
Trade Shows in Sweden
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Sweden


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9 Trade Shows in Sweden related to Sports
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ALT FÖR SJÖNStockholm International Boat Show. Whether you dream of a kayak, a dinghy or a motorboat... Welcome to a world of inspiration, knowledge, news and opportunities once a year Stockholm Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 03/06/2025
11 days
SPORTFISKEMÄSSANSportfiskemässan is the largest sportfishing fair in Sweden. Here people meet to look at the latest fishing products, listen to lectures, watch fishing films, compete, see sports fishing boats and books... every 2 years Jönköping Elmia exhibition halls 03/14/2025
3 days
BILSPORT PERFORMANCE & CUSTOM MOTOR SHOWSwedish Car & Motorbike Exhibition. The Custom Motor Show is a fair for the whole family where not only cars and motorcycles are displayed, but also entertainment, competitions and spectacular outdoor shows once a year Jönköping Elmia exhibition halls 04/18/2025
4 days
ELMIA GAMES FAIRHunting, Hound, Fishing and Game Preservation. Elmia Game Fair is Sweden's largest hunting fair. Here you meet the industry's largest suppliers in weapons, clothing, travel, hunting vehicles, dog equipment and other hunting accessories every 2 years Jönköping Elmia exhibition halls 05/29/2025
3 days
ELMIA PARKSweden's largest trade fair for outdoor environments and the design of green spaces. A 3-days filled with meetings, exhibitions, business, test drives, new knowledge and inspiration every 2 years Jönköping Elmia exhibition halls 09/23/2025
3 days
FITNESS FESTIVALFitnessfestivalen is the Northern Europe's largest event for fitness, training and active lifestyle once a year Stockholm Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs Dec. 2025 (?)
MC MÄSSANMC Mässan is the great Scandinavian show for all two-wheel enthusiasts. New products, model testing, competitions, shows... once a year Jönköping Elmia exhibition halls 01/23/2026
3 days
BATMÄSSAN - GÖTEBORG BOAT SHOWInternational Boat Show. At Gothenburg Boat Show, there’s something for everybody who enjoys the life at sea; boat owners, boat enthusiasts, families, fishing enthusiast, water lovers and curious beginners once a year Gothenburg Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Feb. 2026 (?)
EUROHORSEEuroHorse is Northern Europe's largest meeting place for all horse lovers. Demonstrations in the paddock, shop for everything in horse and equestrian sports equipment once a year Gothenburg Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre 02/19/2026
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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