
Environmental Protection
Trade Shows in France
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in France


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80 Trade Shows in France related to Environmental Protection
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ATMOS'FAIREnvironment Fair, with six main themes: Agriculture, Industries, Energy Production, Construction and Building, Transport and Mobility, Health once a year Lille 10/15/2025
2 days
CYCL’EAU - PROVENCE-ALPES-MÉDITERRANÉEForum dedicated to public and private stakeholders in the water sector. Exchange and create synergies. Round tables & plenaries to highlight the major issues linked to climate change and the preservation of water resources every 2 years Aix-en-Provence Arena du Pays d'Aix Nov. 2025 (?)
GREENTECH FORUMGreenTech Forum is the professional event dedicated to reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology. For a responsible digital strategy within your organization once a year Paris Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot 11/04/2025
2 days
MARJOLAINEMarjolaine is the largest French trade fair dedicated to organic and nature for eco-citizens who are committed to protecting the environment once a year Paris Parc Floral de Paris 11/07/2025
5 days
ENVIROPRO TOULOUSEExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 2 years Toulouse MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 11/19/2025
2 days
HORIZONS HYDROGÈNEProfessional event dedicated to the hydrogen market in France. A complete and unique overview of the perspectives and opportunities linked to developments in this still booming market once a year Paris Verso Victoire 11/25/2025
1 day
WASTE MEETINGSInternational meetings on recycling, treatment, waste recovery, reuse and circular economy once a year Lyon Double Mixte, Lyon 11/25/2025
2 days
NATURISSIMANaturissima is the benchmark organic, environmental and well-being fair in the Grenoble region once a year Grenoble Alpexpo 11/26/2025
5 days
CFICExhibition of industrial transitions in Cosmetics. CFIC is a tailor-made BtoB event that brings together a panel of selected suppliers offering innovative and responsible business solutions, given energy and environmental constraints... once a year ? Dec. 2025 (?)
SALON DE L’ÉCOLOGIEExpo, conferences and jobs dating dedicated to ecology. The Salon de l’Écologie introduces you to the world of ecology training and professions once a year Montpellier Montpellier - Parc des Expositions Dec. 2025 (?)
NATURAL INGREDIENTS EUROPENatural Ingredients would like to welcome visitors who are looking to source natural ingredients to use for products: manufacturers of semi- and finished products once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 12/02/2025
3 days
FESTIVAL BREIZH TRANSITIONEnergy Transition and Sustainable Development Festival every 2 years Quimper Parc des expositions Quimper Cornouaille 12/04/2025
2 days
FIERA DI A CASTAGNAThe Corsican village of Bocognano welcomes you to the "Fiera di a castagna", dedicated to chestnuts and the chestnut tradition. Renovate the chestnut grove, modernize processing, create added value, professionalize an ex-subsistence economy once a year Bocognano Foyer rural de Bucugnà 'U Castagnu' 12/05/2025
3 days
ENERGAÏAInternational Renewable Energies Exhibition - with Conference. The EnerGaïa Forum supports the renewable energy sector by offering real environmental solutions for territories, cities and industries once a year Montpellier Montpellier - Parc des Expositions 12/10/2025
2 days
RESPIRE LA VIE - VANNESOrganic Lyfestyle Expo. RESPIRE LA VIE is the event for 'consume differently' attitude people and companies involved in Green Tourism, Food & Wine, Well-being, Handicraft, Sustainable Home & Energy once a year Vannes Le Chorus, Parc des expositions Jan. 2026
SALON DE L’HABITAT & DES ÉCONOMIES D’ENERGIES – MONTBÉLIARDSpecialized Exhibition dédicated to the latest energy saving and environment friendly innovations once a year Montbéliard Axone Montbeliard Jan. 2026 (?)
SALON DES FORMATIONS AGROALIMENTAIRE ET ENVIRONNEMENT DE PARISTo help you build your career plans, many professionals and specialists from the agri-food and environment sectors will be happy to discuss topics related to the various professions and job opportunities once a year Paris Espace Champerret Jan. 2026 (?)
RENCONTRES TERRITORIALES DE POITOU-CHARENTESPoitou-Charentes territorial meetings every 2 years Niort Parc Expo Niort 01/30/2026
1 day
BEESInternational fair for bioenergy, bioeconomy and decarbonization. Bio-hydrogen, biogas, biomethane, biomaterials, wood energy, cogeneration, decarbonization... once a year Nantes Exponantes - La Beaujoire Feb. 2026 (?)
BIO360 EXPOWood Energy Exhibition (expo + conferences). Bio360 Expo brings together the most complete range of wood heating appliances, wood fuel types and wood fuel supply chains as can be found anywhere once a year Nantes Exponantes - La Beaujoire Feb. 2026 (?)
LE GREEN WEDDINGToulouse eco-responsible wedding fair. The Green Wedding aims to raise awareness among future brides and grooms of the importance of celebrating their love while minimizing their impact on the environment &, to this end, brings together creative solution once a year Toulouse Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jacques, Toulouse Feb. 2026 (?)
RESPIRE LA VIE - RENNESOrganic Lyfestyle Expo. RESPIRE LA VIE is the event for 'consume differently' attitude people and companies involved in Green Tourism, Food & Wine, Well-being, Handicraft, Sustainable Home & Energy once a year Rennes Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport Feb. 2026 (?)
SALON NATURA REZÉProducers, craftsmen and organic enthusiasts offer you their products. Food, Crafts, Well-being, Cosmetics, Housing, Leisure once a year Nantes Halle de la Trocardière Feb. 2026 (?)
PARIS PACKAGING WEEKParis Packaging Week is the leading trade fair for packaging for beauty products, premium drinks, aerosols and luxury products. Meet the best suppliers, expert strategies on design, innovation, sustainable development once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 02/05/2026
2 days
CYCL'EAU - TOULOUSE OCCITANIEForum dedicated to public and private stakeholders in the water sector. Exchange and create synergies. Round tables & plenaries to highlight the major issues linked to climate change and the preservation of water resources every 2 years Toulouse MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions March 2026 (?)
EXPOBIOGAZBiogas exhibition and congress. Discover the offerings of exhibitors presenting their solutions and innovations for methanization, power-to-gas, pyrogification, injection, cogeneration, mobility & bioNGV. Conferences, workshops, Agricultural Villag every 2 years Lyon Eurexpo 03/10/2026
2 days
CYCL’EAU - HAUTS-DE-FRANCEForum dedicated to public and private stakeholders in the water sector. Exchange and create synergies. Round tables & plenaries to highlight the major issues linked to climate change and the preservation of water resources every 2 years Douai Parc des Expositions du Rivage Gayant May 2026 (?)
BIOTECH FRANCEBiotechnology International Conference and Exhibition. This international event will reflect the full diversity of current biotechnology science advances in research and practice every 2 years Paris June 2026 (?)
JAS LA ROCHELLEThe Food & Health Days (JAS) today represent a benchmark event for agri-food professionals, and one of the most important European business conventions in the sector every 2 years La Rochelle Espace Encan 06/17/2026
2 days
ENVIROPRO NANCYExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 2 years Nancy Parc des Expositions de Nancy Nov. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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