
Trade Shows in November 2026

Dec 486 Jan 740 2025 Feb 1021 Mar 1258 Apr 1071 May 1180 Jun 815 Jul 482 Aug 472 Sep 1262 Oct 1608 Nov 1287 Dec 405 Jan 688 2026 Feb 946 Mar 1225 Apr 1031 May 1105 Jun 792 Jul 453 Aug 468 Sep 1242 Oct 1541 Nov 1259 Dec 379
1259 Trade Shows in November 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
IFAMEInternational Facility Management Expo. The longest-running ASEAN FM trade show, iFraME aims to feature the best FM technologies and solutions in the region once a year Singapore (Singapore) Marina Bay Sands Nov. 2026 (?)
IFSEC INTERNATIONAL (ON LINE)Expo bringing together the entire security buying chain. At IFSEC International meet suppliers & clients, learn about the latest technology & industry trends & discover the best solutions to keep your business & clients secure once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL Nov. 2026 (?)
IFSEC INTERNATIONAL CONNECTThe event will give international security professionals the opportunity to browse security solutions, connecting with suppliers and accessing thought-leadership content from the comfort of their homes once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL Nov. 2026 (?)
IFTF - INTERNATIONAL FLORICULTURE TRADE FAIRInternational Floriculture Trade Fair. Traditionally, IFTF is attracting visitors from all over the world once a year Amsterdam (Netherlands) Expo Greater Amsterdam Nov. 2026 (?)
IITF - INDIA INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIRIndia International Trade Fair. IITF displays a wide range of products & services: automobiles, textiles, garments, household & kitchen appliances, food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, cosmetics, bodycare & health care products, toys... once a year New Delhi (India) Pragati Maidan Nov. 2026 (?)
IL MONDO CREATIVO - BOLOGNACreative Leisure and Do-it-Yourself Fair. Ample space will be dedicated to companies that offer raw materials, accessories and tools for creativity and hobby for the creation of DIY products twice a year Bologna (Italy) Bologna Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - FIRENZEStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Florence (Italy) Stazione Leopolda Nov. 2026 (?)
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - NAPOLINapoli Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Napoli (Italy) Mostra d'Oltremare Nov. 2026 (?)
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - ROMARoma Student's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Rome (Italy) Fiera di Roma Nov. 2026 (?)
IMECEInternational Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. ASME’s International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE®) is your opportunity to connect with leading researchers from across engineering disciplines once a year ? Nov. 2026 (?)
IMED EXPO - MASHHADIranian international Medical, Dentistry, Laboratory, Hospital Equipment, and Related Industries exhibition once a year Mashhad (Iran) Mashad Fair Grounds Nov. 2026 (?)
INA SHOP EXPOInternational Exhibition on Retail Industry. Shop Fitting & Equipment system, Architecture, Visual merchandising & Store Design, Refrigeration & Catering Equipment, Retail System & Technology, Logistic & Supply Chain once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Nov. 2026 (?)
INAPA SURABAYAIndonesia International Auto Parts, Accessories & Equipment Exhibition. INAPA showcases the latest auto components & parts, equipment, tools, technology & method to targeted maintenance professional audiences from across Asia and other countries once a year Surabaya (Indonesia) Grand City Convention & Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
IN-COSMETICS ASIAThe leading Exhibition and Conference for Personal Care Ingredients in Asia once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Nov. 2026 (?)
INDIA D2C SUMMIT & AWARDSForum to discuss, deliberate and share exclusive knowledge, and actionable strategies on how to build, operate, and scale profitable D2C (Direct to Customer) businesses once a year ? Nov. 2026 (?)
INDIA FENCE EXPOIndia’s exhibition on fence products and manufacturing machinery. Fence products manufacturers, machinery suppliers, perimeter protection systems providers, contractors, raw material suppliers... Innovative products and services once a year New Delhi (India) IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
INDIA FOOD FORUMIndia Food Forum is the India’s largest food retail and HoReCa intelligence & business development platform offering a unique combination of Product Innovation Showcases and Food Tech & Solutions exhibition. Two-day conference and masterclasses once a year Mumbai (India) Jio World Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
INDIA WAREHOUSING & LOGISTICS SHOWIndian Warehousing and Logistics Exhibition. Find innovative warehousing, material handling, automation, storage, logistics and supply chain solutions once a year Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) Nov. 2026 (?)
INDUFERIAS - HINCHALIAInternational Fair for Amusement Park & Playground Equipment, Slot Machines & Accessories every 2 years Valencia (Spain) Feria Valencia Nov. 2026 (?)
INFOSUP DES LANDESInfosup, higher education fair. The perfect place to think about your career plans, your future profession, and build your study path once a year Mont-De-Marsan (France) Hall de Nahuques Nov. 2026 (?)
INMEX CHINAInternational Maritime Expo. INMEX China is an important platform for the maritime industry featuring Ship building, Ship Repairs, Marine Services and Engineering, Offshore Engineering, Ports and Port development every 2 years Guangzhou (China) Poly World Trade Expo Center Nov. 2026 (?)
INNOBATTrade fair of innovative products for the building industry every 2 years Biarritz (France) Halle d'Iraty Nov. 2026 (?)
INTEGRATEC BRASILLatin American exhibition & conference for Audiovisual Systems, Home Automation, Digital Signage and Unified Communications once a year São Paulo (Brazil) São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center Nov. 2026 (?)
INTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAIC CONFERENCEThe conference will be a unique chance to exchange and distribute knowledge for everything concerning the integration of PV. Emphasis will be on demonstrating integrated approaches of the many solutions in technology, engineering, design, and finance once a year Florence (Italy) Santa Apollonia Auditorium Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERBEAUTYInternational Exhibition of Cosmetic Products and Services. A meeting place for top professionals who present their skills in exhibition performances and competitions once a year Bratislava (Slovakia) Bratislava Exhibition Ground Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERCLASSICS BRUSSELSInternational Old-Timer Classic Car Show once a year Brussels (Belgium) Brussels Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERDYE PRINTING EURASIAInternational Exhibition dedicated to Dyestuff, Printing Inks, Pigments and Dyeing Technologies every 2 years Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERFOOD & DRINK BULGARIABulgarian International Food & Drink Exhibition. Food and Drinks, Organic Products, Additives, Machines and Technologies once a year Sofia (Bulgaria) Inter Expo Center Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERLEATHER & SHOES - SPAINDedicated to all products related to footwear sector, Intershoes Spain is an international event where exhibitors and buyers come together. Leather, Accessories & Machinery once a year Madrid (Spain) Casa de Campo Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERLIBERInternational Fair of Books and the Teaching Appliances once a year Zagreb (Croatia) Zagreb Fair Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERMAINTENANCEMeetings for solutions and innovations in Maintenance. INTERMAINTENANCE brings together all the players in the sector: equipment manufacturers, CMMS software publishers, augmented reality, remote maintenance, etc. once a year Lyon (France) Double Mixte, Lyon Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL APPAREL & TEXTILE FAIR DUBAIThe International Apparel & Textile Fair has evolved as a leading brand in the MENA region to source and showcase the best in textiles, fabric, footwear accessories and print from renowned mills across the globe twice a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Festival Arena by InterContinental Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL COMMODITY FAIRInternational Commodity Fair is an import-export project of quality consumer goods from the Ministry of Commerce of China. It aims at developing contacts between business representatives from Russia, China, Europe and Middle & Central Asia once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FAIR IN RUSSIA - MOSCOWInternational Education Fair in Russia. Students and parents alike are looking forward to finding out about opportunities to study abroad, making this event essential both for visitors and recruiters twice a year Moscow (Russia) Azimut Hotel Smolenskaya Moscow Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL GLASS SHOW - CAIROThe International Glass Show is the most prestigious glass industry event in the Middle East & Africa, a top regional meeting point that brings together leading manufacturers and decision-makers in the Glass Industry once a year Cairo (Egypt) Cairo International Convention & Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL MEGA FAIR - RIYADA business platform for Asia's industries to connect with buyers from Saudi Arabia and other regions in Middle East. Food & Beverage, Health & Wellness, Fragrance, Tourism, Build & Décor, Agricultural, Lifestyle, Automotive & Auto Parts, MICE Industry once a year Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Riyadh International Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL PAEDIATRIC MEDICAL CONGRESSInternational Paediatric Medical Congress on the subject of Promoting and Enhancing Quality and Evidence-Based Care for Children once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Movenpick Grand Al Bustan Dubai Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL POOL SPA PATIO EXPOThe International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo™, co-located with Deck Expo (PSP/Deck Expo) is where all segments of the industry (pool, spa, patio, decking, and outdoor living) gather to stay well-informed of the trends, market directions, and technology once a year Dallas, TX (USA) Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL POULTY FORUMForum for the management of poultry farming in Cremona. As part of the Cremona International Livestock Fairs once a year Cremona (Italy) Cremona Fiere Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL PRAGUE CAR FESTIVALPrague Motor Show. The largest exhibition in Central and Eastern Europe with a focus on tuning, motorsport, historic cars and motorcycles once a year Prague (Czech Republic) PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL SMART GRID EXPO - OSAKAInternational exhibition and conference specialized in all kinds of technologies and services related to Smart Grid once a year Osaka (Japan) Intex Osaka Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL SOURCING EXPO AUSTRALIAAustralia’s premier international sourcing show for apparel, accessories and textiles once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FAIRS - MOROCCO - CASABLANCAMoroccan exhibition of university course opportunities abroad once a year Casablanca (Morocco) Marriott Hotel, Casablanca Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERPACKEXPOInternational exhibition on Technologies and Equipment for the Packaging Industry and Warehousing once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre Nov. 2026 (?)
INTERPAEDAGOGICATrade Fair For Teaching Aids, School Equipment, Kindergarten, Fitness and Sports Equipment once a year ? Nov. 2026 (?)
INTURDomestic Tourism Fair in the Iberian Peninsula. Regions, autonomous communities, cities, provinces, villages encourage the public to discover the history, nature, gastronomy, traditions, cultural events that make up their territory once a year Valladolid (Spain) Feria de Valladolid Nov. 2026 (?)
INVESTIR DAYInvestment forum. Come and meet the actors of the financial markets: listed companies, management companies, brokers, cryptocurrency actors, economists, analysts, politicians... once a year Paris (France) Carrousel du Louvre Nov. 2026 (?)
IO CREOIO CREO is a fair dedicated to female creativity in Pordenone. Three days dedicated to the love of creativity and the handmade. Raw materials, accessories and tools for creativity and hobbies, as well as numerous courses and demonstrations once a year Pordenone (Italy) Pordenone Fiere Nov. 2026 (?)
IO-CREOThe fair dedicated to creativity and leisure for creatives from the north-east of Italy. Raw materials, accessories and tools for creativity, hobbies and beyond. Numerous courses and demonstrations for beginners and experienced enthusiasts once a year Pordenone (Italy) Pordenone Fiere Nov. 2026 (?)
IPEL SHOW - MASHHADIranian Trade show of Livestock, Poultry, Aquaculture, Veterinary and Related Industries once a year Mashhad (Iran) Mashad Fair Grounds Nov. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
Trade show calendar