SAMOTERInternational Earth-Moving and Building Machinery Exhibition |
every 3 years |
Verona Exhibition Centre
05/06/2026 4 days |
TANEXPOTANEXPO is the Bologna trade show for the funeral industry, international point of reference for the sector development, the showcase to discover market trends. Quality, innovation, design and excellence |
every 2 years |
Bologna Exhibition Centre
05/07/2026 3 days |
TRANSPOTECExhibitions of Technologies for Transport, Intermodal Services and Logistics |
every 2 years |
Fiera Milano City
05/13/2026 4 days |
EMMC - EUROPEAN MECHANICS OF MATERIALS CONFERENCEEuropean Mechanics of Materials Conference |
every 2 years |
05/27/2026 3 days |
AMICI DI BRUGGTrade Exhibition of Equipment and Material for Odontotherapy and Dental Technology |
once a year |
Rimini Fiera
May 2026 (?) |
ARTIERAThe fair gives exhibitors the opportunity to sell their products but above all to show ancient traditions and crafts, food, art, clothing, music... |
once a year |
Udine e Gorizia Fiere
May 2026 (?) |
ASPHALTICATrade Show for the professionals in the asphalt and roadway infrastructure industry |
every 3 years |
Verona Exhibition Centre
May 2026 (?) |
BIENNALE DI VENEZIA - TEATROInternational Festival of Theatre. The programme will feature daily events with the most important protagonists ot the contemporary theatrical scene, along with the productions made in the context of the Biennale College Teatro |
once a year |
Arsenale di Venezia
May 2026 (?) |
CONFERENZA RETE ITALIANA RICERCA FOTOVOLTAICONational and international photovoltaic development conference. The ReteIFV provides support for achieving national and international objectives for the decarbonisation of the energy system |
once a year |
May 2026 (?) |
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - ROVIGOItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... |
once a year |
Rovigo Fiere
May 2026 (?) |
EXPO ELETTRONICA - FORLIExpo Elettronica brings together the best exhibitors and a wide range of electronic, computer, energy saving, telephony, hardware and software, satellite reception, accessories and components for all uses |
twice a year |
Fiera di Forlì
May 2026 (?) |
EXPODENTAL MEETINGInternational Exhibitions of Equipment and Materials for Dental Surgeries and Dental Laboratories |
once a year |
Rimini Fiera
May 2026 (?) |
FIERA DI PADOVA - AUTOA vast exhibition of new cars, with the latest news in the sector and zero mileage used cars, accessories and much more |
once a year |
May 2026 (?) |
FIERA DI SAN CIRIACOAncona Trade Fair. Craft market, local food and products, many activities... |
once a year |
May 2026 (?) |
FIERA INTERNAZIONALE DEL LIBRO TORINOTurin International Book Fair. For publishers, the fair is the most important occasion for selling and presenting their latest publications. For its readers, the fair is the place where they can meet, discuss, be together and celebrate |
once a year |
Lingotto Fiere
May 2026 (?) |
FIERA INTERNAZIONALE DELL'AGRICOLTURA E DELLA ZOOTECNIAFoggia Agriculture and Zootechny international Trade Fair |
once a year |
Fiera di Foggia
May 2026 (?) |
FIERAVICOLACesena International Poultry Exhibition |
once a year |
Rimini Fiera
May 2026 (?) |
FIERE DEL FUMETTO - COMICS & GAMES - MILANOEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... |
twice a year |
Busto Arsizio
Malpensa Fiere
May 2026 (?) |
FORLI IN FIOREForlì in Fiore presents a wide variety of plants and flowers, from the most common to the most unusual botanical rarities offered by florists from all over Italy |
once a year |
Fiera di Forlì
May 2026 (?) |
ICONBMInternational Conference on Biomass. The latest key innovations within sustainable bioenergy technologies and solutions |
every 2 years |
May 2026 (?) |
LA FIERA CAMPIONARIAInternational Trade Far of Padua. Trends for the home, must-have products for shopping, gastronomy from around the world... many hours of entertainment and pleasure |
