SKLADTECHTrade show for Warehouse and Handling Equipment, Automation Systems and Solutions - together with the largest Logistics Exhibition TRANSRUSSIA |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
03/18/2025 3 days |
ELEKTROInternational Exhibition for Electrical Equipment for Power and Electrical Engineering, Automation, Lighting Engineering |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
04/01/2025 4 days |
MASHEXPO SIBERIAInternational Exhibition for Metalworking and Welding |
once a year |
Novosibirsk Expocentre
04/01/2025 4 days |
ST. PETERSBURG TECHNICAL FAIROne of the Russian leading exhibition and congress events in the domains of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, metalworking and industrial innovations |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
04/09/2025 3 days |
EXPOELECTRONICAInternational exhibition of Electronic Components, Modules and Systems, Embedded Systems and Turnkey Solutions |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/15/2025 3 days |
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION & FORUM HI-TECH BUILDINGThe only event in Russia and CIS featuring building automation and management systems, Intelligent Building systems |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
04/22/2025 2 days |
NAVITECH-EXPOExhibition of Navigation Systems, Technologies and services |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
04/22/2025 4 days |
ENERGY FOR THE FAR EAST REGIONThe most important trade fair of the electrical field in the Far East region of Russia. Automation, Industrial Safety, Communications |
once a year |
Lenin Stadium
05/15/2025 3 days |
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA ST. PETERSBURGIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA ST. PETERSBURG is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg
05/27/2025 1 day |
ROSMOULDInternational Exhibition for Mould and Tool Making, Equipment and Technologies for Product Manufacture, Additive Technologies and 3D Printing |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
06/17/2025 3 days |
ROSPLAST. PLASTICS. EQUIPMENT. ITEMSInternational Trade Fair for Plastics & Raw Materials, Machinery and Equipment |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
06/17/2025 3 days |
RI-EXPO - NTERNATIONAL ENERGY EQUIPMENT EXPO RUSSIARussian International Industrial & Energy Equipment Manufacturing Expo |
once a year |
Gostiny Dvor - Moscow
Sept. 2025 (?) |
AUTOMATION ST. PETERSBURGRussian Specialized exhibition on industrial automation and implementation of information and computer technologies in Industry |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
09/10/2025 3 days |
CEMAT RUSSIAInternational exhibition of warehousing equipment and technology. CeMAT RUSSIA is the important international show for intralogistics, covering everything from forklift trucks to services and tailor-made solutions for individual sectors |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
09/16/2025 3 days |
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA CHELYABINSKIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA CHELYABINSK is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere |
once a year |
Chelyabinsk ParkCity Hotel
09/24/2025 1 day |
ELECTRONICS. INSTRUMENT-MAKING. AUTOMATIONInternational Exhibition & Forum dedicated to Electronics, Instrument-Making, Automation |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
10/01/2025 3 days |
RADEL: ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATIONInternational Specialized Exhibition of Electronics and Instrumentation. RADEL is an international trade fair for electronic components and parts, materials, technologies, equipment, services, certification, service of electronics and instrumentation |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
10/01/2025 3 days |
POWER EFFICIENCY. ENERGY-SAVING. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENTEnergy efficiency and energy saving in transportation of energy resources and generation of heat and electricity, Energy saving technology in engineering systems, Energy efficient equipment, devices, products and materials… |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
10/07/2025 4 days |
AEROSPACE TESTING RUSSIA / INDUSTRIAL TESTING & CONTROLInternational Exhibition of Testing and Measuring Equipment |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
10/21/2025 3 days |
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA NOVOSIBIRSKIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA NOVOSIBIRSK is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere |
once a year |
Novosibirsk Expocentre
10/29/2025 1 day |
METAL-EXPOMetal-Expo will exhibit whole range of ferrous and non-ferrous products, the most state-of-the art equipment, as well as modern technologies |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
11/11/2025 4 days |
RUSSIA ROBOTICS WEEKRussian Robotics Week is a complex of congress and exhibition events on industrial robotics. Robotization, digitalization, artificial intelligence, lean manufacturing offered by enterprises and organizations of Cluster Creonomyca |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
Petrocongress Centre
11/17/2025 5 days |
SIBERIAN ENERGY FORUMTrade show dedicated to Electrical Engineering, Energy, Thermal Power, Energy- and Rrsource Saving, Automatization, Electronics, Robotechnics, Instrumentation, Lighting Engineering... |
once a year |
Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre
11/19/2025 3 days |
PHARMTECH & INGREDIENTSInternational Specialised Forum & Exhibition for Equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
11/25/2025 4 days |
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA EKATERINBURGIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA EKATERINBURG is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere |
once a year |
Novotel Ekaterinburg
Feb. 2026 (?) |
TRANSPORT AND ROADS OF SIBERIA - SPECIAL EQUIPMENTTransport, Roads & Special Equipment Expo in Siberia. There will be presented an exposition of new commercial vehicles and road-building machinery, materials and equipment, spare parts, lubricants, expeditionary services, and vehicle monitoring systems |
every 2 years |
April 2026 (?) |
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA UFAIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA UFA is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere |
every 2 years |
Holiday Inn Ufa
Sept. 2026 (?) |