once a year Fossombrone Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi Sept. 2026 (?)
FIERA DI SAN MICHELESan Michele de Santarcangelo Fair, known as “fiera degli uccelli”. With a centuries-old tradition, this fall event offers regional products, crafts and foods, a street market, festive and cultural entertainment... once a year Santarcangelo di Romagna Piazza Ganganelli Sept. 2026 (?)
FIERE DEL FUMETTO - COMICS & GAMES - MILANOEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... twice a year Busto Arsizio Malpensa Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
FIERE DEL FUMETTO - COMICS & GAMES - VICENZAEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... once a year Vicenza Fiera di Vicenza Sept. 2026 (?)
FLORMART - MIFLORInternational Horticultural and Gardening Exhibition once a year Padua PadovaFiere Sept. 2026 (?)
FORTRONICThe great Italian event dedicated to power electronics once a year Milan NH Hotel Fiera Sept. 2026 (?)
FRAGRANZEInternational show dedicated to artistic perfumery, home fragrances, beauty, and wellness once a year Florence Stazione Leopolda Sept. 2026 (?)
GO INTERNATIONALGo International is the reference italian exhibition event for export services. The fair aims to put demand in contact and the offer of services to support exports and internationalization once a year Milan MiCo - Milano Congressi Sept. 2026 (?)
I PRIMI D'ITALIAI Primi d'Italia is four days dedicated to continuous tastings, cooking classes, demonstrations by great chefs, quality food production, moments of entertainment... once a year Foligno Piazza della Repubblica, Foligno Sept. 2026 (?)
IDEANDOA show dedicated to creativity. You'll find raw materials, accessories and tools for creativity and hobbies. Our exhibitors will be running a wide range of courses and demonstrations to help you develop your hobbies once a year Pescara Pescara Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
IL SALONE DEL CAMPERFair dedicated to caravanning and outdoor tourism. Il Salone del Camper is a benchmark for camper lovers and more.
The newer vehicles to the campsite tents & equipment; all the ideal destinations for openair tourism, the italian culinary, etc
once a year Parma Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds Sept. 2026 (?)
L'AQUILA SPOSI EXPOL'Aquila Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies once a year L'Aquila Palazzo Palitti Sept. 2026 (?)
LATIN AMERICA EXPOAmerica Latina Expo is the leading Italian event for developing relationships and commercial contacts with Latin America. Discover services and opportunities to grow your business in Latin American markets once a year Milan MiCo - Milano Congressi Sept. 2026 (?)
LINEAPELLEInternational Exhibition of Leathers, Accessories, Components, Synthetic Products and Models for Footwear, Leather Goods, Leatherwear and Furnishing twice a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2026 (?)
MARMOMACInternational Exhibition of Stone Design & Technology. Marmomac Plus is a virtual space open to all companies in the stone sector once a year Verona Verona Exhibition Centre Sept. 2026 (?)
MICAM MILANOMICAM Milano is a leading international footwear trade fair. Manufacturers, buyers and journalists gather to discover the collections of more than 1, 000 footwear brands for men, women, children and keep abreast of the latest trends in style and technolog twice a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2026 (?)
MIFURInternational Leather & Furs Exhibition. From the tannery services to leather, finished garment accessories and machinery twice a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2026 (?)
MILANO FASHION & JEWELSIn Milan, the only event exclusively dedicated to Accessories, Apparel and Jewellery. Milano Fashion & Jewels is the event in which style, design and research rub shoulders, giving rise to original proposals and innovative ideas twice a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2026 (?)
MIPAPInternational Presentation of Women's Wear Collections twice a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2026 (?)
MIPEL THEBAGSHOWInternational Leather Goods Trade Show. MIPEL TheBagShow is one of the most important international event dedicated to leather goods and fashion accessories twice a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2026 (?)
MONZA SPOSIMonza Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals... twice a year Monza Arena di Monza Sept. 2026 (?)
MOSTRA MERCATO SCAMBIO - CAORLEThe fair dedicated to vintage cars, motorcycles and cycles. Clubs, spare parts, modelling and many related events once a year Caorle PalaExpoMar, Caorle Sept. 2026 (?)
NOSEInternational Conference on Environmental Odor Monitoring and Control every 2 years ? Sept. 2026 (?)
PIANO EXPERIENCEThe only event in Europe dedicated to the piano and keyboard instruments once a year Cremona Cremona Fiere Sept. 2026 (?)
RAVENNA SPOSI EXPORavenna Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies once a year Ravenna Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste Sept. 2026 (?)
READY TO SHOWREADY TO SHOW aims to give international apparel, accessory, textile and leather manufacturers direct access to major European buyers, including importers, private labels, large retailers and all other imported apparel and textiles users twice a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2026 (?)
RIMINI SPOSI EXPORimini Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies twice a year Rimini Nettuno Ristorante Bar Sept. 2026 (?)
SALONE NAUTICO INTERNAZIONALEInternational Boat Show. More than 1, 000 boats are on show, from the four traditional areas: sailing, outboard engines and inflatable boats, power boats and motor yachts once a year Genoa Fiera di Genova Sept. 2026 (?)
SIMAC TANNING TECHInternational Exhibition of Machines and Technologies for Tanning Industry once a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2026 (?)
SPOSI A PADOVAPadua Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals… twice a year Padua PadovaFiere Sept. 2026 (?)
SPOSI A SAVONASavona Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals... once a year Savona Villa Cambiaso Sept. 2026 (?)
TECNA EXPOInternational Exhibition of Technology and Supplies for the Ceramics and Brick Industries every 2 years Rimini Rimini Fiera Sept. 2026 (?)
TERRA MADRE - SALONE DEL GUSTOItalian festival of the relationship with nature and gastronomy. Agricultural markets. events in schools, book presentations and debates, film screenings... every 2 years Torino Parco Dora Sept. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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