
Urban Equipment & Engineering
Trade Shows in Germany
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Germany


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14 Trade Shows in Germany related to Urban Equipment & Engineering
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
I-MOBILITYEvent for intelligent mobility. How can I get around sustainably, innovatively and regeneratively? What news is there in the 4- and 2-wheel sector? What future models are there for urban traffic? The i-Mobility has the answers! once a year Stuttgart New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 04/24/2025
4 days
DISASTERS EXPO EUROPEInternational forum dedicated to mitigating the consequences of world's most costly natural disasters: Heat & Fire, Earthquake, Flooding, Storm... once a year Frankfurt Exhibition Centre Frankfurt May 2025
RO-KA-TECHEuropean Trade Fair for Pipe and Sewage Technology every 2 years Kassel Messe Kassel 05/13/2025
4 days
ADAS & AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES - EUROPEExhibitors will showcase the latest technologies to enable and accelerate end-to-end autonomous and ADAS (Advanced driver-assistance system) applications, including testing tools, simulation, software, sensing and AI once a year Stuttgart New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 05/20/2025
3 days
PARKENTrade Fair and Conference for Ceasing Traffic and Public Design every 2 years Wiesbaden RheinMain CongressCenter 06/25/2025
6 days
IAA CARSThe world's leading platform for mobility, sustainability and technological innovation. New mobility carriers, technologies and start-ups are appearing on the scene every 2 years Munich ICM - International Congress Centre Munich 09/09/2025
6 days
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT FORUMGerman Equipemnt Construction Forum. The conference brings together decision-makers, buyers and suppliers to discuss the future of the construction machinery industry once a year Stockstadt am Rhein Coreum Hotel 10/07/2025
2 days
INTER AIRPORT EUROPEInternational Exhibition for Airport Equipment, Technology and Services every 2 years Munich Munich International Airport 10/07/2025
3 days
WATERPROOF MEMBRANES EUROPEConference dedicated to Waterproof Membranes. Connect with developers of innovative waterproofing solutions for the building and civil engineering industries once a year ? Nov. 2025 (?)
LIGHT+BUILDINGThe world’s leading trade fair for lighting and building services technology every 2 years Frankfurt Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 03/08/2026
6 days
INTERSCHUTZInternational Exhibition for Fire and Catastrophe Prevention and Rescue Services every 4 years Hannover Deutsche Messe Hannover 06/01/2026
6 days
KOMMTEC LIVEMunicipal technical services demonstration show. Trade show and conferences dedicated to the themes: road construction and infrastructure, geotechnics, wastewater, waste management, recycling & eMobility. Numerous demonstrations every 2 years Offenburg Messe Offenburg 06/24/2026
2 days
IAA TRANSPORTATIONInternational Transportation Trade Show & Congress. Autonomous driving, hydrogen strategies and much more... every 2 years Hannover Deutsche Messe Hannover 09/15/2026
6 days
DENKMALEuropean Trade Fair for Preservation of Monuments and Urban Renewal every 2 years Leipzig Exhibition Centre Leipzig 11/05/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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