
Trade Shows in Switzerland
November 2024


Countries in Europe - November 2024

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17 Trade Shows in Switzerland in November 2024
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
FINEST AUDIOSHOW ZURICHHiFi & Home Theatre Installation International Exhibition. The FINEST AUDIO SHOW ZURICH is aimed at everyone who loves music and wants to listen to it in authentic quality within their own four walls once a year Zurich Movenpick Hotel Convention Center 11/02/2024
2 days
AUTO ZÜRICHZurich International Motor Show. One of the major European showcases for the automotive industry, giving pride of place to innovation, particularly e-mobility once a year Zurich Ferienmesse Zürich 11/07/2024
4 days
LES AUTOMNALESInternational Fair of Geneva. House, wellness, leisure, flavors. Exhibitors, workshops and animations await you once a year Geneve Palexpo 11/08/2024
10 days
ROAD TRIP EXPOExhibition exclusively dedicated to fans of van travel, leisure vehicles and slow tourism once a year Geneve Palexpo 11/08/2024
3 days
SALON BÉBÉ ET MOIExpo dedicated to the future and young parents. BÉBÉ ET MOI is intended for parents and expectant parents as well as their families, it offer a wide range of products, advices and services related to motherhood and childhood once a year Geneve Palexpo 11/08/2024
3 days
SWISS BOAT SHOWBoat Show in Geneva. SWISS BOAT SHOW welcomes more than 120 representative of the entire nautical sector: sailing, power boating, watersliding sports, rowing activities, diving... once a year Geneve Palexpo 11/08/2024
3 days
SALON RH SUISSEThe Salon RH Suisse is THE place to be for HR professionals and offers an extensive overview of innovative products and services in the HR sector once a year Lausanne Palais de Beaulieu 11/13/2024
2 days
WINTI MÄSSWinterthur Winter Fair. Gastronomy, Tastings, Bakery workshops, live concerts... The Winti Mäss is Winterthur's traditional public fair and attracts shoppers, connoisseurs and explorers from the entire region once a year Winterthur Eulachhallen 11/13/2024
5 days
BAU+ENERGIE MESSEEnergy Efficiency, Wooden Construction & Renewable Energy in Building Expo & Congress once a year Bern BernExpo AG 11/14/2024
4 days
BAUEN + WOHNEN BERNBuilding, Living, Garden + Lifestyle Expo once a year Bern BernExpo AG 11/14/2024
4 days
HAUSBAU+ENERGIEEco Building & Energy Savings Expo. The largest Swiss event for real estate construction and energy once a year Bern BernExpo AG 11/14/2024
4 days
HAUSBAU+ENERGIE MESSELeading trade fair with congress for energy efficient construction and renovation, modern timber construction and renewable energies once a year Bern BernExpo AG 11/14/2024
4 days
SIIT-SUISSEPortugal-Switzerland Real Estate, Investment and Tourism Fair. SIIT-SWISS puts Portugal in the spotlight to promote its assets as an investment, tourism and business destination once a year Geneve 11/14/2024
3 days
SALON DES FORMATIONS INTERNATIONALES DE GENÈVEInternational training and career fair. The Geneva International Training and Careers Fair is aimed at post-baccalaureate pupils, students, young graduates and employees wishing to give an international dimension to their career once a year Geneve OptimHall 11/16/2024
1 day
CAREHOThe meeting place for food and hospitality professionals, in the heart of the Alps every 2 years Martigny CERM (Centre d'Expositions et de Réunions de Martigny) 11/17/2024
3 days
BERNER FOSSILIEN- UND MINERALIENBÖRSEThe Bern Stock Exchange clearly focuses on the field of minerals and fossils from Switzerland and around the world. But also encourages other types of Swiss collectors to exhibit their treasures once a year Bern BernExpo AG 11/23/2024
2 days
AGRAMASwiss agricultural machinery exhibition. The AGRAMA exhibition is the largest Swiss agricultural and forestry technology exhibition every 2 years Bern BernExpo AG 11/28/2024
5 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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