WIKAMLower Austria International Art and Antiques Fair. Paintings from the 17th century to the present day, Asian art, Art Deco furniture, exhibitions of silverware from renowned manufacturers, Gothic sculptures... |
once a year |
Schloss Laxenburg
03/08/2025 9 days |
WIKAM PALAIS FESTELWIKAM is one of Austria's most important art fairs and an internationally renowned platform for private collectors, museum experts, curators and art-loving visitors from home and abroad |
once a year |
Palais Ferstel
03/08/2025 9 days |
HANDWERKAustrian trade fair for wood, metal, tools and paint. Equipment, tools, supplies. Leading craft fair in Austria |
once a year |
Messe Wels
03/19/2025 3 days |
AUSTRIA COMIC CONAustria’s largest pop culture event. Anime/Manga, Authors/Drawers/Artists, Apparels/Textiles/Costumes, Board Games, Collectibles, Comics, Figures, Films/Television, Toys, Media/Magazines... |
once a year |
Messe Wels
April 2025 |
WELSER VOLKSFESTDas große Welser Volksfest. Bier- und Weinverkostungsfest und kulinarische Spezialitäten, Musikalische Begleitung, Illuminationen, Trachtenabend, Kindernachmittag... |
twice a year |
Messe Wels
04/04/2025 3 days |
FRÜHJAHRSMESSEGraz Spring Fair. Amusement park, music scene, fashion and lifestyle, street food and gastronomy, home and gardening, camping and outdoor leisure, sports... |
once a year |
Stadthalle Graz
04/30/2025 5 days |
SALZBURGER FESTSPIELE - SALZBURG FESTIVAL - FESTIVAL DE SALZBOURGThe Salzburg Festival is one of the world's most important festivals for opera, music and drama. The wide-ranging programme includes classics and world-famous artists as well as a varied programme for young people |
once a year |
Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre)
07/18/2025 45 days |
HERBST MESSEExhibition dedicated to Living & Furnishing, House & Crafts, Household & Kitchen, Health & Wellness, Beauty & Lifestyle, Gastronomy & Enjoyment, Family & Information... |
once a year |
Dornbirner Messe
09/03/2025 5 days |
VIENNACONTEMPORARYAustria’s leading international art fair stood out as a unique platform that bridged the contemporary art scenes of Western and Eastern Europe, offering a space for surprising perspectives and artistic discoveries |
once a year |
Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre)
09/11/2025 4 days |
FAIR FOR ART VIENNAFAIR FOR ART Vienna is dedicated to modern and contemporary art and is a meeting place for established artists as well as emerging talents of the 20th and 21st centuries. In addition, works of fine art from the 18th and 19th centuries |
once a year |
Aula der Wissenschaften
09/27/2025 9 days |
LEBENSLUSTFair for Senior Citizens. LEBENSLUST meets the requirements of senior citizens in the themes Taste & Garden, Consulting & Knowledge, Living & Security, Fashion & Style, Health & Beauty, Mobility and Travel, Sports & Culture |
once a year |
Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre)
10/01/2025 3 days |
GUSTAVAustrian designers, creators and craftsmen fair. Decoration, interior textiles, kitchen and bathroom design, fashion, jewelry... |
once a year |
Dornbirner Messe
10/17/2025 3 days |
FINEST AUDIOSHOW VIENNAHiFi & Home Theatre Installation International Exhibition. The FINEST AUDIO SHOW VIENNA is aimed at everyone who loves music and wants to listen to it in authentic quality within their own four walls |
once a year |
Austria Center Vienna
Nov. 2025 (?) |
VIENNA CHALLENGERS ARENAVIENNA CHALLENGERS ARENA is THE top event for gaming and esports in Austria. In combination with the VIECC Vienna Comic Con, it has a promise of performance that is unique in Europe! |
once a year |
Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre)
Nov. 2025 (?) |
BUCH WIENVienna International Book Fair. Thousands of new publications and hundreds of premier events with more than 500 national and international authors and experts |
once a year |
Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre)
11/12/2025 5 days |
DIE KUCHENMESSE + KAFFEEWELT + KREATIVMESSEAustrian fair for cakes, pastries and coffee. A must-have for foodies, craft enthusiasts and coffee lovers. Receive valuable tips and tricks from renowned pastry experts and coffee specialists |
once a year |
Messe Wels
11/14/2025 3 days |
VIENNA COMIC CONComic and Entertainment Fair. The Top-Event for pop culture and gaming in Austria |
once a year |
Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre)
11/22/2025 2 days |
MUSIC AUSTRIALeading trade fair for the music industry. The fair is aimed at musicians, music enthusiasts as well as teachers and families and invites you to experience and practice music together |
every 2 years |
Rieder Messe
Oct. 2026 (?) |