
Urban Equipment & Engineering
Trade Shows in France
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in France


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32 Trade Shows in France related to Urban Equipment & Engineering
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BEPOSITIVETrade fair for renewable energies, particularly in construction. New energy systems, Energy in buildings, Building solutions, Wood energy... every 2 years Lyon Eurexpo 03/25/2025
3 days
ENVIROPRO ANGERSExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 2 years Angers Angers Parc Expo 03/26/2025
2 days
MIX.EMIX.E is dedicated to technologies and operational solutions for a carbon-neutral energy mix. It presents companies and local authorities with current solutions for rethinking their energy uses and strategies once a year Lyon Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) 05/14/2025
2 days
RAIL INDUSTRY MEETINGS FRANCEBusiness Convention for the railway industry. Rail Industry Meetings has established itself as a benchmark business convention for rail and urban transport professionals once a year Valenciennes Cité des Congrès Valenciennes June 2025
SIGAELInternational exhibition of coastal management, planning and economy. SIGAEL is the international BtoB meeting expected by professionals in development, equipment, technology and services related to the coastal economy once a year Lorient Parc des expositions de Lorient June 2025 (?)
SOLSCOPEInternational meeting of professionals in Geotechnics, Drilling and Foundations. A rich place for exchanges between project owners, construction companies, design offices, suppliers of materials and services, experts and insurers every 2 years ? June 2025 (?)
SALON DES MAIRES, DES COLLECTIVITÉS TERRITORIALES ET DE L'ACTION PUBLIQUETrade show for mayors, local authorities and public action every 2 years Angoulême Espace Carat 06/11/2025
1 day
ENVIROPRO NORDExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 2 years Douai Parc des Expositions du Rivage Gayant 06/17/2025
3 days
ENVIROPRO BORDEAUXExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 4 years Bordeaux Parc des expositions de Bordeaux-Lac Sept. 2025 (?)
JOURNÉE THÉMATIQUE CORSICAExhibition for players in the Corsica water sector. A cycle of conferences will be offered on the sidelines of the expo on major themes: rainwater management, water and agriculture, pricing, savings and management of water resources... once a year Ajaccio Palais des Congrès et des Expositions d'Ajaccio Sept. 2025 (?)
CYCL’EAU CENTRE - VAL DE LOIREExhibition for players in the Centre-Val de Loire water sector. A cycle of conferences will be offered on the sidelines of the expo on major themes: rainwater management, water and agriculture, pricing, savings and management of water resources... once a year Orleans Centre Orléans Métropole (CO'Met) Oct. 2025 (?)
AVTECH SUMMITBusiness meeting dedicated to the digitalization and management of building spaces. Foresight and feedback once a year Biarritz Casino Bellevue 10/15/2025
2 days
CYCL’EAU - PROVENCE-ALPES-MÉDITERRANÉEForum dedicated to public and private stakeholders in the water sector. Exchange and create synergies. Round tables & plenaries to highlight the major issues linked to climate change and the preservation of water resources every 2 years Aix-en-Provence Arena du Pays d'Aix Nov. 2025 (?)
PARKOPOLISInternational meeting devoted to Car Parking. The "Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales" welcomes Parkopolis to address issues specific to the parking ecosystem in relation to the needs of communities once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/18/2025
3 days
SALON DES MAIRES ET DES COLLECTIVITÉS LOCALESExhibition dedicated to Mayors and Local Authorities - the great French meeting for public procurement once a year Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/18/2025
3 days
SOLUTRANSA global meeting place for innovation and the most relevant solutions, adapted to the evolution of the truck industry, SOLUTRANS is the biennial of industrial and urban vehicles every 2 years Lyon Eurexpo 11/18/2025
5 days
ENVIROPRO TOULOUSEExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 2 years Toulouse MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 11/19/2025
2 days
ENERGAÏAInternational Renewable Energies Exhibition - with Conference. The EnerGaïa Forum supports the renewable energy sector by offering real environmental solutions for territories, cities and industries once a year Montpellier Montpellier - Parc des Expositions 12/10/2025
2 days
CONGRÈS ATEC ITS FRANCE, LES RENCONTRES DE LA MOBILITÉ INTELLIGENTECongress and expo bringing together the actors of intelligent mobility once a year Montrouge Le Beffroi de Montrouge Jan. 2026 (?)
SECOURS EXPOThe Secours Expo exhibition brings together all categories of professionals and all emergency professions, specialists in rescue, emergency care and prevention every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Jan. 2026
URBEST METZUrban Equipment Fair. URBEST exhibition will showcase Street Furniture, Play Equipment, Ground Surfacing, Lighting, Signposting, Associated Services, Sports Facilities, Street and Green Space Maintenance Machines once a year Metz Metz - Centre International des Congrès et Foires Expositions Jan. 2026 (?)
RENCONTRES TERRITORIALES DE POITOU-CHARENTESPoitou-Charentes territorial meetings every 2 years Niort Parc Expo Niort 01/30/2026
1 day
NORD BATThe unmissable event for all construction professionals in the North of France. Numerous conferences: Countering the labor shortage, energy renovation... every 2 years Lille Lille Grand Palais 02/11/2026
3 days
CYCL'EAU - TOULOUSE OCCITANIEForum dedicated to public and private stakeholders in the water sector. Exchange and create synergies. Round tables & plenaries to highlight the major issues linked to climate change and the preservation of water resources every 2 years Toulouse MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions March 2026 (?)
MOUNTAIN PLANETMondial of Mountain Equipment. Mountain Planet has become the most influential biennial event for mountain professionals in France every 2 years Grenoble Alpexpo 04/21/2026
3 days
CYCL’EAU - HAUTS-DE-FRANCEForum dedicated to public and private stakeholders in the water sector. Exchange and create synergies. Round tables & plenaries to highlight the major issues linked to climate change and the preservation of water resources every 2 years Douai Parc des Expositions du Rivage Gayant May 2026 (?)
M2S - MOBILITY SOLUTIONS SHOWTrade show for the new trends in urban and suburban mobility every 2 years Toulouse MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions May 2026 (?)
EUROPEAN MOBILITY EXPOEuropean Mobility Exhibition. The major European professional exhibition for all key players in public transport and sustainable transport solutions every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 06/09/2026
3 days
BATIMATWorld Construction Fair. All construction and architecture professionals meet there to discuss and choose the products and innovative solutions that build the buildings of today and tomorrow every 2 years Paris Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 09/28/2026
4 days
CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL DE L'AFTESThe French Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (AFTES) International Congess & Expo every 3 years Lille Lille Grand Palais 10/12/2026
3 days
ENVIROPRO NANCYExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 2 years Nancy Parc des Expositions de Nancy Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERMATInternational Exhibition of Equipment and Techniques for the Civil Engineering and Construction every 3 years Paris Paris Nord Villepinte 04/24/2027
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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