once a year |
May 2026 (?) |
MACFRUTInternational Exhibition of Plants, Technologies and Services for the Production, Conditioning, Marketing and Transport of Fruit and Vegetables |
once a year |
Rimini Fiera
May 2026 (?) |
MECFORMechanical and Machining Fair. The show revolves around 3 axes. - Mechanical subcontracting ("Subfornitura" expo) - Upgrade of cutting and forming machines ("Revamping" expo) - Turning machines ("Tourning" expo) |
once a year |
Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds
May 2026 (?) |
MOSTRA DEL DISCO - BOLOGNASecond-Hand and Collectible Records Trade Fair. Vinyl, collectible CDs, memorabilia... For all incurable vinyl lovers |
once a year |
Piazza Lucio Dalla
May 2026 (?) |
MOSTRA MERCATO DEL FUMETTOItaly's largest exhibition of old and collectible comics, an unmissable opportunity for enthusiasts and collectors from all over the peninsula to meet, |
twice a year |
Bologna Exhibition Centre
May 2026 (?) |
MOSTRA MERCATO SCAMBIO - SANT'AMBROGIO DI VALPOLICELLAThe fair dedicated to vintage cars, motorcycles and cycles. Clubs, spare parts, modelling and many related events |
once a year |
Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella
May 2026 (?) |
NAONISCONItalian exhibition of card games, role-playing games, game tournaments, comics... |
once a year |
Pordenone Fiere
May 2026 (?) |
OROAREZZOInternational Jewelry Exhibition. The event that exploits the best Made in Italy goldsmith production internationally |
once a year |
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi
May 2026 (?) |
PACKAGING PREMIÈRE & PCD MILANPackaging Première & PCD Milan are two tradeshows co-located in a single event showcasing the best of packaging for the luxury and beauty sectors |
once a year |
MiCo - Milano Congressi
May 2026 (?) |
PHARMACON MERANPharmaceutical Trade Fair. The pharmacon congresses are among the most important pharmaceutical training events in the German-speaking world |
once a year |
Kurhaus Teatro Puccini
May 2026 (?) |
PROPOSTEWorld trade show of furnishing fabrics and curtains |
once a year |
Spazio Villa Erba
May 2026 (?) |
RESTAURO - MUSEIArt Preservation & Restoration Exhibition. Economy, Conservation, Technologies and Enhancement of Cultural and Environmental Heritage |
once a year |
Fiera di Ferrara
May 2026 (?) |
RETALFVItalian Photovoltaic Energy Conference. The ReteIFV Conference supports the achievement of national and international goals for decarbonization of the energy system |
once a year |
Porta del Parco - Bagnoli
May 2026 (?) |
RIMINIWELLNESSRiminiWellness brings together all facets of the world of well-being: manufacturers of physical activity equipment, sports halls, training centers, professional associations, medical spas, health centers, rehabilitation, fitness, tourism... |
once a year |
Rimini Fiera
May 2026 (?) |
SPS / IPC / DRIVES ITALIAInternational Exhibition & Conference on Electric Automation - Systems and Components |
once a year |
Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds
May 2026 (?) |
VENDITALIAVenditalia, the most important international event of Vending Machines in Italia, will allow all operators in the sector to connect, learn and grow in the vending sector at an international level |
once a year |
Fiera Milano, Rho
May 2026 (?) |
VENEZIA COMICSVenice Festival dedicated to comics, manga, games, video games and animation |
once a year |
Forte Marghera
May 2026 (?) |
VERONA MINERAL SHOWExhibition for Precious Hard Decorative Stone, Fossils and Similar, Stone Giftware |
twice a year |
Verona Exhibition Centre
May 2026 (?) |
VERONAFILPhilately and Numismatics Fair. Stamps, coins, old books, postcards, envelopes, prints, medals, small antiques... |
twice a year |
Verona Exhibition Centre
May 2026 (?) |
XYLEXPOInternational Biennial Wood Processing Machinery and Accessories Exhibition |
every 2 years |
Fiera Milano City
May 2026 (?) |