
Machines-tools - Tools
Trade Shows in Italy
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Italy


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15 Trade Shows in Italy related to Machines-tools - Tools
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
MACCHINE & UTENSILIItalian Machine and Tools Trade Show. An important opportunity for visitors and exhibitors to learn about the main technological innovations in the in the field of industrial processes, both in the exhibition areas and in the demonstration areas once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 03/05/2025
3 days
MECSPEMECSPE is the greatest italian event focused on innovations for the manufacturing industry once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 03/05/2025
3 days
SUBFORNITURAExhibition of Subcontracted Industrial Processing once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 03/05/2025
3 days
MECFORMechanical and Machining Fair. The show revolves around 3 axes. - Mechanical subcontracting ("Subfornitura" expo)
- Upgrade of cutting and forming machines ("Revamping" expo)
- Turning machines ("Tourning" expo)
once a year Parma Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds May 2025 (?)
LAMIERAMachines, Plants, Tools for Machining Sheets, Tubes, Sections Wires and Steel Structural Work, the Dies, Welding, Heat Treatments, Surface Treatments and Finishing every 2 years Milan Fiera Milano, Rho 05/07/2025
4 days
ALUMINIUM TWO THOUSAND CONGRESSInternational Aluminum industry Conference & Exhibition in Italy every 2 years ? Sept. 2025 (?)
SIMAC TANNING TECHInternational Exhibition of Machines and Technologies for Tanning Industry once a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho Sept. 2025 (?)
T-GOLDJewelry & Gems Manufacturing Equipment International Exhibition. T.Gold is the international Show for machinery and the most innovative technologies applied to jewellery and precious metal processing twice a year Vicenza Fiera di Vicenza 09/05/2025
5 days
MARMOMACInternational Exhibition of Stone Design & Technology. Marmomac Plus is a virtual space open to all companies in the stone sector once a year Verona Verona Exhibition Centre 09/23/2025
4 days
SICAMInternational trade show of semi-finished components and accessories for the furniture industry once a year Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 10/14/2025
4 days
SAMUEXPOInternational biennial metalworking, subcontracting and plastic expo every 2 years Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 02/05/2026
3 days
SAMUMETALBiennial Exhibition of Machine Tools for Metals every 2 years Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 02/05/2026
3 days
XYLEXPOInternational Biennial Wood Processing Machinery and Accessories Exhibition every 2 years Milan Fiera Milano City May 2026 (?)
BI-MUMachine tool biennial. Italian international exhibition dedicated to the manufacturing industry of machine tools for metal cutting and forming, robots, automation systems, digital and additive manufacturing every 2 years Milan Fiera Milano, Rho 10/13/2026
3 days
EMO MILANOWorld of Machine Tools. Metal forming and metal cutting machine tools, machines for welding, for thermal and surface treatments, robots, automation hardware and software, assembling, tools, parts, components, accessories, metrology, quality control every 6 years Milan Fiera Milano City 10/04/2027
6 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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