
Leisure - Travels - Family
Trade Shows in Germany
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Germany


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237 Trade Shows in Germany related to Leisure - Travels - Family
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
GARTENTRÄUME HALDENSLEBENGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. once a year Haldensleben Schloss Hundisburg 04/25/2025
3 days
GARTENTRÄUME SCHLOSS HUNDISBURGGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. once a year Haldensleben Schloss Hundisburg 04/25/2025
3 days
BEAUTY BUSINESS DAY - LEIPZIGBEAUTY BUSINESS DAYS are one-day events for beauty professionals. Well-known exhibitors from the sectors present their products to you as part of an exclusive trade exhibition once a year Leipzig Hotel INNSIDE by Meliá, Leipzig May 2025 (?)
DISASTERS EXPO EUROPEInternational forum dedicated to mitigating the consequences of world's most costly natural disasters: Heat & Fire, Earthquake, Flooding, Storm... once a year Frankfurt Exhibition Centre Frankfurt May 2025 (?)
GARTEN FESTIVAL - DALHEIMGerman Garden and Lifestyle Festival. A variety of rare plants, aromatic herbs, outdoor furniture, art objects as well as ornamental garden and vegetable garden accessories once a year Lichtenau Kloster Dalheim 05/01/2025
4 days
TUNING WORLD BODENSEEInternational trade fair event for car tuning, lifestyle and the club scene once a year Friedrichshafen Messegelände Friedrichshafen 05/01/2025
4 days
VANLIFE FESTIVALThe “Vanlife Festival” is the new platform intended for individuals on the theme of personal development, VanLife or microcamping once a year Dusseldorf Blumengroßmarkt, Düsseldorf May 2025 (?)
HAFENGEBURTSTAG HAMBURGCelebration of the Port of Hamburg in 1189. The first port in Germany offers each year this popular and family festival, rich in entertainment, focused on the sea and navigation once a year Hamburg Hamburg Messe und Congress 05/09/2025
3 days
OLDTIMERTAGE MÜHLENGEEZMeeting of Historical Vehicles. Over 800 classic car enthusiasts with their own vehicles, various exhibitors and dealers. Spare parts and Accessories Market once a year Gülzow-Prüzen Messe- und Ausstellungszentrum Mühlengeez 05/10/2025
2 days
KLASSIKWELT BODENSEEExpo of Vintage Cars & Motorbikes, Boats and Airplanes. This meeting place for the classic car community celebrates the classic mobility and driving culture of past eras on land, water and in the air once a year Friedrichshafen Messegelände Friedrichshafen 05/16/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - DÖBBELINGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Stendal Bismarck-Schloss Döbbelin 05/16/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - PIRMASENSGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Pirmasens Messe Pirmasens 05/16/2025
3 days
IMEXWorldwide Exhibition for Incentive Travel, Meetings and Events once a year Frankfurt Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 05/19/2025
4 days
SIGHTCITY FRANKFURTThe world‘s biggest exhibition for Aids for the Blind and the Visually Impaired once a year Frankfurt Kap Europa Congress Centre 05/21/2025
3 days
GARTENTRÄUME BERLINGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. once a year Berlin Rennbahn Hoppegarten 05/23/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - REDEFINGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Redefin Landgestüt Redefin 05/23/2025
3 days
PROFESSIONAL DAY KONSTANZPROFESSIONAL DAY KONSTANZ is aimed at professional visitors from the beauty, health and well-being sectors. Presentations, live conferences, demonstrations by professionals for professionals every 2 years Konstanz Bodenseeforum Konstanz 05/24/2025
1 day
GARTEN FESTIVAL - KASSELGerman Garden and Lifestyle Festival. A variety of rare plants, aromatic herbs, outdoor furniture, art objects as well as ornamental garden and vegetable garden accessories once a year Kassel Schloss Wilhelmsthal 05/29/2025
4 days
GARTENTRÄUME LINSLERHOFGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. once a year Überherrn Linslerhof 05/29/2025
4 days
GARTENTRÄUME ÜBERHERRNGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. once a year Überherrn Linslerhof 05/29/2025
4 days
LEBENSART MESSE - DILLENBURGGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Dillenburg Landgestüt Dillenburg 05/29/2025
4 days
COSMETICA FRIEDRICHSHAFENCOSMETICA Friedrichshafen is the meeting place for all beauty experts. Products for you daily work or high-class interior for you studio ? Hundreds of companies and brands offer their goods and are happy to advise you personally and competently once a year Friedrichshafen Messegelände Friedrichshafen June 2025
LEBENSART MESSE - HEILBRONNGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Heilbronn Redblue Messehalle June 2025 (?)
