
Health & Nature
Trade Shows in France
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in France


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33 Trade Shows in France related to Health & Nature
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - MANDELIEUExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de Mandelieu offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize once a year Mandelieu-La Napoule Centre Expo Congrès - Mandelieu-la-Napoule 03/07/2025
3 days
SALON BIEN-ÊTRE, MÉDECINE DOUCE & THALASSO - MARSEILLEWell-being, alternative medicine & thalassotherapy fair. It brings together all the players and experts in complementary medicine: specialized laboratories, schools and training in alternative medicine and a therapists' village once a year Marseille Parc Chanot April 2025 (?)
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - LA ROCHE-SUR-FORONExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de La-Roche-sur-Foron offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize once a year La Roche-sur-Foron Rochexpo, Parc des expositions de la Foire de la Haute-Savoie Mont-Blanc 04/04/2025
3 days
BIONAZURSalon des products et services autour du « Vivre Mieux »: food, wine, appliances ménagers pour cuisiner sain, cosmetics, bijoux, vêtements, services, thérapeutes et formateurs... mobilité propre, recycling... twice a year Antibes Port Vauban Antibes May 2025
NATURALLY PARISFair of organic and natural products, and healthy lifestyle once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 06/06/2025
4 days
FESTIVAL DU MIEUX-ÊTRE DE MELUNThe 'Festival du Mieux-Être' brings together well-being professionals and enthusiasts around workshops, conferences and stands dedicated to the body, the mind, the family and the home once a year Melun Salle de l'Escale Sept. 2025 (?)
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE - GUÉRETWellness Fair. Health, relaxation, nutrition, comfort, alternative medicine, natural medicine, fitness, relaxation, organic products... once a year Guéret Salle A. Lejeune Sept. 2025 (?)
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - TOULOUSE LABÈGEExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de Toulouse offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize once a year Toulouse Diagora Labège 09/12/2025
3 days
SALON BIEN-ÊTRE PYRÉNÉESTarbes Wellness Fair. Food, Beauty, Personal Development, Ayurveda, Sofrology, Energy Techniques... once a year Tarbes Tarbes - Parc des Expositions 09/26/2025
3 days
NUTREVENTMajor event for Business and Innovation in Food, Nutrition & Health once a year Nantes 09/30/2025
2 days
ARTEMISIAExhibition intended for organic and well-being enthusiasts, committed to sustainable development, ecology, and better natural living once a year Marseille Parc Chanot Oct. 2025 (?)
ARTEMISIA ZEN & BIOWellness and Natural Products Expo. Artemisia offers the keys of the nature lifestyle: gourmet organic market, wine trail, natural cosmetics, ethical fashion, crafts, eco-products, eco-habitat, gentle therapies, personal development, training... once a year Marseille Parc Chanot Oct. 2025 (?)
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE - BRIVEWellness Fair. Health, relaxation, nutrition, comfort, alternative medicine, natural medicine, fitness, relaxation, organic products... once a year Brive-la-Gaillarde Espace des Trois Provinces Oct. 2025 (?)
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE - LIMOGESWellness Fair. Health, relaxation, nutrition, comfort, alternative medicine, natural medicine, fitness, relaxation, organic products... once a year Limoges Parc des expositions de Limoges Oct. 2025 (?)
SALON ZEN ET BIO - NANTESWellness, Natural Food & Healthy Home Expo. Organic food and wine, Association, green tourism and gardening, Fashion and crafts, Beauty, health and well-being, Ecological house and healthy living, Well-being... once a year Nantes Exponantes - La Beaujoire Oct. 2025 (?)
SALON ZENWellness Expo, therapies for body and spirit once a year Paris Espace Champerret 10/02/2025
5 days
RÉÉDUCA - PARISSpecialized Exhibition dedicated to Masso kinesitherapy & Rehabilitation Equipment & Service in Paris once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 10/09/2025
3 days
LE SALON LE PRINTEMPS DU BIEN-ÊTREWellness fair. Head massage to pamper yourself, reflexology, well-being through stones and minerals with lithotherapy, discovery of runes, cartomancy readings and many other holistic and well-being practices will be offered once a year Albi Salle événementielle de Pratgraussals 10/18/2025
2 days
CONGRÈS CFMTCAnnual Congress of the French Confederation of Traditional Chinese Medicine once a year Aix-en-Provence Centre de Congrès d'Aix-en-Provence 11/21/2025
1 day
NATURISSIMANaturissima is the benchmark organic, environmental and well-being fair in the Grenoble region once a year Grenoble Alpexpo 11/26/2025
5 days
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - BORDEAUXExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de Bordeaux offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize once a year Bordeaux Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux 11/28/2025
3 days
NATEXPOInternational trade show for organic products once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/30/2025
3 days
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - MONTPELLIERExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de Montpellier offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize once a year Montpellier Montpellier - Parc des Expositions Dec. 2025 (?)
HEALTH INGREDIENTS EUROPEHealth Ingredients Conference & Expo every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 12/02/2025
3 days
LES THERMALIES - LYONWater, Wellness, Thermalism & Thalassotherapy Exhibition once a year Lyon Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) Jan. 2026 (?)
LES THERMALIES - PARISWater, Wellness, Thermalism & Thalassotherapy Exhibition once a year Paris Carrousel du Louvre Jan. 2026 (?)
SALON BIEN-ÊTRE, MÉDECINE DOUCE & THALASSO - LYONWell-being, alternative medicine & thalassotherapy fair. It brings together all the players and experts in complementary medicine: specialized laboratories, schools and training in alternative medicine and a therapists' village once a year Lyon Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) Jan. 2026 (?)
SALON BIEN-ÊTRE, MÉDECINE DOUCE & THALASSO - PARISWell-being, alternative medicine & thalassotherapy fair. It brings together all the players and experts in complementary medicine: specialized laboratories, schools and training in alternative medicine and a therapists' village once a year ? Jan. 2026 (?)
SALON ESSENTIELWell-being and art of living fair. Conviviality, workshops, conferences, catering... once a year Bourg-en-Bresse Ainterexpo Jan. 2026 (?)
PARAPSYFair of divinatory arts, fitness and well-being. PARAPSY welcomes customers who want to relax, recharge their batteries and flourish. Wellness therapy sessions, consultations, conferences, workshops once a year Paris Espace Champerret Feb. 2026 (?)
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - ARCACHONExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies d'Arcachon offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize once a year Arcachon Parc des Expositions du Bassin d'Arcachon Feb. 2026 (?)
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - NÎMESExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de Nîmes offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize once a year Nîmes Parc des expositions de Nîmes Feb. 2026 (?)
LES JOURNÉES DE LA NATURALITÉProfessional event dedicated to the Naturalness sectors (Cosmetics, Agri-food, Nutraceuticals, Perfumes and flavors). Agriculture, Agri-food, Cosmetics, Perfumes and flavors, Nutraceuticals every 2 years Avignon Palais des Papes d'Avignon 04/01/2026
2 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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