
Industrial Data Computing
Trade Shows in Italy
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Italy


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15 Trade Shows in Italy related to Industrial Data Computing
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ELETTRONICA ITALIAELETTRONICA ITALIA is the event dedicated to all the novelties in the electronics supply chain and aims to present the latest innovations and technologies in the sector to the Italian and international public once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 03/05/2025
3 days
MACCHINE & UTENSILIItalian Machine and Tools Trade Show. An important opportunity for visitors and exhibitors to learn about the main technological innovations in the in the field of industrial processes, both in the exhibition areas and in the demonstration areas once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 03/05/2025
3 days
AOC EUROPEAOC Europe connects organisations and individuals across government, defence, industry, and academia to promote the exchange of ideas and information, and review the latest advances in electromagnetic- and information-related fields once a year Rome 05/06/2025
3 days
SPS / IPC / DRIVES ITALIAInternational Exhibition & Conference on Electric Automation - Systems and Components once a year Parma Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds 05/13/2025
3 days
PEMDThe PEMD conference series brings together specialists across the Power electronics, machines and drive technologies sector to share learning and identify collaboration opportunities every 2 years Torino 06/11/2025
2 days
MILAN IOT THINGSEuropean event dedicated to the world of internet of things (IOT) & machine to machine (M2M) communication once a year Milan Milan Marriott Hotel Oct. 2025 (?)
DRONITALY - WORKING WITH DRONESDronitaly will be at the meeting between stakeholders and potential users on the most current and urgent issues, referred to the increasingly widespread use of drones in network management and environmental oversight once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 10/07/2025
3 days
DIGITAL DENTISTRY SOCIETY GLOBAL CONGRESSThe world’s largest scientific event on digital dentistry will feature leading clinical experts and researchers who will discuss the most innovative digital technologies and established clinical procedures once a year Venice 10/16/2025
3 days
INTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAIC CONFERENCEThe conference will be a unique chance to exchange and distribute knowledge for everything concerning the integration of PV. Emphasis will be on demonstrating integrated approaches of the many solutions in technology, engineering, design, and finance once a year Florence Santa Apollonia Auditorium Nov. 2025 (?)
SAMUMETALBiennial Exhibition of Machine Tools for Metals every 2 years Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 02/05/2026
3 days
VEHICLE & TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION MEETINGSMatchmaking Forum for automotive, vehicle and mobility technology innovation every 2 years Torino Lingotto Fiere 03/24/2026
2 days
PLASTInternational Exhibition for Plastics and Rubber Industries. PLAST will host three satellite-shows: RUBBER (entire rubber supply chain), 3D PLAST (3D printing & related technologies) and PLAST-MAT (innovative plastics solutions) every 3 years Milan Fiera Milano, Rho 06/09/2026
4 days
BI-MUMachine tool biennial. Italian international exhibition dedicated to the manufacturing industry of machine tools for metal cutting and forming, robots, automation systems, digital and additive manufacturing every 2 years Milan Fiera Milano, Rho 10/13/2026
3 days
CIBUS TECFood Processing & Packaging Technology Exhibition. Cibus Tec is one of the most innovative food and beverage technology exhibitions, which has inspired some of the most sophisticated solutions for the food and beverage industry every 3 years Parma Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds 10/27/2026
4 days
EMO MILANOWorld of Machine Tools. Metal forming and metal cutting machine tools, machines for welding, for thermal and surface treatments, robots, automation hardware and software, assembling, tools, parts, components, accessories, metrology, quality control every 6 years Milan Fiera Milano City 10/04/2027
6 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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