
Leisure - Travels - Family
Trade Shows in Switzerland
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Switzerland


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28 Trade Shows in Switzerland related to Leisure - Travels - Family
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
LA BROCANTE DE MARTIGNYThis show has today become a reference in the world of flea markets and antiques in Switzerland and neighboring countries thanks to the quality of the exhibitors and the objects presented. Open to initiates and the curious alike once a year Martigny CERM (Centre d'Expositions et de Réunions de Martigny) 03/07/2025
3 days
GIARDINA ZÜRICHZurich Garden and Gardening Fair. Giardina Zürich is one of Europe’s leading indoor events for all things garden related once a year Zurich Ferienmesse Zürich 03/12/2025
5 days
WOHGA WINTERTHURThe WOHGA WINTERTHUR trade fair offers unique presentations for indoor and outdoor spaces and presents flagship products on the themes of housing, construction and renovation once a year Winterthur Eulachhallen 03/20/2025
4 days
SCHWEIZER WAFFEN-SAMMLERBÖRSESwiss arms exchange for hunters, shooters and collectors of old weapons once a year Lucerne Messe Luzern - Centre d'exposition de l'Allmend 03/21/2025
3 days
MEDNAT – AGROBIO EXPOFair of Complementary Medicines, Wellbeing and Nutrition once a year Lausanne Palais de Beaulieu 03/27/2025
4 days
BAUEN + WOHNEN AARGAUSpring building, housing, gardening and energy exhibition. Four exhibition halls and a large outdoor area once a year Wettingen Tägi Wettingen 04/03/2025
4 days
INVENTIONS DE GENEVEInternational exhibition of inventions and new techniques in Geneva. Explore the latest developments in the fields of invention and innovation, participate in workshops, conferences, demonstrations dedicated to future inventors once a year Geneve Palexpo 04/09/2025
5 days
OCASwiss Camping and Leisure Fair. OCA is the perfect meeting place for outdoor adventurers. With a wide range of equipment, various activities and an appealing atmosphere, it offers everything you need for an unforgettable camping experience once a year St. Gallen Olma Messen St. Gallen 04/09/2025
5 days
SUISSE TOYToy & Hobby Fair. Switzerland Toy is dedicated to puzzles, traditional toys, action toys, educational toys, construction toys, wooden toys, outdoor sports, modular systems, model making & reduced models once a year Bern BernExpo AG 04/25/2025
10 days
MEDICAL WELLNESS CONGRESSTwo days to attend a rich program of conferences, discussion panels, brand presentations, and networking opportunities about Wellness and Vitality once a year Geneve Hilton Geneva Hotel & Conference Centre 04/28/2025
2 days
SIIT-SUISSEPortugal-Switzerland Real Estate, Investment and Tourism Fair. SIIT-SWISS puts Portugal in the spotlight to promote its assets as an investment, tourism and business destination once a year Fribourg 05/14/2025
5 days
CYCLE WEEKCYCLE WEEK, the major Swiss cycling festival, brings together fans and professionals of cycling and tourism. There you will find new trends, but also workshops, competitions and shows. Around 80, 000 participants once a year Zurich 05/22/2025
4 days
ZOM WETZIKONThe largest Public Fair & Popular Sales in the Zurich Oberland. Use ZOOM as a platform for personal discussions, the presentation of your products & services as well as networking or market research once a year Wetzikon Wetzikon Messehallen 09/03/2025
5 days
OLMAThe largest Swiss Fair Agriculture and Food event. Olma is also a major popular festival: entertainment, shows, transmission of traditional knowledge... once a year St. Gallen Olma Messen St. Gallen 10/09/2025
11 days
AIDEXHumanitarian aid event that gathers world representatives of the humanitarian aid and development community once a year Geneve Palexpo 10/22/2025
2 days
SUISSE CARAVAN SALONCamping and Caravanning National Expo. SUISSE CARAVAN SALON is a five-day national and international event where exhibitors present a comprehensive overview of latest innovations, trends, technology, accessories and the hotest holiday destinations once a year Bern BernExpo AG 10/23/2025
5 days
OLDTIMERMESSE ST.GALLENVintage Cars Expo. Admire vintage cars and boats! once a year St. Gallen Olma Messen St. Gallen 10/26/2025
1 day
BAUEN + WOHNEN BERNBuilding, Living, Garden + Lifestyle Expo once a year Bern BernExpo AG Nov. 2025 (?)
BERNER FOSSILIEN- UND MINERALIENBÖRSEThe Bern Stock Exchange clearly focuses on the field of minerals and fossils from Switzerland and around the world. But also encourages other types of Swiss collectors to exhibit their treasures once a year Bern BernExpo AG Nov. 2025 (?)
SALON BÉBÉ ET MOIExpo dedicated to the future and young parents. BÉBÉ ET MOI is intended for parents and expectant parents as well as their families, it offer a wide range of products, advices and services related to motherhood and childhood once a year Geneve Palexpo Nov. 2025 (?)
LES AUTOMNALESInternational Fair of Geneva. House, wellness, leisure, flavors. Exhibitors, workshops and animations await you once a year Geneve Palexpo 11/07/2025
10 days
ROAD TRIP EXPOExhibition exclusively dedicated to fans of van travel, leisure vehicles and slow tourism once a year Geneve Palexpo 11/07/2025
3 days
WINTI MÄSSWinterthur Winter Fair. Gastronomy, Tastings, Bakery workshops, live concerts... The Winti Mäss is Winterthur's traditional public fair and attracts shoppers, connoisseurs and explorers from the entire region once a year Winterthur Eulachhallen 11/19/2025
5 days
SWISS WEDDING WORLD - BERNThe largest wedding fair in Switzerland present experiences, emotions, many established and imaginative wedding service providers, the largest fashion show for bridal and groom fashion, hairstyle shows, wedding talks... once a year Bern BernExpo AG Jan. 2026 (?)
SWISS WEDDING WORLD - ZÜRICHThe largest wedding fair in Switzerland present experiences, emotions, many established and imaginative wedding service providers, the largest fashion show for bridal and groom fashion, hairstyle shows, wedding talks... once a year Zurich Ferienmesse Zürich Jan. 2026 (?)
FERIENBern Holiday, Travel and Leisure Fair. From short trips to around the world... let yourself be inspired by the many travel specialists and benefit from their wise advice once a year Bern BernExpo AG 01/22/2026
4 days
FESPO ZURICHExhibition for Holidays, Sports and Leisure. From hiking and active holidays, to trips to the most beautiful places in the world, to river cruises and cruises once a year Zurich Ferienmesse Zürich 01/29/2026
4 days
BAUEN + WOHNEN LUZERNSwiss Fair for Home Modernization, home refurbishment and home renovation once a year Lucerne Messe Luzern - Centre d'exposition de l'Allmend 02/27/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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