LEBENSART MESSE - NEURUPPINGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Neuruppin Gut Hesterberg June 2025 (?)
COSMETIC BUSINESSInternational Trade Fair of the Cosmetics Supplying Industry once a year Munich M,O,C, 06/04/2025
2 days
GARTEN FESTIVAL - HERRENHAUSENGerman Garden and Lifestyle Festival. A variety of rare plants, aromatic herbs, outdoor furniture, art objects as well as ornamental garden and vegetable garden accessories once a year Hannover Herrenhäuser Gärten 06/06/2025
4 days
GARTENTRÄUME HAVIXBECKGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. once a year Münster Burg Hülshoff 06/07/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - BAD NEUENAHR-AHRWEILERGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Kurpark Bad Neuenahr 06/13/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - DIEDERSDORFGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Großbeeren Schloss Diedersdorf 06/13/2025
3 days
GARTEN FESTIVAL - HANAUGerman Garden and Lifestyle Festival. A variety of rare plants, aromatic herbs, outdoor furniture, art objects as well as ornamental garden and vegetable garden accessories once a year Hanau Parkpromenade 4 06/19/2025
4 days
GARTENTRÄUME MECHERNICHGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. once a year Mechernich Schloss Eicks 06/19/2025
4 days
LEBENSART MESSE - GROßHARTHAUGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Großharthau Schlosspark 06/20/2025
3 days
SPOGA+GAFAInternational Trade Fair for Sport, Camping and Garden Lifestyle once a year Cologne Exhibition Centre Cologne 06/22/2025
3 days
HAM RADIO / HAMTRONICInternational Exhibition for Radio Amateurs. With HAMtronic - Electronics, Internet, Computer once a year Friedrichshafen Messegelände Friedrichshafen 06/27/2025
3 days
BEAUTY BUSINESS DAY - STUTTGARTBEAUTY BUSINESS DAYS are one-day events for beauty professionals. Well-known exhibitors from the sectors present their products to you as part of an exclusive trade exhibition once a year Stuttgart Hotel Le Méridien, Stuttgart 06/28/2025
1 day
BALANCEOffenburg Health & Wellness Expo. Visitors will receive a wide range of offers in the areas of nutrition, fitness, wellness, relaxation, therapy, health and prevention once a year Offenburg Messe Offenburg July 2025 (?)
COSMETICA HANNOVERCOSMETICA Hannover is the meeting place for all beauty experts. Products for you daily work or high-class interior for you studio ? Hundreds of companies and brands offer their goods and are happy to advise you personally and competently once a year Hannover Deutsche Messe Hannover July 2025 (?)
LEBENSART MESSE - ASCHERSLEBENGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Aschersleben Stadtpark 07/04/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - PUTBUSGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Putbus Schlosspark Putbus 07/11/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - BROOKGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Kalkhorst Gutsgelände 07/18/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - EUTINGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Eutin Stiftung Schloss Eutin 07/25/2025
3 days
GARTEN FESTIVAL - CORVEYGerman Garden and Lifestyle Festival. A variety of rare plants, aromatic herbs, outdoor furniture, art objects as well as ornamental garden and vegetable garden accessories once a year Höxter Schloss Corvey 08/01/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - LÜBBENGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Lübben Schlossinsel 08/01/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - LÜTESBURGGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Aurich Schlosspark Lütetsburg 08/01/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - WERNESGRÜNGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Steinberg Wernesgrüner Brauerei Gutshof Aug. 2025 (?)
GAMESCOMGamescom is the world's largest gaming event and Europe's leading business platform for the games industry once a year Cologne Exhibition Centre Cologne 08/20/2025
5 days
LEBENSART MESSE - SCHINNAGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Stolzenau Kloster Schinna 08/22/2025
3 days
LEBENSART MESSE - SCHKOPAUGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Schkopau Schlosspark Schkopau 08/22/2025
3 days
CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORFThe CARAVAN SALON is the most important meeting place for the caravanning world. Innovations and current models in 16 exhibition halls and the outdoor area. Recreational vehicles of all sizes and price ranges, mobile homes, awnings and roof tents... once a year Dusseldorf Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre 08/29/2025
10 days
LEBENSART MESSE - BRANDEBURGGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Brandenburg an der Havel Marienberg 08/29/2025
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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