Czech Republic

Subcontracting, Suppliers & Partners
Trade Shows in Czech Republic
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Czech Republic


Countries in Europe

11 Trade Shows in Czech Republic related to Subcontracting, Suppliers & Partners
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
MRO BEERMRO Europe gathers the airline supply chain to network, learn and define the commercial aviation maintenance industry. Conference and Exhibition once a year Prague O2 Universum, Praha 05/14/2025
2 days
ECHT - EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON HEAT TREATMENT AND SURFACE ENGINEERINGEuropean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering. A program of scientific and industrial conferences + An exhibition of suppliers of equipment, products and services in heat treatments and surface treatments once a year Prague Kaiserstein Palace 06/04/2025
3 days
KABOCentral European Fair of Footwear and Leatherware. KABO – Footwear and Leatherware Fair is the most prestigious professional show of the products of Czech and foreign footwear manufacturers within the Czech and Slovak Republics twice a year Brno Brno Exhibition Centre Aug. 2025 (?)
STYLInternational Fashion Fair. STYL Fashion Fair is a trade summit for the fashion industry. Exhibitors from all over Europe offer and present to professionals new brands, new products and fashion trends in clothing twice a year Brno Brno Exhibition Centre Aug. 2025 (?)
FOND-EXInternational Foundry Fair. The FOND-EX International Foundry Fair is an evergreen in the Brno's expo calendar. It has been held here since 1972 every 2 years Brno Brno Exhibition Centre 10/07/2025
4 days
IMTInternational Machine Tools Exhibition. As the largest event of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe, IMT is organized with the support of CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industry every 2 years Brno Brno Exhibition Centre 10/07/2025
4 days
MSVInternational Engineering Fair. International Engineering Fair.
The MSV International Engineering Fair is the most important industrial fair in Central Europe
once a year Brno Brno Exhibition Centre 10/07/2025
4 days
PLASTEX BRNOInternational Plastics, Rubber and Composites Fair. PLASTEX BRNO takes place concurrently with the MSV International Engineering Fair every 2 years Brno Brno Exhibition Centre 10/07/2025
4 days
PROFINTECHInternational Trade Fair for Surface Technology. The PROFINTECH International Trade Fair for Surface Technology has achieved the position of number one on the Czech expo market in the field of surface treatment every 2 years Brno Brno Exhibition Centre 10/07/2025
4 days
TRANSPORT A LOGISTICAInternational Fair for Transport and Logistics, one of the major logistics trade fairs in Central Europe every 2 years Brno Brno Exhibition Centre 10/07/2025
4 days
WELDING BRNOInternational Welding Engineering Fair. WELDING is in the position of the most important specialized welding technology expo in Central Europe every 2 years Brno Brno Exhibition Centre 10/07/2025
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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