Czech Republic

Environmental Protection
Trade Shows in Czech Republic
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Czech Republic


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9 Trade Shows in Czech Republic related to Environmental Protection
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
VODOVODY-KANALIZACEVODOVODY-KANALIZACE is an international Water Management Exhibition, the most important professional meeting in the Czech Republic for Water Supplies- Sewage every 2 years Prague PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany 05/20/2025
3 days
EHP CONGRESSEuroheat & Power is the international network for district energy, promoting sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and beyond once a year Prague 06/03/2025
3 days
FOR ARCH. FOR WASTE &WATERInternational Trade Fair of Waste Handling, Recycling, Industrial and Municipal Ecology once a year Prague PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany 09/16/2025
5 days
FOR CITYFair of innovative solutions for cities, towns and regions once a year Prague PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany 09/16/2025
5 days
ENVITECHENVITECH is one of the few fairs in Central Europe focusing on technology, products and services contributing towards protecting and restoring the environment every 2 years Brno Brno Exhibition Centre 10/07/2025
4 days
E-SALON - E-TECHNOLOGYExhibition of clean mobility, e-mobility technologies and solutions. Cars, utility vehicles and two-wheelers with alternative propulsion, charging infrastructure, smart cities, services linked to e-mobility... once a year Prague PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany 11/13/2025
4 days
FOR PASIVTrade Fair of Low-energy, Passive and Zero-Energy Buildings once a year Prague PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany Feb. 2026 (?)
STRECHY PRAHA / ROOFS PRAGUESpecialized Exhibition for Roof Building and Renovation. The Roofs-Solar-Craft Fair focuses on the fields related to roofs, solar systems and other energy-saving technologies once a year Prague PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany 02/12/2026
3 days
BIOMASATrade Fair of Renewable Sources of Energy in Agriculture and Forestry. BIOMASA will present technologies for energy use of forest and agricultural biomass every 2 years Brno Brno Exhibition Centre April 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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