
Trade Shows in Sweden
May 2026


Countries in Europe - May 2026

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26 Trade Shows in Sweden in May 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ELMIA AUTOMATIONExperience tomorrow's innovations and automation solutions at the industry's most powerful marketplace in Sweden. Find the latest advancements from robot suppliers, system integrators and component suppliers every 2 years Jönköping Elmia exhibition halls 05/19/2026
4 days
ELMIA POLYMER - POWERED BY FAKUMAElmia Polymer is the largest trade fair in the Nordic region for the plastics and rubber industry. In parallel with: Elmia 3D, Elmia Automation, Elmia Sheet Metal, Elmia Welding & Joining Technology and Elmia Machine Tools every 2 years Jönköping Elmia exhibition halls 05/19/2026
4 days
ELMIA WELDING & JOINING TECHNOLOGYA leading trade fair for products and solutions in welding and joining technology. In parallel with: Elmia 3D, Elmia Automation, Elmia Polymer, Elmia Sheet Metal and Elmia Machine Tools every 2 years Jönköping Elmia exhibition halls 05/19/2026
4 days
EURO MINE EXPOInternational Trade Fair and Conference for the Mining Industry. Cutting Edge Innovations & the latest Methods on Mining every 2 years Skellefteå Skellefteå Kraft Arena 05/26/2026
3 days
AUTOMATIONSTEKNIKThe Nordic region's leading trade fair for intelligent automation, robotics and digital transformation. It covers the entire development, from components to systems, services and applications, of the manufacturing industry once a year Malmö MalmöMässan May 2026 (?)
BIG DATA & AI EXPOThe Nordic countries' leading forum for Big Data and AI. Next-generation AI and Big Data strategies are presented here, the opportunity to explore and discover what AI and Big Data can really achieve once a year Stockholm Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs May 2026 (?)
CLOUD & CYBER ​​SECURITY EXPOCloud & Cybersecurity Expo is the most important cybersecurity event for businesses and organizations in the Scandinavian region once a year Stockholm Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs May 2026 (?)
DATA CENTER EXPOThe leading data center event in the Nordics. Data centre experts and end-users from various industries come together to share their knowledge and stories of success in the data centre world once a year Stockholm Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs May 2026 (?)
DEVOPS EXPOTop-tier DevOps experts and industry leaders across diverse sectors converge to exchange insights and narratives of driving workforce empowerment and success once a year Stockholm Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs May 2026 (?)
E-COMMERCE EXPOSweden E-Commerce Forum. Meetings, new perspectives, skills development and exchange of experiences once a year Stockholm Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs May 2026 (?)
E-COMMERCE EXPO - STOCKHOLME-commerce chain exhibition, from choosing strategic channels to efficient logistics once a year Stockholm Kista Mässan May 2026 (?)
ENERGIMÄSSANEnergimässan is a trade fair and congress dedicated to the energy of the future. Thought leaders and innovators from across the value chain present trends and innovations in the energy sector once a year Stockholm Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs May 2026 (?)
INDUSTIMÄSSORNA ÖRESUNDNordic Industrial Production Fair, showcase of the production industry of the future and the ambition to create sustainable and efficient production in the future once a year Malmö MalmöMässan May 2026 (?)
INFRASTRUKTURInfrastruktur addresses every aspect of public infrastructure: Civil engineering, road, tunnel and bridge construction, landscaping, utilities, water & sewage, supply & maintenance, public space design & mobility, digitalisation, energy & environment once a year Stockholm Kista Mässan May 2026 (?)
NORDIC GAMEGathering thousands of industry professionals each year, Nordic Game is one of the leading games conferences in Europe once a year Malmö MalmöMässan May 2026 (?)
NORDIC MOBILE EXPOThe Nordic region’s largest, most important and most influential meeting place for future mobile solutions once a year Stockholm Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs May 2026 (?)
NORDIC MOBILITYThe Nordic region's largest meeting place for future urban mobility models and smart transport. 250+ exhibitors show the way to tomorrow's transport for people and goods once a year Stockholm Kista Mässan May 2026 (?)
ÖRESUND INDUSTRIAL FAIRSÖresund Industrial Exhibition is the largest industrial event in the Nordic countries, both manufacturing and process industries once a year Malmö MalmöMässan May 2026 (?)
PLASTTEKNIK NORDICThe Nordics’ premier trade fair for the plastic and rubber industry. Machinery & Production equipment, Raw materials, Test and measurement equipment, 3D technology, Subcontracting, Environment & recycling, Materials and semi-finished products... once a year Malmö MalmöMässan May 2026 (?)
PROCESS EXPO SWEDENProcess Expo is the Nordic region's most important meeting place for the entire processing industry. Chemistry, pharmacy, agri-food... once a year Malmö MalmöMässan May 2026 (?)
PROCESSEXPO MALMÖThe Nordic region’s largest and most important meeting place for the entire process industry once a year Malmö MalmöMässan May 2026 (?)
RETAIL TECHNOLOGYSwedish Retail Fair. Here, commerce stakeholders come together to explore cutting-edge technologies and innovative tools that improve the customer experience once a year Stockholm Kista Mässan May 2026 (?)
STOCKHOLM SMART CITYStockholm Smart City presents the latest visions & solutions for the smart cities and communities of the future. Solutions for a sustainable, safe and connected city. Here, decision-makers, experts, innovators share their experiences and collaborate... once a year Stockholm Kista Mässan May 2026 (?)
UNDERHÄLLSTEKNIKThe Nordic countries' largest meeting place for production-oriented maintenance. Suppliers, decision-makers and users share services and products for sustainable production with increased profitability once a year Malmö MalmöMässan May 2026 (?)
UNDERHÅLLSTEKNIKUnderhållsTeknik is the largest meeting place in the Nordics for production-oriented maintenance once a year Malmö MalmöMässan May 2026 (?)
VITALISExhibition and conference on IT solutions for the health, care and welfare sectors once a year Gothenburg Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre May 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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